False 'repressed memory' Syndrome invented by Lesbians


New member
An idea that has continued to march through Western Court systems
in the USA and Canada, in spite of being discredited and debunked
by scientists and experts, has resulted in thousands of ruined lives,
families destroyed, bankruptcys and false convictions and imprisonments.

It all started with the publication of this book,
which was authored by pretenders who had no credentials in psychology
or forensic expertise, but were in fact fiction writers.



Reading this book, thousands of young women, and a few young men, have had their lives ruined and their families torn apart.

In The Courage to Heal, authors Ellen Bass and Laura Davis, devote one whole section to their lesbian love-making. Qualified only as writers of fiction, but posing as experts in psychology, they would have you believe that you are a victim, that all your problems today are due to your father having sexually abused you when you were a child, that you don’t remember it because you repressed the horrible experience out of your conscious memory in order to live, and now you must dredge up this non-memory of a non-event and re-live it many times over in order to heal.

YOU are the target of the authors!



Sadly, some agenda-driven psychotherapists subscribe to this bizarre notion and recommend that their clients read The Courage to Heal.

The American Medical Association:
“The AMA considers recovered memories of childhood sexual abuse to be of uncertain authenticity which should be subject to external verification. The use of recovered memories is fraught with problems of potential misapplication.”

The American Psychological Association: “Most people who were sexually abused as Children remember all or part of what happened to them although they may not fully understand or disclose it.”

In 1999 four law professors, David L. Faigman, David H. Kaye, Michael J. Saks, and Joseph Sanders, reviewed the results of psychological studies of 63 separate horrific events. These events included the Holocaust, fires, ship sinkings, plane crashes, volcanic explosion, sniper attacks, military combat, earthquake, rape, and children witnessing the murder of their parents.

Of the over 10,000 survivors studied, the ONLY individuals who did not remember the incident were either unconscious or suffered brain damage during the event. Contrary to claims made in The Courage to Heal, traumatic memories are NOT repressed. Ask yourself: how many real rape victims would be glad if they could forget the experience?

Thousands of families have been destroyed because people who read this book followed its advice. To maintain your hold on reality and avoid wrecking your family, read any of these books instead:

True Stories of False Memories by Eleanor Goldstein and Kevin Farmer
The Myth of Repressed Memory by Dr. Elizabeth Loftus
Making Monsters by Dr. Richard Ofshe and Ethan Watters
Confabulations by Eleanor Goldstein
Second Thoughts by Dr. Paul Simpson
Diagnosis for Disaster by Claudette Wassil-Grimm

This page is published out of concern for you
by Parents Against Cruel Therapy d9it@comcast.net

True Stories of False Memories
By Eleanor Goldstein and Kevin Farmer

“I think that the authors of such misleading books like The Courage to Heal owe the public an apology for the hoax they are perpetrating with their misinformation about “repressed memories.” Ellen Bass and Laura Davis need to write a new book about false memories that is a complete retraction of much of the garbage that they put forth in their early books.” - Melody Gavigan


“I do not believe that group therapy is appropriate for someone who is not in individual therapy and who is not strong and individualistic. ... if they’re given a book like The Courage to Heal..., they will come to believe that they are incest victims also. The suggestibility of the women was proven by the flashbacks they reported. If one woman had a flash back of snakes and cannibalism in the woods, a few days later, someone else had a similar flash back.” - Lynn Gondolf


“I was told to read books about evil, sexual abuse, dysfunctional families, co-dependency, and on and on. Some of the required reading included People of the Lie, Courage to Heal, Healing the Shame that Binds You, On Becoming a Person, and The Child Within. I ‘lived’ therapy. It was always on my mind. When I wasn’t at therapy, I was calling my therapist. When I wasn’t talking to my therapist, I was thinking about my therapy. The entire ordeal consumed every ounce of energy I had and every penny I could get my hands on. All of this was ‘necessary’ for me to ‘get well.’ Again, remember, (my therapist) repeatedly told me. ‘You have to get worse before you get better’. I continued to get worse.” - Laura Pasley




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Why The Courage to Heal Isn’t on My Recommended Reading List

Posted on March 3, 2011 by Holly Gray

The Courage to Heal is a self-help book – “A Guide for Women Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse” – that has enjoyed widespread popularity among both those living with Dissociative Identity Disorder and many of their treatment providers since its first publication in 1988. I first read it six years ago and found it helpful in some ways. But subsequent readings have illuminated for me the book’s biggest flaw: its reckless approach to traumatic memory.


