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These are many versions of the Bible that I find to be inaccurate, poorly worded, etc, that seem to change or nearly change the original meaning of Scripture (original as in: the Hebrew/Aramaic versions).
The worst version of the Bible is the Koran
Yes, the Koran appears to be a form of Bible.
Have you read it?
It seems that whoever wrote it took bits and pieces of the true (Christian) Bible and interjected very un-biblical texts into it.
I have not read the whole thing, but I read a few of the first chapters. What comes to me is that it was written by a mere man, yet comes across as though it were written by God, something the Christian Bible does as well
But the Christian Bible really is the Word of God
How do I know that?
Well… I just know—but in any case, whether or not I believe in the Bible as God’s Word is not the main point I am focused on
The fact that Jesus really did exist—and all historians acknowledge that He did—supports the veracity and validity of the Bible, if nothing else.
Jesus quoted from the Old Testament, so if you believe in Jesus (all He said & did), you have to accept the Old Testament (as He did), although Jesus did change a few things, such things as “an eye for an eye…” That particular change concerning not taking revenge was one that the writer(s) of the Koran did NOT make. They believe in revenge
Again, some of the passages in the Koran can be found in the Christian Bible, but
You know how it goes with truth being mixed with error—not a good thing
Here are some excerpts from the Koran that contradict the Bible:
God does not love the ungrateful
[In the Old Testament it says God hates sin/sinners, not those who, say, feel that God has abandoned them (hence the lack of perfect gratitude). Even Jesus felt abandoned while on the Cross.
2:231 When you have divorced your wives…
2:191 and 216: Oppression is worse than killing
[Well, I suppose this could be true in certain situations; God knows]
2:194 Oppress those who oppress you
[The Old Testament says: “Vengeance is MINE, saith the Lord; I will repay” (emphasis added)]
2:216 Enjoined on you is fighting
Then there is this interesting item: God is referred to as “We” throughout the 2nd (and/or 1st?) chapter(s) yet Muslims say the Trinity is false because it is “3 gods” (as they see it)
2:271 If you give alms openly, it is good but if you do it secretly that is better
[Jesus said to do alms secretly, Period]
2:286 (This part asks God for forgiveness and mercy, but such forgiveness is, throughout the book, repeatedly denied to “infidels”)
2:223 Women are like fields for you… so seed them as you intend