First Language:


New member
Every Language that exists today came from the very - “(( Same Language ))”, - the Very “First Language”. -- The very first language that ever existed began when - Someone first heard what the Laws of the Universe said about “Something” and he tried to convey that to other fools. Those fools also expressed their own thoughts contrary to the Hearing of the Laws. - Thus, the beginning of false doctrines by those fools / the doctrine of Lies / Satan / “ERROR”!!!

There is no Language today that did not Come from the very “First Language”. – Hatred and Division separated the Languages. -- Meanings and additions to the “Separated Languages” differed slightly and grew into more divisions and more definitions / defining of accepted Lies of the others, thus more Languages. -- The Laws of the Universe have NEVER Changed Its / His meaning of how the Universe works, and have existed throughout the many thousands of years until this time in you all’s languages.

In the latter years, the Language of the Universe / the Language of the Laws / God has been called the Language of the Angels by the Language of the Law / God.
American, English, Canadian, French, Hebrew, Greek, German, Indian, Russian, Mexican, Spanish, Cuban, and all the rest of the different speaking people were divided through their differing Languages and LIES.

All simple elements have just one “dimension of comprehending” of the Laws / God. -- All plants have a two “dimensional comprehension” of the Laws / God. – Man has a three “dimensional comprehension” of the Laws / God, --- The Laws / God IS The ( Four Dimensional Comprehension )!!!!!!!

The Russian Dog does not understand the American language of training, - but all dogs, - and all animals; - land, sea, and air - from all nations understand what the Laws of the Universe say to Them. (( Even all Plant Life hears the Law / God )). – Thus, the Language of the Universe / Laws / God has No Beginning, - just a beginning of Hearing and understanding, and the attempt to convey the thoughts of the man. --- (( TODAY MAN )): --- ( Romans 3:10-12 KJV ) ---- (((( SEE!! – You’ll have to ((( look it up ))), -- because What God says is not important any longer HERE ))))!!!!!!!

Paul – 030914
There was a first language, but none of the languages used today can be traced back to that language.
New languages did not evolve from a primary language because of division and hatred.
It was the world wide replacement of the original language with a multitude of new languages that caused division.

Genesis 11:6-9
6 And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.
7 Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech.
8 So the Lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city.
9 Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the Lord did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the Lord scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.​



Well-known member
There was no single original language. Humans had already spread far beyond each other's sphere of influence by the time language as we understand that term, developed. But the impulse from which it developed was certainly universal, and love was very likely one of those universal impulses. Fear and need, perhaps, being some others.


New member
Every Language that exists today came from the very - “(( Same Language ))”, - the Very “First Language”. -- The very first language that ever existed began when - Someone first heard what the Laws of the Universe said about “Something” and he tried to convey that to other fools. Those fools also expressed their own thoughts contrary to the Hearing of the Laws. - Thus, the beginning of false doctrines by those fools / the doctrine of Lies / Satan / “ERROR”!!!

There is no Language today that did not Come from the very “First Language”. – Hatred and Division separated the Languages. -- Meanings and additions to the “Separated Languages” differed slightly and grew into more divisions and more definitions / defining of accepted Lies of the others, thus more Languages. -- The Laws of the Universe have NEVER Changed Its / His meaning of how the Universe works, and have existed throughout the many thousands of years until this time in you all’s languages.

In the latter years, the Language of the Universe / the Language of the Laws / God has been called the Language of the Angels by the Language of the Law / God.
American, English, Canadian, French, Hebrew, Greek, German, Indian, Russian, Mexican, Spanish, Cuban, and all the rest of the different speaking people were divided through their differing Languages and LIES.

All simple elements have just one “dimension of comprehending” of the Laws / God. -- All plants have a two “dimensional comprehension” of the Laws / God. – Man has a three “dimensional comprehension” of the Laws / God, --- The Laws / God IS The ( Four Dimensional Comprehension )!!!!!!!

The Russian Dog does not understand the American language of training, - but all dogs, - and all animals; - land, sea, and air - from all nations understand what the Laws of the Universe say to Them. (( Even all Plant Life hears the Law / God )). – Thus, the Language of the Universe / Laws / God has No Beginning, - just a beginning of Hearing and understanding, and the attempt to convey the thoughts of the man. --- (( TODAY MAN )): --- ( Romans 3:10-12 KJV ) ---- (((( SEE!! – You’ll have to ((( look it up ))), -- because What God says is not important any longer HERE ))))!!!!!!!

Paul – 030914

I suspect when Jesus said "Consider the lilies of the field..." he was getting at something like that.
What God says is very important to me.


New member
Every Language that exists today came from the very - “(( Same Language ))”, - the Very “First Language”. -- The very first language that ever existed began when - Someone first heard what the Laws of the Universe said about “Something” and he tried to convey that to other fools. Those fools also expressed their own thoughts contrary to the Hearing of the Laws. - Thus, the beginning of false doctrines by those fools / the doctrine of Lies / Satan / “ERROR”!!!

There is no Language today that did not Come from the very “First Language”. – Hatred and Division separated the Languages. -- Meanings and additions to the “Separated Languages” differed slightly and grew into more divisions and more definitions / defining of accepted Lies of the others, thus more Languages. -- The Laws of the Universe have NEVER Changed Its / His meaning of how the Universe works, and have existed throughout the many thousands of years until this time in you all’s languages.

In the latter years, the Language of the Universe / the Language of the Laws / God has been called the Language of the Angels by the Language of the Law / God.
American, English, Canadian, French, Hebrew, Greek, German, Indian, Russian, Mexican, Spanish, Cuban, and all the rest of the different speaking people were divided through their differing Languages and LIES.

All simple elements have just one “dimension of comprehending” of the Laws / God. -- All plants have a two “dimensional comprehension” of the Laws / God. – Man has a three “dimensional comprehension” of the Laws / God, --- The Laws / God IS The ( Four Dimensional Comprehension )!!!!!!!

The Russian Dog does not understand the American language of training, - but all dogs, - and all animals; - land, sea, and air - from all nations understand what the Laws of the Universe say to Them. (( Even all Plant Life hears the Law / God )). – Thus, the Language of the Universe / Laws / God has No Beginning, - just a beginning of Hearing and understanding, and the attempt to convey the thoughts of the man. --- (( TODAY MAN )): --- ( Romans 3:10-12 KJV ) ---- (((( SEE!! – You’ll have to ((( look it up ))), -- because What God says is not important any longer HERE ))))!!!!!!!

Paul – 030914

In "Response" to the first 5 or so "Ignorant and meaningless" responses!!

The things written in the Bible are ( Nothing ) but ((( PARABLES!!! ))) of the Unseen "Spirit of the Word". -- Read it!!! - In other words, the Spiritual BLIND cannot SEE the "Spirit of the WORD"!!! -- You All!!!

Love is not a Langiage. -- Love is an Action / an "ACTION" of pity, by ( Grace )!!! -- Read that TOO!!!

The rest of the Foolishness is nothing but rejection without Reason and Knowledge of the LAW / GOD!!!! -- I gave reason and history, not "Parables"!!!!

You all are divided by your divided languages in "ALL" your (( Divisions ))!!!!

Paul -- 030914


Well-known member

I appreciate your earnestness, honestly, but I do hope that you're able to relax, sometimes. I've always felt that if God could send humanity one single message, that message would be "Relax, and know that I am".


New member

I appreciate your earnestness, honestly, but I do hope that you're able to relax, sometimes. I've always felt that if God could send humanity one single message, that message would be "Relax, and know that I am".



New member

I appreciate your earnestness, honestly, but I do hope that you're able to relax, sometimes. I've always felt that if God could send humanity one single message, that message would be "Relax, and know that I am".

No, this is what ((( GOD ))) Said!!!

( Matthew 10:17-20 KJV ) -- 17- “But (( beware of men )): for they will deliver you up to the councils, and they will scourge you in their synagogues;
18-And ye shall be brought before governors and kings (( for my sake, for a testimony against them and the Gentiles )).
19- But when they deliver you up, (( take no thought how or what ye shall speak )): ((( for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak ))).
20- (( For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you ))”. --//-----

Paul – 030914


New member
Ostensive definition.



These are universal.

( Matthew 13:34 KJV ) – 34- “All these things spake Jesus unto the multitude in (( Parables )); and ( Without a Parable spake He not unto them )”. --//-----

This Thread is about the History of Language from the first Language, - Not Your Foolish Satanic Arrogance!!! – Or do you all Not Know Anything???

You all are “Proud” / “Arrogant” of your ~~~knowledge~ of your ~Trigonometric ~wisdom; - but none of you have any idea of the Truth of God’s – (( “Quadrametrics” )).
((( Ephesians 3:18 KJV ))) -- 18- “May ( be able to comprehend ) ( with all Saints ) (( what is the Breadth, and Length , and Depth, -- “AND” )) Height )”. --//----
God created a “Quadrametrical Universe”, not a Trigonometrical Universe!!!

Paul – 020914


( Matthew 13:34 KJV ) – 34- “All these things spake Jesus unto the multitude in (( Parables )); and ( Without a Parable spake He not unto them )”. --//-----

This Thread is about the History of Language from the first Language, - Not Your Foolish Satanic Arrogance!!! – Or do you all Not Know Anything???

You all are “Proud” / “Arrogant” of your ~~~knowledge~ of your ~Trigonometric ~wisdom; - but none of you have any idea of the Truth of God’s – (( “Quadrametrics” )).
((( Ephesians 3:18 KJV ))) -- 18- “May ( be able to comprehend ) ( with all Saints ) (( what is the Breadth, and Length , and Depth, -- “AND” )) Height )”. --//----
God created a “Quadrametrical Universe”, not a Trigonometrical Universe!!!

Paul – 020914
Palindromes. A racecar is a racecar, whether as a platitude, or as a palindrome.



Ostensive definition.



These are universal.

Palindromes. A racecar is a racecar, whether as a platitude, or as a palindrome.


Well Lion I kind of expected her to turn on you, even when you showed her a modicum of's kind of her modus operandi. :chuckle:

BTW, it is against forum rules to link or redirect to another forum, just a friendly hint to keep you out of trouble with the mods.
A Latin phrase, literally meaning a mode of operation: what you do, and how you do what you do. You either drive a car or you don't, and if you do, perhaps you drive the speed limit, always use the directionals and buckle up, are careful with high-beams, etc., this is your modus operandi or MO, which is spelled em-oh, or just emoh.

Which is a palindrome of home.

A jigsaw puzzle. The famous blue marble, our home, the world. On the reverse side is a picture of a human being. If the human being is right, then the world will be right. On the flip side of the human being is the home emoh. If the home emoh, then the human being will be right, then the world will be right.