If you are unable to remember any specific instances [of abuse] but still have a feeling that something abusive happened to you, it probably did. – The Courage to Heal, 1st edition

A Hunch Isn’t A Traumatic Memory

Thanks in large part to Laura Davis and Ellen Bass, authors of The Courage to Heal, this if-you-suspect-it-happened-then-it-probably-did idea is still circulating among pockets of Dissociative Identity Disorder treatment providers and sufferers. While I respect instinct, referring to hunches as memories is at best absurd and at worst dangerous. There is no scientific data to support something so disturbingly reminiscent of witch hunt logic and in fact, there’s plenty of research that speaks to the opposite. The Innocence Project, an organization working to overturn wrongful convictions primarily through DNA testing, reports:
Eyewitness misidentification is the single greatest cause of wrongful convictions nationwide, playing a role in more than 75% of convictions overturned through DNA testing.
While eyewitness testimony can be persuasive evidence before a judge or jury, 30 years of strong social science research has proven that eyewitness identification is often unreliable. Research shows that the human mind is not like a tape recorder; we neither record events exactly as we see them, nor recall them like a tape that has been rewound. Instead, witness memory is like any other evidence at a crime scene; it must be preserved carefully and retrieved methodically, or it can be contaminated.
Traumatic memory is not infallible. I believe it’s vital for both those of us living with Dissociative Identity Disorder and our treatment providers to remain aware of that fact.

Let’s Not Make Assumptions about Traumatic Memory

As uncomfortable as it is, living with Dissociative Identity Disorder means making peace with a fair amount ambiguity. It’s tempting to try and rid ourselves of that discomfort by jumping to conclusions about traumatic memory, which is precisely what I believe The Courage to Heal promotes, purposefully or not. But we owe it to ourselves to exercise more caution than that. Those of us with DID have the capacity to discern our own truth without relying on hunches to do so. And our treatment providers should be able to aid us in that endeavor without minimizing feelings or inflating the facts.
As for the book … I appreciate the authors’ compassionate message to people struggling with their pasts. I just wish they’d delivered that message with more balance, and a healthy respect for the potential ramifications of confusing hunches with memories.
As a reminder, Dissociative Living reflects my own research, experiences, thoughts, and opinions; all of which may differ from yours. You are the authority on your own truth. As such, and as always, I encourage readers to offer their own perspectives.



Well-known member
Paul dealt with real issues when he chose to put his past accomplishments and failures behind him.

Philippians 3:13-14 KJV

His concern to gain Christ made his past irrelevant to the high calling of God.

He did not dwell on the past, he lived to serve God and His son.


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Hall of Fame
It was actually invented by snake oil salesmen who created the SRA cottage industry.


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The fact is, at least on judge in Ontario as recently as 2014,
has perpetuated this false and unscientific theory,
and has made many court decisions based on this discredited notion.

Ontario Superior Justice John McIsaac, operating in Peterborough,
found a man guilty in civil court of molesting his sister,
in spite of the fact that her supposed 'supressed memory' witness
contradicted that of the man, and the two other siblings, all adults.

McIsaac mused that he only had to find a '51%' probability of guilt
in a civil court, which was achieved in the judge's mind simply
by the fact that the woman was willing to testify (in order to gain $350,000).

The man elected to defend himself, falsely assuming he would receive
fair and impartial treatment, only to discover he was in the hands of
a judge following the Lesbian Agenda of our new Lesbian Premier,
whose Designer and Consultant for the new 'Child Sex Education' program
turned out to be a child-molesting pedophile.

Judge John McIsaac has done this many times before.
But tragically, in the past he has presided over CRIMINAL CASES,
in which innocent parties have been given draconian prison sentences,
on the basis of mere testimony of a disgruntled ex or runaway daughter.

Here is the glowing report of the recent civil case,
written up by a Feminist 'nazi' with her own agenda.

Woman wins $354,200 settlement against brother over childhood sexual abuse

By Sarah Deeth, Peterborough Examiner
Saturday, May 24, 2014 12:24:28 EDT A

Her family wouldn’t listen.
The police wouldn’t investigate.
So a former Peterborough woman, alleging years of brutal sexual abuse at the hands of her older brother, took her case to civil court and sued her abuser.
She won.
“This was like a balm on my troubled soul,” she said.
The Examiner isn’t using Agnes’s full name.

Her brother hasn’t been charged with the crimes she said took place decades ago on the Peterborough-area family farm. Defending himself in court, he denied that any abuse took place.
The allegations date back to the 1950s. Court heard it began when Agnes was four or five years old and her brother snuck into her bedroom and sodomized her.
The abuse evolved and included oral sex and threats on Agnes’s life, court heard. Agnes testified that her brother threatened her with a BB gun and a rifle, tied a rope around her neck and threatened to push her into a gravel pit.
As the pair grew older, court heard, Agnes’s brother prostituted her out, sometimes to friends, and sometimes to strangers.

