Flesh and blood


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
I started off my morning by eating Christ's body and drinking his blood. A cracker and a shooter of elderberry cordial.

Anybody else? I love starting off my day with him.
Genesis 6:5 And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

Matthew 12

35 A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things.
36 But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.
37 For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.

Matthew 25:41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
So I'm guessing that you did not similarly start off your morning then. :plain:

You're missing out! :cloud9:
Genesis 6:5 And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

Matthew 12

35 A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things.
36 But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.
37 For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.

Matthew 25:41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.


TOL Subscriber
I started off my morning by eating Christ's body and drinking his blood. A cracker and a shooter of elderberry cordial.

Anybody else? I love starting off my day with him.
Christ is the head and the church (and I'm not talking the "Catholic church") is His Body (Ephesians 1:22-23 KJV). Christ is in the believer (Colossians 1:27 KJV) not a cracker.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
So I'm guessing that you did not similarly start off your morning then. :plain:

You're missing out! :cloud9:
Christ is the head and the church (and I'm not talking the "Catholic church") is His Body (Ephesians 1:22-23 KJV). Christ is in the believer (Colossians 1:27 KJV) not a cracker.


Well-known member
I started off my morning by eating Christ's body and drinking his blood. A cracker and a shooter of elderberry cordial.

Anybody else? I love starting off my day with him.

Started the day with the tamiyd-continual morning ascending prayer offering of my lips. Then opened the bread of the Word and partook of the bread of life, living waters, and Testimony of Yeshua, (which Testimony is the blood because he purchased that Testimony given him from above with his own blood and therefore purchased me if I have that Testimony tabernacling within me). :)


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
I partook of the bread and the cup this morning. :)

What is "the tamiyd-continual morning ascending prayer offering?"
Started the day with the tamiyd-continual morning ascending prayer offering of my lips. Then opened the bread of the Word and partook of the bread of life, living waters, and Testimony of Yeshua, (which Testimony is the blood because he purchased that Testimony given him from above with his own blood and therefore purchased me if I have that Testimony tabernacling within me). :)


Well-known member
I partook of the bread and the cup this morning. :)

What is "the tamiyd-continual morning ascending prayer offering?"

Ah, sorry about that, tamiyd is simply a word that means continual or perpetual. When using it this way it is mainly for my own good as it helps to ring the bells and pomegranates because of what things it is used for. Here are the first seven:

1) The tamiyd-continual shewbread, (bread of life) - Exodus 25:30
2) The beaten pure olive oil for the continually burning Menorah - Exodus 27:20
3) The breastplate of the twelve stones twelve tribes upon the heart - Exodus 28:29-30
4) The set apart name, "Holy to YHWH", upon the forehead of the priest - Exodus 28:38
5) The twice daily tamiyd-continual `olah-ascending offering by fire - Exodus 29:38-42
6) The incense offering upon the golden altar, (prayers of the saints) - Exodus 30:8
7) The fire upon the altar shall be tamiyd-continual and not go out - Leviticus 6:13

So if you have the continual shewbread of life, (Testimony of Yeshua, John 6:48-51) and the pure virgin oil olive beaten fine for your lamp, (the lamp which lights the inside of the body is the eye, Matthew 6:22) and the names of the twelve tribes and twelve apostles of the Lamb upon your heart in remembrance, and the name of the Father upon your forehead, (and yourself set apart as holy unto Him) and offer up your morning and evening ascending prayers tamiyd-continually, day by day, with the incense of the prayers of the holy ones united by the fire of immersion in Messiah, (Revelation 8:4) then surely the fire upon the altar of your heart will not go out. :)

Bradley D

Well-known member
Christ told His disciples to conduct the bread and wine ceremony in remembrance of His sacrifice upon the cross. Even though then the disciples were not sure of what Jesus spoke of. Paul also specified that the ceremony should be kept. Paul also criticized those who used the ceremony as a time to eat and get drunk (1 Cor. 11).

What is in ones heart when participating in the ceremony will be known by God.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Okay. First of all. What the censored is with the guy who gave me a red rep? "Into Joy." Yeah right! For the original post? Whatever. You said: No. You could have just said No without the red rep. It says something that you did it with the red rep.

I'm guessing you didn't partake of the bread and of the cup today either.

I did.

Second: I mixed the cordial with some water this morning and it was much nicer to drink Christ's blood if there's mixing with water. It makes me think of when he was speared on the cross by the Roman, and blood and water poured out of him: from the wound in his side.

