Fantasy Football...

Tiny Net

Originally posted by wholearmor
I don't know if that's an oxymoron or not but it has a nice ring to it.

Well Xena was a warrior princess.... it sure will be embarrasing to us guys though if she woops on us.


Originally posted by Tiny Net
Well Xena was a warrior princess.... it sure will be embarrasing to us guys though if she woops on us.

Since fantasy football is mental and not physical, it wouldn't be embarrassing to me.


Official TOL band member
Originally posted by wholearmor
Since fantasy football is mental and not physical, it wouldn't be embarrassing to me.

The mental embarrassment will come if I'm the one who wins. :bannana:


Originally posted by Em7add11
I'm going to just randomly arrange my players list sometime this week before the draft.

Oh, I see. That's probably going to be similar to what I do because I don't know who's good and who isn't. I don't follow football that closely. I just look to see if 'da Bears won or not and will watch them if they're ever on out here in Colorado, which is rare. They were on Monday Night Football 3 times last year, though. That was because of their phony 13 - 3 season the year before.

Tiny Net

Originally posted by Em7add11
I'm going to just randomly arrange my players list sometime this week before the draft.

Well thats one less person I need to worry about. :D :chuckle:

Tiny Net

Originally posted by wholearmor
Stop that drooling and wringing of the hands, Tiny Net. :chuckle:

Well I am not a stataholic but football is my sport of choice so I will spend a decent amount of time managing my team and choosing players. Of course Murphy's Law will probably kick in and I will be annihilated by the people who dont follow football much.


Originally posted by Tiny Net
Well I am not a stataholic but football is my sport of choice so I will spend a decent amount of time managing my team and choosing players. Of course Murphy's Law will probably kick in and I will be annihilated by the people who dont follow football much.

From one competitor to another, I wish you well but wish myself weller. :)