first Law of Commander-in-Chief: ignore lefties


New member
]As per a thought i just posted in the Liberal Lies thread:

It is a falsity that liberals are against war

HUGE lie. They are really greatly in favor of war. Why do I say that?

They complained during the Viet Nam war... ("Oh my, killing and bloodshed... we cannot accept war!")

and the stupid people in WA listened to them.. not the generals and other military people who.. HELLLLLOOOOO(!!!) are the ones who could actually... HELLLOOOOOOOO (!!)

win the war...

imagine that... politicians cannot win wars, but the military can..

Whodda Thunk it?

anyway, where was I... Oh, yeh...

Liberals and war.. Yeh, they believe in war b/c.. their actions ... you can look @ their actions... They are always trying to PROLONG conflicts...

If the US would just forget about the loonie lefties and fight a war the way wars are supposed to be fought... We would have won in Viet Nam.. Communism would have been significantly curtailed in that region, less vietnamese would have lost their lives... and

Iraq.. pretty much Ditto

But President It'sImmoral2WinWars

RE Iraq

had the brilliant idea to pull ALL US forces out of that country




New member
Not worried about it, in the least.

Philippians 1:21 (KJV)

I'm sure you're not. You don't live in the middle east

the whole reason ISIS came to have such power and sway overthat region is.. people like you

who don't believe in arming themselves.. the people in charge certainly didn't want to arm the citizens..

but you likely think those citizens should just submit to being killed...

in the name of Jesus..

Well, maybe you can recall that the Church had the Crusades (another lied about historical event) against the Muslims.. not that everything Catholics do is right... not hardly, but the POPE ordered the Crusades..

the head of the Christian Church believed that there is a time for fighting..

If we don't fight these demonic forces, guess what? the whole world will be demonic... and with their love of murder, in X number of decades, there will also be no more world to worry about

lovely. Well, that is your choice. Fortunately you are outnumbered by those of us who love life and do not believe in letting evil propagate and take over

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
I'm sure you're not. You don't live in the middle east

the whole reason ISIS came to have such power and sway overthat region is.. people like you

who don't believe in arming themselves.. the people in charge certainly don't want to arm the citizens..

but you likely think those citizens should just submit to being killed...

in the name of Jesus..

Well, maybe you can recall that the Church had the Crusades (another lied about historical event) against the Muslims.. not that everything Catholics do is right... not hardly, but the POPE ordered the Crusades..

the head of the Christian Church believed that there is a time for fighting..

If we don't fight these demonic forces, guess what? the whole world will be demonic... and with their love of murder, in X number of decades, there will also be no more world to worry about

lovely. Well, that is your choice. Fortunately you are outnumbered by those of us who love life and do not believe in letting evil propagate and take over

Why don't you obey this?

Col 3:2 (KJV)


New member
There are no godly governments on this planet. Only a kingdom ruled by Jesus Christ is godly.

right, so b/c the US gov is imperfect

we should let demoniacs murder us -- and just about everyone else

leaving only about 100 people left on Earth in a decade or so..


Moron City


SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
right, so b/c the US gov is imperfect

we should let demoniacs murder us -- and just about everyone else

leaving only about 100 people left on Earth in a decade or so..


Moron City


There you go, insulting people.

There are no godly governments. You know it's true.
Yet you want there to be a godly government, without the Lord Jesus present on earth. This is anti Christ, FYI.