He still has that wound on his glorified body now. The scars from the crucifixion survived resurrection, in other words. We'll have scars: can you imagine what Paul will look like? He may have a scar all the way around his neck from his beheading.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Are you Roman Catholic? :confused:
Ah, sorry about that, tamiyd is simply a word that means continual or perpetual. When using it this way it is mainly for my own good as it helps to ring the bells and pomegranates because of what things it is used for. Here are the first seven:

1) The tamiyd-continual shewbread, (bread of life) - Exodus 25:30
2) The beaten pure olive oil for the continually burning Menorah - Exodus 27:20
3) The breastplate of the twelve stones twelve tribes upon the heart - Exodus 28:29-30
4) The set apart name, "Holy to YHWH", upon the forehead of the priest - Exodus 28:38
5) The twice daily tamiyd-continual `olah-ascending offering by fire - Exodus 29:38-42
6) The incense offering upon the golden altar, (prayers of the saints) - Exodus 30:8
7) The fire upon the altar shall be tamiyd-continual and not go out - Leviticus 6:13

So if you have the continual shewbread of life, (Testimony of Yeshua, John 6:48-51) and the pure virgin oil olive beaten fine for your lamp, (the lamp which lights the inside of the body is the eye, Matthew 6:22) and the names of the twelve tribes and twelve apostles of the Lamb upon your heart in remembrance, and the name of the Father upon your forehead, (and yourself set apart as holy unto Him) and offer up your morning and evening ascending prayers tamiyd-continually, day by day, with the incense of the prayers of the holy ones united by the fire of immersion in Messiah, (Revelation 8:4) then surely the fire upon the altar of your heart will not go out. :)


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
I agree with everything you said here Bradley, thanks for posting! :)
Christ told His disciples to conduct the bread and wine ceremony in remembrance of His sacrifice upon the cross. Even though then the disciples were not sure of what Jesus spoke of. Paul also specified that the ceremony should be kept. Paul also criticized those who used the ceremony as a time to eat and get drunk (1 Cor. 11).

What is in ones heart when participating in the ceremony will be known by God.


I started off my morning by eating Christ's body and drinking his blood. A cracker and a shooter of elderberry cordial.

Anybody else? I love starting off my day with him.
The pagan idea of a blood sacrifice and the eating and drinking of the flesh and blood is not needed.

Jesus believed in repentance, not sacrifice.
He offered and granted salvation to many before he turned his face toward Jerusalem for the final time.
He talked of a God who desired "Mercy, not Sacrifice."
As a Jew he would have had nothing but disgust at the idea of the drinking of blood and eating of flesh--even in a metaphorical sense.

The theology of atonement was applied to Jesus's death long after it happened. The final theology was actually not worked out until some 900 years after the crucifixion by the Christian theologian Anselm of Canterbury.

And by the way, elderberry cordial sounds delicious. Go easy, guy!


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
The historical record is pretty clear on the fact that the earliest Christians (Idolaters of Christ) believed they were eating the flesh and drinking the blood of Christ. So: so do I. I think you're missing out: that you don't.

Also, the cordial is very nice. From Vermont. It was quite nice mixed with water this morning: I think I'll try that again.
The pagan idea of a blood sacrifice and the eating and drinking of the flesh and blood is not needed.

Jesus believed in repentance, not sacrifice.
He offered and granted salvation to many before he turned his face toward Jerusalem for the final time.
He talked of a God who desired "Mercy, not Sacrifice."
As a Jew he would have had nothing but disgust at the idea of the drinking of blood and eating of flesh--even in a metaphorical sense.

The theology of atonement was applied to Jesus's death long after it happened. The final theology was actually not worked out until some 900 years after the crucifixion by the Christian theologian Anselm of Canterbury.

And by the way, elderberry cordial sounds delicious. Go easy, guy!


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Hm: Well, some of the themes in your post reminded me of Roman Catholic imagery and processes: that's why I asked.

Thanks! :)
No, in this strange place I appear to be "other". :)

patrick jane

The historical record is pretty clear on the fact that the earliest Christians (Idolaters of Christ) believed they were eating the flesh and drinking the blood of Christ. So: so do I. I think you're missing out: that you don't.

Also, the cordial is very nice. From Vermont. It was quite nice mixed with water this morning: I think I'll try that again.

It truly is in remembrance -

Luke 22:19 KJV -

1 Corinthians 11:24 KJV - 1 Corinthians 11:25 KJV -


Well-known member
Hm: Well, some of the themes in your post reminded me of Roman Catholic imagery and processes: that's why I asked.

Thanks! :)

You're welcome, but why RC? Do they use too much scripture for your taste?

The historical record is pretty clear on the fact that the earliest Christians (Idolaters of Christ) believed they were eating the flesh and drinking the blood of Christ. So: so do I. I think you're missing out: that you don't.

That appears to be a bright shiny example of why my label here is "other". :)