Five Key Things Trump Needs to Do Well


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Keep out the Muslims. It is not only over terrorist concerns, more, it is the resistance to adopt to our western culture. They have proved themselves ill fit in Europe, there is no reason to expect any difference here.

Reduce corporate taxes to at least 20%. Donald trump has said he wants it at 15%, which would be better, but if he can get congress to go for 20%, let us take the deal now.

Simplify IRS taxes and cut the highest income tax bracket to 20%. The government should not be in the 'Robin hood' business.

Streamline global trade, rather than allowing it to stagnate. Any holder of mutual funds knows well, we live in a global economy. We need to preserve healthy trade relations.

A surprise to majority Republicans, it is more prudent to have better relations with Russia. We do not live in 'cold war' times.


Keep out the Muslims. It is not only over terrorist concerns, more, it is the resistance to adopt to our western culture. They have proved themselves ill fit in Europe, there is no reason to expect any difference here ...
"Ktoyou" should get with the new rationale that in the "People's Republic of Trump" the argument has now shifted from a placement of a ban on all Muslim immigration, as stated earlier in his campaign, to the more "politically correct' placement of a ban on immigration from 7 nations - all of whom just happen to be Muslim.

Team Trump is now with a straight face (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) stating vehemently that this should not be considered a ban targeting Muslims - despite the fact that its less politically astute supporters, like "Ktoyou," are openly stating their support for a ban on all Muslim immigration.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
"Ktoyou" should be aware that in the "People's Republic of Trump" the argument has now shifted from a placement a ban on Muslim immigration as stated earlier in the campaign, to the more "politically correct' placement of a ban on immigration those from 7 nations - all of whom just happen to be Muslim.

Team Trump is now stating with a straight face that this is not a Muslim ban, despite the fact that its supporters, like "Ktoyou," are openly stating its not so "hidden agenda!"

he hasn't banned indonesians, pakis or indians, the three countries with the largest muslim populations

and weren't you whining earlier about him not including saudi arabia on the ban list?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
If you make the case, Donald trump lacks the forthright of old Kat, you would be right.

Muslims are bad new because of who they are first, not what they might do. They have ingrained beliefs, contrary to western society. They would be better off locating to POLAND.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
he hasn't banned indonesians, pakis or indians, the three countries with the largest muslim populations

and weren't you whining earlier about him not including Saudi Arabia on the ban list?
We have too many workers in those countries. The real deal is stopping an influx of refuges.


he hasn't banned indonesians, pakis or indians, the three countries with the largest muslim populations

and weren't you whining earlier about him not including saudi arabia on the ban list?
These 7 Muslim nations listed are all easy targets - despite the fact that not one has been connected with a terrorist plot that has taken a life in America.

Countries like Saudi Arabia, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Pakistan, India, Turkey and Indonesia all have important trade and/or geopolitical significance that US foreign policy doesn't want to alienate.

Perhaps Trump is also considering placing a hotel and casino in them at some later date and doesn't want to burn his political bridges!


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
People are forgetting, we need that corporate tax cut coming in soon! If not, look for a financial sector dip in the coming weeks.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
These 7 Muslim nations listed are easy targets - despite the fact that not one of them has been connected to a terrorist has taken an American life.

Countries like Saudi Arabia, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Pakistan, India, Turkey and Indonesia all have important trade and/or geopolitical significance the the US foreign policy doesn't want to alienate.

Perhaps Trump is also considering placing a hotel and casino in them at some later date and doesn't want to burn his political bridges!

so you're admitting that you were full of crap when you argued that it was a "muslim ban"?



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Countries like Saudi Arabia, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Pakistan, India, Turkey and Indonesia all have important trade and/or geopolitical significance that US foreign policy doesn't want to alienate.

You are right about this part.


so you're admitting that you were full of crap when you argued that it was a "muslim ban"?

Trump is just trying to generate some "red meat" to satisfy the demands of his "Islamophobic" supporters, without totally alienating those major Muslim nations that the US still needs for economic and geopolitical purposes.

This has nothing to do with real security, just creating the illusion - the real directors of American's security and the head of the Joint Chiefs are no longer members of the president's National Security Council (NSC).

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Trump is just trying to generate some "red meat" to satisfy his "Islamophobic" supporters, without totally alienating the major Muslim nations that the US stills needs for economic and geopolitical purposes.

so trump's not necessarily racist, he may just be opportunistically appealing to his racist base?

:darwinsm: good one! :thumb:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
i wouldn't mind muslim immigration, as long as they left islam behind and became american


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I see the Muslim issue gets the attention. Is that because it has happened? The larger issue is tax reform!


New member
Keep out the Muslims. It is not only over terrorist concerns, more, it is the resistance to adopt to our western culture.

You're confused. Western culture includes the concept of religious freedom. You can't ban Muslims. It's un-American and illegal.

They have proved themselves ill fit in Europe, there is no reason to expect any difference here.

That's complete nonsense.

Reduce corporate taxes to at least 20%. Donald trump has said he wants it at 15%, which would be better, but if he can get congress to go for 20%, let us take the deal now.

Because the rich aren't rich enough? Because we like budget deficits?

How come so many of you conservatives are deficit hawks when Democrats are in office, but when Republicans are running things, you just spend, spend, spend?

Simplify IRS taxes and cut the highest income tax bracket to 20%. The government should not be in the 'Robin hood' business.

Again, why? Because the rich aren't rich enough?

Streamline global trade, rather than allowing it to stagnate. Any holder of mutual funds knows well, we live in a global economy. We need to preserve healthy trade relations.

So, you're against Trump on this one? You don't want him to renegotiate NAFTA, back out of the TPP, and start a trade war with China?

A surprise to majority Republicans, it is more prudent to have better relations with Russia. We do not live in 'cold war' times.

We'll be luck enough if we don't live in hot war times. What makes you think we should be friends with a man with so much blood on his hands?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I would mind them, they should all go to Germany, seems they cannot get enough of them.


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Keep out the Muslims. It is not only over terrorist concerns, more, it is the resistance to adopt to our western culture.
Except we've had plenty of examples of Westernized Muslims. Turkey is a secular government run by and a country mostly populated by Muslims. Beyond that, the Muslims you find in Western cultures, in fairly short order, support Western institutions. To keep out people because of their faith would be so contrary to our principles as a country of immigrants who often left their native lands to escape religious persecution and proscription as to undo something integral to our character as a people.

They have proved themselves ill fit in Europe, there is no reason to expect any difference here.
You have to distinguish between sudden influxes of refugees with normal immigration.

Reduce corporate taxes to at least 20%. Donald trump has said he wants it at 15%, which would be better, but if he can get congress to go for 20%, let us take the deal now.
Corporations will love you, but we managed one of our greatest industrial boom periods during a time when corporate taxes were higher than they are now. The problem is greed, not taxes. And there's another way to handle it. Put a cap on profits. If the captains of current industry don't care for it let them go elsewhere and I promise you there will be ample replacements who will find being rich sufficient motivation.

Simplify IRS taxes and cut the highest income tax bracket to 20%. The government should not be in the 'Robin hood' business.
The government isn't. And the rich pay laughably low taxes, on average lower than the middle class. That said, if you want the rich to pay their fair share tax luxury goods. Consumption taxes (not on essentials) can fill the coffers and put a lot of tax attorneys out of business. A win/win.

Streamline global trade, rather than allowing it to stagnate. Any holder of mutual funds knows well, we live in a global economy. We need to preserve healthy trade relations.
Sure, though those have to be fair for everyone and not merely better for the other guy.

A surprise to majority Republicans, it is more prudent to have better relations with Russia. We do not live in 'cold war' times.
You think they'll be surprised? An alliance with a country containing its resources makes a great deal of sense, provided we can trust them or failing that have sufficient verification that they'll live up to their end of an economic alliance.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
You're confused. Western culture includes the concept of religious freedom. You can't ban Muslims. It's un-American and illegal.

That's complete nonsense.

Because the rich aren't rich enough? Because we like budget deficits?

How come so many of you conservatives are deficit hawks when Democrats are in office, but when Republicans are running things, you just spend, spend, spend?

Again, why? Because the rich aren't rich enough?

So, you're against Trump on this one? You don't want him to renegotiate NAFTA, back out of the TPP, and start a trade war with China?

We'll be luck enough if we don't live in hot war times. What makes you think we should be friends with a man with so much blood on his hands?

Yes, the rich are not rich enough to keep the USA at full employment.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
I see the Muslim issue gets the attention. Is that because it has happened? The larger issue is tax reform!
The amount of taxing the government does from income tax to property tax to sales tax to inheritance tax, and on to licence fees, registration fees, permit fees ........................................ and on and on and on to the point of absurdity, OUR GOVERNMENT HAS BECOME A DEN OF THIEVES looking for any excuse to drain you dry.