Father of Victim Thanks Oprah

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Father of Victim Thanks Oprah

This is the show from Monday April 4th, 2009.


* Decision made permanent to not air Columbine program: Bob Enyart and ARTL president Brian Rohrbough discuss today's development regarding the Oprah Winfrey program.

DENVER, May 4 -- "I want to publicly thank Oprah Winfrey for now making her decision permanent to not air her Columbine anniversary show originally scheduled to air on April 20th, 2009," said Brian Rohrbough. The father of slain student Daniel Rohrbough today was notified of this decision by one of the show's producers. "Several of the victims' families opposed this show, including ours, and I specifically told the producer that the appearance of Jefferson County investigator Kate Battan would hurt the victims' families. Battan lied under oath in court, to the public, and to those who lost children. She lied about what happened, when it happened, how it happened and what she knew leading up to the crimes at Columbine."

"To Oprah's credit, she heeded the warnings, among them that Kate Battan lied and denied the existence of the Harris search warrant application," said Rohrbough. "It has been publicly documented that she herself actually gathered the information for that search warrant, which, if responsibly executed, would likely have prevented the murders. Oprah was right to cancel a program that presented Kate Battan as a reliable expert when, beyond gross negligence, she is one of the officials who lied to cover up their actions."

"This canceled Oprah show," said Rohrbough, "also included the author of a Columbine book riddled with half-truths and outright lies. I offered Oprah producer Morgan Bury copies of the audio recordings that I made of police officers including Battan telling my family, what is now a documented lie, about how my son and the others died. These recordings (available at AmericanRTL.org/us) along with the 52,000 documents which I obtained the public release of by court order, prove beyond any doubt that Battan was involved in the cover up to mislead the public."

"A grand jury also found that just days after Columbine, twenty high ranking Jefferson County authorities including the Sheriff, District Attorney, and County Attorney attended a secret and illegal meeting where they decided what evidence they would hide and what they would destroy. This grand jury report is also available to the public."

"Oprah's other guests were FBI agent Dwayne Fuselier and Columbine principal Frank DeAngelis. Agent Fuselier's own son was the Columbine student who produced a Klebold-and-Harris-like video of their school being blown up, and by that obvious conflict of interest," said Rohrbough, "Fuselier immediately should have been removed from the investigation. Frank DeAngelis, who was involved in the Jefferson County Public School internal investigation report, refuses to discuss what he knows and refuses to push for the release of that report which was paid for by tax dollars, and would likely help prevent other school shootings. Their appalling excuse for not releasing this report is attorney-client privilege."

Since Dan's murder at Columbine Brian Rohrbough has become the president of American Right To Life.

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* Never Before Heard Columbine Recordings: Listen to these recordings as narrated by Columbine dads Brian Rohrbough and Randy Brown.

Today's Resource: Have you seen the Government Department at our KGOV Store? We are featuring Bruce Shortt's vitally-important book, The Harsh Truth about Public Schools. And also, check out the classic God's Criminal Justice System seminar, God and the Death Penalty, Live from Las Vegas, and Bob on Drugs DVDs, and our powerhouse Focus on the Strategy resources!


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So what specifically was said or thought to be covered up or hidden?

I'm aware of some Columbine conspiracy theories but I'm interested in what's being referred to here. Thanks.
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