Federal Judge Rules Wisconsin School District Must Allow Girl in Boys’ Restroom ..


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Federal Judge Rules Wisconsin School District Must Allow Girl in Boys’ Restroom While Lawsuit Proceeds

MILWAUKEE, Wisc. — A federal judge has issued a temporary injunction against a Wisconsin school district, ordering officials to allow a female student who identifies as a boy to use the boys’ restroom while her case moves forward in court.

“There’s no question that Ash has already suffered harm and has had physical repercussions from the policy as well as emotional repercussions,” U.S. District Judge Pamela Pepper, nominated to the bench by Barack Obama, wrote on Tuesday.

As previously reported, Ashton Whitaker, 16, sued the Kenosha Unified School District No. 1 and Superintendent Sue Savaglio-Jarvis in July for being denied use of the boys’ restroom and for continuing to be referred to by her feminine name. Her attorneys contend the acts violate Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and the Equal Protection Clause of the U.S. Constitution.

Whitaker’s complaint, filed by the Transgender Law Center and Relman, Dane and Colfax PLLC, alleges that officials at Tremper High School told her that she must either use the girls’ restroom or a single occupancy restroom in the school office.

The following year, she surreptitiously began using the boys’ restroom, but was spotted by a teacher months later and again instructed to use the girls’ restroom or the lavatory in the office.

Whitaker then sought to avoid using the restroom at all at school, but said that limiting her fluids caused medical issues. She continued, however, to use the boys’ restroom at school in defiance of the district policy.

In July, she filed suit against the district to gain entry into her preferred restroom.

My peers and many of my teachers know me as a boy, and have been incredibly supportive,” Whitaker said in a statement released by the Transgender Law Center. “But the school administrators have made my life miserable every school day since this spring, when they told me I could no longer use the boys’ restrooms, which I’d been using with the support of my classmates for months.”

The district sought to have the suit dismissed, asserting that Title IX does not apply to those who struggle with gender dysphoria, but rather entails discrimination in education programs based on a person’s sex.

But Judge Pepper rejected the request for dismissal on Monday, opining that Whitaker’s case met the standard for a Title IX claim. The following day, she placed a temporary injunction on the school’s restroom policy while Whitaker’s suit moves forward in court.

“For the first time this year, I feel like I can actually make it through my senior year of high school just like any other boy in my class,” Whitaker said in a statement. “It’s awful going to school every day with the constant stress and stigma from being segregated from my peers and from administrators watching my every move just because of who I am.”

But the Kenosha Unified School District vowed to appeal both decisions.

“The district is disappointed with the court’s decision to grant an injunction. Nevertheless, the district is bound by the court’s order,” district attorney Ronald Stadler remarked in a statement. “This order only affects the plaintiff in this case and the district will continue with all policies and procedures that were in place prior to the case for all other students. The district, like many others in the nation, looks forward to the final decision in this case.”

Whitaker had previously fought her school district for prohibiting her from running for prom king. Officials relented in the matter.

I hope all those parents take their kids out - protesting is not just for liberal nutjobs.


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And another federal judge out of control:

Federal Judge Orders School District to Treat Male Who Identifies as Female ‘as the Girl She Is’

MARENGO, Ohio — A federal judge ordered an Ohio school district on Monday to treat a male elementary school student who identifies as female “as the girl she is,” including allowing him to use the girls restroom and referring to the child with feminine pronouns.

“The court orders school district officials to treat Jane Doe as the girl she is, including referring to her by female pronouns and her female name and allowing her to use the girls’ restroom at Highland Elementary School,” wrote Judge Algenon Marbley, nominated to the bench by then-President Bill Clinton.

The matter centers around an 11-year-old student at Highland Elementary School in Marengo. His name has not been released because he is a minor.

The child was diagnosed with gender dysphoria by mental health professionals at age 4, and his parents were advised that he “socially transition” as means to treat his condition. By the time he completed kindergarten, his parents asked Principal Shawn Winkelfoos to allow the boy to use the girls’ restroom and have school records reflect his “chosen name and correct gender marker.”

But Winkelfoos declined the request and advised that the child could use the unisex staff restroom, citing the district policies. He again did so the following year.

The child’s parents assert that the boy suffered from depression over the arrangement, and in 2014, he was admitted to the hospital after having suicidal thoughts. They later filed a complaint with the federal Office of Civil Rights (OCR), and also took the matter to Superintendent William Dodds, who saw nothing improper with the child using the staff restroom. The Board of Education voted similarly.

Last August, the child attempted suicide, but the school states that he exhibited no anger issues while at school and that counselors had sought to help him with an eating disorder and other health issues.

In March of this year, OCR that the district was in violation of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. It sought through a resolution agreement to force officials to allow the boy to use the girls’ restroom, but the district refused and instead filed suit.

In the meantime, the OCR sent the district a letter advising that it would initiate proceedings to either “suspend, terminate, or refuse to grant or continue financial assistance to the district or refer the case to the U.S. Department of Justice for judicial proceedings.”

On Monday, Judge Marbley sided with the parents, issuing a preliminary injunction while the case moves forward in court.

“The stigma and isolation Jane feels when she is singled out and forced to use a separate bathroom contribute to and exacerbate her mental-health challenges,” he wrote. “This is a clear case of irreparable harm to an eleven-year-old girl.”

The district has already filed a notice of its intent to appeal.

“Schools have a duty to protect the privacy, safety, and dignity of all students, but the judge’s order today doesn’t allow the Highland Local School District to do that,” said Legal Counsel Doug Wardlow of Alliance Defending Freedom, which is representing the district in court.

“Allowing boys in girls’ restrooms completely disregards the privacy needs and rights of all the girls who are rightfully and understandably concerned,” he stated. “The school district must consider them as well, and that’s why it crafted a sound policy which respects the privacy concerns of all children and at the same time respects the diverse needs of individual children.”

Hes not a she no matter how much he wants to be, and coddling mental illness is wrong.

Should they install fire hydrants in the kids bathrooms too, to accommodate the children who wish they were dogs in grade school?


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Good, let them have front row tickets to that mistake. I think it's time we just let these places figure it out on their own how dumb people are advocating such things.

I think a straight chick needs to walk in and claim shes feeling male that day, and stand there and laugh at the guys at the urinals. I bet this would be changing back right quick then.