Court heard much of Agnes’s recollections, and much of her testimony, was the result of the recovery of suppressed memories.

In an interview with The Examiner on Friday, Agnes said it was a technique OPP investigators were unfamiliar with when she first approached them over a decade ago.
The officer tasked with hearing her story, she said, only had a few weeks of training in sexual assault investigations and had no training in historical sexual assaults.
The investigation was a sorry example of the hurdles child abuse victims face, Agnes said.

Not only were police reluctant to listen to her, she said, but they seemed to believe her brother and her two sisters who denied that any abuse had taken place.

In a criminal case a judge has to find someone guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in order to register a conviction.
That’s not what happens in civil court.

As Mr. Justice John McIsaac noted in his ruling, a copy of which was obtained by The Examiner, a plaintiff has only to satisfy the court to a degree of 51%.

“I found the plaintiff to be a compelling witness,” McIsaac wrote in the ruling. “I am satisfied that she lived the disturbing events that she has described to the court and that have been detailed in the documents before the court.”
McIsaac awarded Agnes $354,200 in aggravated, punitive and special damages.
But it’s not just about the money, Agnes said. It’s that after years of trying to speak out, someone in a position of authority finally believed her.
“It provides me with a tremendous sense of comfort,” she said.
Agnes is now in her sixties and lives in Montreal. She said she came to terms with what happened to her a long time ago, but will likely have flashbacks and struggle with post-traumatic stress disorder for years to come.
“I don’t think any of this will go away,” she said.
But she came forward because she wants other victims of abuse to feel empowered, to know that they do have options, even if they think people won’t listen.
Launching a civil suit was a costly process, Agnes said. She represented herself in court.
She hopes her case has created a framework that allows other sexual abuse survivors to follow her lead and build their own cases.
Seeking justice, she said, has been a big part of moving on in life.

“I think it’s a very important, self-empowering step,” Agnes said. “The personal gains can be tremendous.”


The court documents confirm that

"Agnes's" memories had been repressed until she was 50 years old!

Just in time for her to hide in Montreal
while she acquired her brother's property.


User Name

Greatest poster ever
It was actually invented by snake oil salesmen who created the SRA cottage industry.

Actually, repressed memory syndrome appears to have been "invented" by Freud--although his theory may have been based on earlier ideas:

In Freud's theory of "repression" the mind automatically banishes traumatic events from memory to prevent overwhelming anxiety. Freud further theorized that repressed memories cause "neurosis," which could be cured if the memories were made conscious.​

Source: http://skepdic.com/repressedmemory.html


New member
To add insult to injury, this retired judge (John McIsaac) was brought back out of retirement for just these cases as this.

The courts are clearly being manipulated to allow plaintiffs in sexual assault cases
to actually CHOOSE the judge who presides over their case.

In the Appeal Courts of Ontario, Judge John McIsaac is known to make frequent errors in fact and in law, and his cases are the most often successfully appealed cases in
the Ontario Court of Appeal.

If this wasn't incredible enough,
The plaintiff, although she was an ANGLOPHONE (English first language),
and although she and her family lived in and grew up in English speaking
Peterborough Ontario, and although she attended York University campus
(University of Toronto) and acquired a Doctorate (!) in English studies,
She insisted in holding the court and giving her testimony in FRENCH!.

This means that the only way that Judge McIsaac could judge her honesty
was through a written translation of her testimony in classic French
through a translator!

Judge McIsaac, who is deaf in one ear, and who rarely looks up at
witnesses in the court, was somehow able to judge this case,
although he carried the case entirely in English, and gave his verdict in English.

It should be obvious to ANYONE familiar with the very difficult and essential
act of judging whether people are telling the truth, that one must be
familiar with the language of the witness and the body-language, mannerisms,
and behaviour of the witness.

But this English PhD gave her testimony entirely through a translator,
for the obvious purpose of hiding her mannerisms and any clear indication
of her lying. That is, she chose to testify in French to avoid being detected
as a liar in English.

This is probably the most sophisticated scam seen in recent years in
an Ontario Court.

Ontario anglophone wins the case in French

For Jane Agnes Whitfield, [it was] impossible to testify in English without reliv[ing] the years of abuse. She had to fight to use French.

