Fauci: No science behind lock downs

Gary K

New member
As we conservatives have been saying here the damage done by lockdowns is far greater than any benefits. Now even Fauci is saying lockdowns are not supported by any science at all. They are a scam dedicated to destroying the US economy, the middle class, and destroying the mental health of millions of people.

This entire scam is starting to fall apart at the seams. Lies always do. The serious side effects from these purported vaccines are beginning to show up. The tragedy and horror that is yet to come is going to come from serious side effects such as ALS, Lou Gerhig's disease, prion diseases, etc.... Sherri Tenpenny who has 40,000 hours into researching vaccines says no one should take one of these shots for any reason. She actually refuses to call them a vaccine because they aren't. I feel sorry for those of you who actually actually taken one of these shots.



Well-known member
There has never been any science behind lockdowns. From the very beginning, it was silly.

The people who continue to support lockdowns have clearly identified themselves as morons.

You quarantine those who are ill, not those who are well. You protect those who are susceptible - not those who are not. It's not rocket science.

Right Divider

Body part
There has never been any science behind lockdowns. From the very beginning, it was silly.

The people who continue to support lockdowns have clearly identified themselves as morons.

You quarantine those who are ill, not those who are well. You protect those who are susceptible - not those who are not. It's not rocket science.
To normal people, that is just common sense.
To others "lockdowns" are "common sense".


Well-known member
"Anthony Fauci admitted that there is no scientific reason why people who have had the COVID vaccine are still having their freedoms restricted."


Well-known member

Mr Senger said Xi Jinping’s philosophy was the same hybrid of health and security policy which inspired the re-education of millions of Uighur Muslims in concentration camps.

“This is the exact same policy that inspired his lockdown of Wuhan ... there was actually no science behind it,” he said.

“The WHO explicitly says that says lockdowns are completely new to science, completely unprecedented and have no scientific literature behind them before XI Jinping ordered them,” he said.

Some people are inspired by science while others are morons who are inspired by Winnie the Pooh. Isn't it interesting that the morons don't just point to a global lockdown in the past which worked? Is it because there is no precedent for this Winnie the Pooh action?


Well-known member

Public health director Dr. Horacio Arruda said the curfew is part of a series of measures aimed at reducing the possibility of gatherings and of contact between people. “There’s no science that can tell you what measure will have what percentage effect,” he told reporters.

Some morons insist that Winnie the Pooh is right.


Well-known member
The only measure “we know” will work “is washing your hands is good for you and good for others when you’re in epidemic, but the rest, like border closures, school closures, social distancing, there’s almost no science behind most of these,” argued Giesecke.

In the end, the leading epidemiologist said, most democratized nations will have similar outcomes with regard to deaths, lockdown or not. Lockdowns, he argued, are unsustainable and could have serious political consequences, highlighting Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who recently made a controversial power grab citing the virus.



Well-known member

This past week, Dr. Anthony Fauci shared a platform with a Chinese Communist Party “health expert,” and it went largely unreported by any Western media outlets. Chinese state media, on the other hand, could not get enough of it, because Fauci delivered a propaganda coup for the communist regime in Beijing. Countless state media outlets and CCP official praised the co-panelists for endorsing the endless amounts of anti-American propaganda shared during the event, which included demanding more devastating draconian restrictions in order to “combat” COVID-19.

Some people really like Winnie the Pooh.