Feel the Love Tonight? Rick Warren, Elton John Hold Hands, Joke About Kissing...


[Feel the Love Tonight? Rick Warren, Elton John Hold Hands, Joke About Kissing Before AIDS Panel by Heather Clark Washington] "Controversial megachurch leader and author Rick Warren raised concerns Wednesday after joining hands with homosexual singer Elton John during a speech before a congressional hearing on AIDS funding, and joked what would happen if the two kissed.

“It would be the kiss heard ’round the world,” he said.

Photographs show the two raising their hands as they sat down to the witness table and laughing as Warren issued the caution to John. The incident drew concerns from Christians across the country.

“Elton John, the man who has worn more wigs and dresses than Marilyn Monroe, we expect this from. But Rick Warren claims to be a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ,” wrote Geoffrey Grider of Now the End Begins.

“Here was his perfect opportunity to lovingly and graciously tell not only Elton John, but all of Congress, that without being born again they will die and go to a Devil’s Hell. But instead, he holds hands with a gay man, and jokes about kissing him,” he said.

Warren, the leader of the nearly 20,000 member Saddleback Church, is known for his best-selling book “The Purpose Driven Life.” Elton John, a world-renowned singer recognized for his hits “Candle in the Wind,” “Rocket Man” and “Can You Feel the Love Tonight?” from the film “The Lion King,” is also known for his same-sex “marriage” to his partner David Furnish.

Warren, who believes that homosexual behavior is sinful, has raised concerns in the past for other statements made about homosexuality, including omitting any instruction that men must repent of homosexual behavior in order to be saved.

As previously reported, in 2012, during an interview with the Huffington Post, Marc Lamont Hill asked Warren if he believes homosexuals will go to Hell. Warren replied that they will not.

“No, not because they’re gay,” he said. “We go to Hell because we choose to reject the grace of God.”

When Hill asked what happens to a homosexual that accepts Jesus, Warren responded enthusiastically.

“He’s going to Heaven!” he declared. “Without a doubt...” Full text: Feel the Love Tonight? Rick Warren, Elton John Hold Hands, Joke About Kissing Before AIDS Panel

Homosexuality is: forbidden (Lev. 18:22), considered an abomination (1 Kin. 14:24), punishment for (Lev. 20:13), unclean (Rom. 1:24, 26, 27). :vomit:


New member
u Protestants and your simplistic way of looking at Scripture and "Church" (and Jesus)

No protestnat will ever know Jesus as he should be known w/o being in the Church that HE founded

so i am not suprrised one bit by this pastor's actions

maybe he ought to peruse 1 Corinthians and other passages..

"Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers"

"How can 2 walk togetherwhen they disagree"

and etc...

When i am around people sold out to egregious sin (the devil) i mysefl...?

i get the heebie jeebies

this reminds of a part in an O'Reilly book (Bill O) where Bill said he had to ride with Elton John (can't remember why) is a car.. He asked Elton a question... the guy couldn't even seem to answer... just... was quiet.. And then he gave some unintellible answer that i cannot now recall, but it is one of O'Reilly's last books... It was just downright WEIRD the wway Elton J reacted ..

the demons in him didn't like O'Reilly, i suspect (the latter's Catholic-ness)



this reminds of a part in an O'Reilly book (Bill O)

...[W]here Bill said he had to ride with Elton John (can't remember why) is a car.. He asked Elton a question... the guy couldn't even seem to answer... just... was quiet.. And then he gave some unintellible answer that i cannot now recall, but it is one of O'Reilly's last books... It was just downright WEIRD the wway Elton J reacted ..

the demons in him didn't like O'Reilly, i suspect (the latter's Catholic-ness)

:eek:linger: Demons love the Catholicism of Porn'O and Warren. :devil: Jud 11 :burnlib:


No Idolatry & False Teaching


it is so stupid to accuse some1 of watching porn when u have no evidence to give or refuse to give it

just stupid (no, wait, it is worse than stupid, it is immoral)_

The only reason he stopped playing his B-role was because he was sued.

You have :eek:linger: a picture of the pope on your wall. :freak: Have one of Porn'O, too? :smokie:
