Fascist government officials move to crush freedom in Canada


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Leftist government officials are moving to destroy Canadians who refuse to be coerced into following harmful mandates dictated by the fascists for evil reasons. May God help the nation whose leaders are like Hitler's Gestapo in destroying people's lives in order to support loony-tune government tyranny.

The Marxist Ontario government, like Hitler's Nazis, is destroying right-wing protesters and seizing their money and jobs in retaliation for exercising their individual right to oppose fascist despotism.

The Ontario government and a Canadian bank have set in motion efforts to handcuff the ongoing trucker protests.

Ontario Premier Doug Ford declared a state of emergency on Friday and demanded that protesters "go home."

"We’re now two weeks into the siege of the city of Ottawa," Ford said at a press conference. "I call it a siege because that’s what it is. It’s an illegal occupation."

"Your right to make a political statement does not outweigh the right of thousands of workers to make a living," Ford added.

Ford threatened, "There will be consequences for these actions, and they will be severe."