Fannie and Freddie are again in the news


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It was the foolish government lowering of home mortgage lending standards and the false impression given by the government to lenders that the Government was standing behind risky home loans through Fannie and Freddie that gave us the 2008 world economic meltdown. And yet government banking regulators seemed to have learned little from their past mistakes. Leftist stupidity seems to persist like a China virus in spite of everything that should have been learned from past mistakes. The US government needs to get its communist butt out of the American free market.

The Wall Street Journal article:

some housing experts say the expected jump in loan limits raises questions about the appropriate role of the government in housing and whether taxpayers should effectively backstop sky-high housing prices, when Fannie and Freddie’s market share is already rising…
[And some] favor policies that would eventually wean the mortgage market off government support and allow the market for nongovernment-guaranteed mortgages to take a bigger role, particularly for high-dollar loans.
“We’re continuing to go down a trail in which we see the Treasury, through the backstop of Fannie and Freddie in conservatorship, backing larger and larger loans, taking up more and more of the market,” said Ed DeMarco, a former top FHFA official who is now president of the Housing Policy Council, a housing-industry trade group. “At some point, you would expect Treasury and the Congress would want to ask, is this really where we want to be going?”
Once could reasonably argue that the one event more than any other which led to the demise of the GOP and the rise of The Kenyan & socialism was the economic crash of 2008. And that crash, which fake news blames on Bush, was really the fault of Clinton and Democrats. for the very reason you state here..