Fed up with Christians getting a bad wrap!


New member
My one brother is liberal and hates organized ones religions. He thinks Christians are all sexist and homophobic and judgmental because we don’t believe in abortion or gay marriage. This makes me so angry and frustrated Bc I believe that’s what the world thinks of us.

Just because we think killing a potential baby is wrong doesn’t mean we’re terrible and don’t believe in women’s rights. Just because we believe marriage is between a man and a women doesn’t mean we hate gays or are homophobic!

All I hear is how bad and judgmental Christians are and how people always talk about the “bad” things we do. But what about the amazing things we do? The things we do that we should all take pride in like helping people! Like when any natural disaster happens, churches pull together and either help by volunteering or by donating money! What about all the money we donate, or the time we spend volunteering, going on missions trips, praying for the people! Why doesn’t we ever hear about that!

I finally told my brother off. That he hasn’t volunteered once in his life, donated money once in his life and he thinks just because he believes in gay marriage that he’s better than Christians! He has no idea what we have done and who we have helped around the world in the name of Jesus.

Every church I have ever been to focuses on helping the community or a good cause. We are not just traditional people with “crazy” beliefs, we are the hands and feet of God. We actually get out there and help people.


New member
Hey Katie.... I would say your brother is partially correct. We Christians sometimes can be too judgemental and use the Bible as a hammer. Instead, we should 'be prepared to give an answer for our faith with gentleness and respect'.

EXAMPLE... let's think of Jesus how He treated the woman caught in adultery, with love. Can we Christians treat the abortion issue the same way? Yes, we believe abortion is wrong, but can we be sensitive on the issue? Can we show compassion and love to the woman, rather than making her feel guilty? (and making her dig her heels in, and feel we are hateful).

It's not easy to answer in love... I often fail, but lets look at Jesus and try be more like Him.


Hall of Fame
My one brother is liberal and hates organized ones religions. He thinks Christians are all sexist and homophobic and judgmental because we don’t believe in abortion or gay marriage. This makes me so angry and frustrated Bc I believe that’s what the world thinks of us..

:think: Some are what your brother sees them as ... some are not. I guess it would depend on whether one is willing to speak out against those they consider to be one of their own when they are on the wrong side of a moral issue. I see a lot of tit-for-tat going on ... Christians judging non-Christians and non-Christians judging Christians.


Well-known member
I know it's hard but get used to it Katie:

Luke 12
49“I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled! 50But I have a baptism to undergo, and what constraint I am under until it is completed! 51Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division. 52From now on there will be five in one family divided against each other, three against two and two against three. 53They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.”

Can't wait for that fire. :)