Fiorina on ineptitude/insanity RE government


New member
In pg 67 of Fiorina's book Rising to the Challenge, published this year, Fiorina speaks of the illogic of how government works as opposed to how private business works:

Imagine a business... that asks for and [always] receives more money each year... now imagine that this same business has no metrics for performance... [no] penalties for nonperformance. This business has no competitors and the customers... have no choices. [F]inally, imagine a business that cannot tell investors where their money is going or how it is being spent. As taxpayers and citizens... we are both investors in governemnt and customers of it.

Outside of government, no investor or customer would tolerate such a situation. They would demand accountability, transparency and performance--and so should we.



New member
no one wants to talk about Fiorina today, only female candidate who makes sense?

well, you know, there really is a bias against females in this country... (why wouldn't there be one here on the forums?)

but she has made it to the top.. so it just goes to show that as bad as that bias can be...

This is America!

wouldn't it be so cool to have her as president... a real slap in the face for those Muslim misogynists who think women are good for only one thing
