Excerpt From The Authoritarian Personality, 1950, By Theodor Wiesengrund Adorno


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Excerpt From The Authoritarian Personality, 1950, By Theodor Wiesengrund Adorno


"Theodor Wiesengrund Adorno. Studies in the Authoritarian Personality,
From T. W. Adorno, Else Frenkel-Brunswik, Daniel J.
Levinson, and R. Nevitt Sanford, The Authoritarian Personality,
vol. I of Studies in Prejudice, edited by
Max Horkheimer and
Samuel H. Flowerman (Social Studies Series: Publication No.
III). New York: Harper & Brothers, 1950.
The chapters appearing here are those written by Adorno alone
or in collaboration with others."

"The present inquiry into the nature of the potentially fascistic
individual began with anti-Semitism in the focus of attention.
The authors, in common with most social
scientists, hold the
view that anti-Semitism is based more largely upon factors in
the subject and in his total situation than upon actual
characteristics of Jews, and that one place to look for
determinants of anti-Semitic opinions and attitudes is within the
persons who express them..........,.And since from the start the
research was guided by the hypotheses stated above, it was
supposed (1) that anti-Semitism probably is not a specific or
isolated phenomenon but a part of a broader ideological
framework, and (2) that an individual's susceptibility to this
ideology depends primarily upon his psychological needs. "

Here is the origin of political correctness, the weaponized ideology of the
present day Marxist Left.

At first the Adorno group at Berkeley wanted to find the correlates of the
Anti-Semitic personality,. But they changed the wording to the correlates
of the Authoritarian Personality. The California F-scale, a paper and
pencil questionnaire, created in 1947 was meant to measure the
Authoritarian Personality, the tendency to support fascism.

And so the Marxist Left continues to think in terms of an opposition
between fascism and their version of Marxism. For the Transformational
Marxist, who often does not know what Marxism is, fascism is always the
evil enemy, the booger man.

Whatever the Marxist dislikes becomes "fascism."

Under political correctness, which developed out of the Frankfurt School's
psychological Marxism, the enemy and booger man also became racism, sexism,
homophobia, Islamophobia and the person who utters "Hate Speech."

But - Adorno et all claimed to measure the Authoritarian Personality and
not Right Wing Authoritarian Personality. And they tended to believe that a
high score on their F Scale indicated mental illness,

Soon, however, Milton Rokeach published his 1960 book, The Open and Closed
Mind, and reported on studies he and others did using his new Dogmatism
Scale. Rokeach was critical of Adorno and his crew for using bad
methodology in claiming to measure the "Authoritarian Personality" because
Rokeach knew that there was also a Left Wing Authoritarian Personality.
This insight and finding by Rokeach has much relevance for the very
dogmatic and authoritarian Marxist Left of today in its conflict with the
Patriot-Populists and Alternative Media. It turns out that contemporary
Marxist Leftists and the Feminists are highly authoritarian..

And - psychological Marxism - or Transformational Marxism - does not come
mainly out of Das Kapital, Marx's economic theory. ."In the eyes of the
dialectical philosophy, nothing is established for
all time, nothing is absolute or sacred." (Karl Marx)

What did Marx mean by "the dialectical philosophy"? Thats important in
Transformational Marxism, because Marxists think in terms of the dialectic
of opposites, and the Marxist version of the old dialectic - διαλεκτική, -
of the Greek philosophers and , written about by Hegel, has been developed
into a subtle procedure for changing the culture and the way we think. The
Greek word αντιθεσεις, or anti-thesis, is a technical term in the early
Greek philosophy of dialectic found in the Textus Receptus, from which the
Tyndale, Geneva and King James English Bibles were translated. The word is
in I Timothy 6: 20.

αντιθεσεις is also used in I Timothy 6: 20 by the Westcott-Hort Greek text.
The key part in Greek says "και αντιθεσεις της ψευδωνυμου γνωσεως,or "and
anti-thesis of falsely called knowledge."

Benjamin Bloom, who wrote the two volume book on the Taxonomy
of Educational Goal Objectives, by which all teachers must be
certified, said "“We recognize the point of view that
truth and knowledge are only relative and that there are no hard and
fast truths which exist for all time and places.” (Benjamin Bloom, et
al., Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Book 1, Cognitive Domain)

It is true that in experimental science there is no absolute and ever
enduring final Truth. But - in morality and in scripture there must be
absolute Truth and even in science there is approximate truth which works,
because otherwise there could be no engineering successes.

All forms of Marxism are fundamentally and systematically anti-Christian,
and Marxists are especially anti-Biblical Christianity because it is based
upon belief in the absolute truth of the Bible.

"Once the earthly family is discovered to be the secret of the
heavenly family, the former must be destroyed (annihilated), in theory
and in practice." Karl Marx, Feuerbach Thesis #4