May 24, 2014 | Caroline Montpetit | Justice


Photo: MH Annik De Carufel - Le Devoir Agnes Jane Whitfield won a lawsuit for sexual assault civil against his brother. She had to wait a judgment authorizing him to testify in French. Check judgment (PDF in English)

An Anglophone [from] Peterborough sexually abused over a long period perpetrated by [her] brother, won [her] civil case after obtaining a bilingual trial that allowed [her] to testify in French.
Jane Agnes Whitfield, who now lives in Montreal, filed a complaint in 2002 for sexual assaults against [her] brother, Bryan Whitfield. Twelve years later, on May 1, she finally won the case, civil, having fought to be heard in French, and defending herself alone, without a lawyer.
In 2011, Agnes Whitfield had been refused when she asked a bilingual trial to a judge of Peterborough in 2011. It alleged that the complainant was speaking and that [her] complaint was first filed in English.
But it is precisely because English is her mother tongue, and had been the language of the terrible abuse imposed by [her] brother, and the language of censorship by her mother, Agnes Jane Whitfield, who is translator, wanted to testify and be heard in the language of Molière.

Family Prison

A native of Peterborough, Ontario, Whitfield studied in France and Quebec. She now lives with a Francophone Montreal. The French, she said, was the language that allowed [her] to leave the family prison.
" When I told my mother about five or six years, she had punished me v ively and a liar. This was the beginning of a complete discharge of aggression" She said.

Indeed, Jane Agnes Whitfield has recovered the memory of the attacks in [her] fifties, among others on the occasion of a physiotherapy treatment. She remembered when she was assaulted by her brother Bryan, age 4 to 18 years, sometimes at gunpoint, and also to have been prostitute from friends Bryan Whitfield, during a trip with him in British Columbia.

McIsaac J. of the Superior Court of Peterborough, who heard the case of Whitfield civil, retained the expertise of the psychologist Sarah Maddocks, that this syndrome of "recovered memory" is plausible in cases of abuse severe physical and sexual occurred on a regular basis, and from a very young age.

When she regained memory, Whitfield contacted the Ontario Provincial Police to file a complaint against her brother. The complaint did not lead to criminal charges.

" If this were a criminal case, the allegations should have been established beyond reasonable doubt, that is to say at a point much closer to absolute certainty that by the standards of proof in civil balance of probabilities. However, this is a civil case where the plaintiff has not convinced me that in a proportion of 51% " Wrote the judge in his judgment McIsaac (free translation of writing).

Agnes Jane Whitfield finally taken steps to civilian against [her] brother Bryan, for damages of $ 350,000, from a Toronto lawyer specializing in sexual assault.
At the time, she was convinced that she could possibly give evidence and be heard in French because French is one of two official languages. But [her] case was transferred to Peterborough, and this area is not officially designated bilingual. Legal services in French are not automatically provided.

Today she regrets not having been advised by counsel because she could not have a bilingual trial in Peterborough. " Ontario lawyers are supposed to inform their customers of language issues " She said.

It was not until 2012 that the Mark Edwards judge finally allowed a bilingual trial in Peterborough, not designated as such region. Moreover, writes McIsaac judge in the judgment rendered on May 1, the only requirement laid down in Article 126 of the Courts of Justice Act to have the right to use French is to speak the language.

" There has already been cases, such as Melvin Deutsch, in Toronto, where an English speaking litigant tried unsuccessfully to use French without knowing enough that official language of the courts of Ontario "Wrote the lawyer Gérard Lévesque, linguistic authority, in an article in L'Express de Toronto on the cause of Jane Agnes Whitfield.

Whitfield, meanwhile, is fluently bilingual.
" Imagine that my brother was in court for the 25 days trial " She says.
" I had to appear before the person who had reduced me to silence under death threat. Speaking French allowed me to put a protective pane of glass between me and the criminal. [...] I was in French, a language where censorship was never exercised. My mother [who] censored my sisters, has censored me. It was really the grip of the family about me. "

This is an incredible absurdity in the justice system,
because then any person should be able to testify in a foreign language,
regardless of their native language,
if it is thought to 'help her testify' without emotional experiences.

Ideally then, any English person should be able to be allowed to testify
in Chinese, Russian, or any other language other than English,
so they can 'avoid the emotional experience' of reliving their story,
and also to avoid getting caught as bad liars in their own native tongue.

Every Accused should be able to demand translator in a language of their choice,
which they believe will give the best 'believability' results through filtering
by a translator, without the usual protections the court normally uses
to detect liars, like contradictions, body language, hesitation, emotional quirks, over-acting etc.


New member
Even before it was exposed, the whole "repressed memory" movement reeked of dishonesty, disease, and lesbianism to me.