Evidence for Christianity


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Evidence that Christianity is true:

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1.Existence of Jesus: Multiple sources outside the Bible reference Jesus, including Roman historians (Tacitus, Suetonius), Jewish historians (Josephus), and other ancient writers (Pliny the Younger).
2.Early Christian Writings: The New Testament documents are early, well-attested, and numerous compared to other ancient texts. Manuscript evidence supports their reliability.
3.Eyewitness Accounts: The Gospels are based on eyewitness testimonies. Authors like Matthew, John, and close associates of Peter and Paul (Mark and Luke) are traditionally seen as direct witnesses or those who recorded eyewitness testimonies.
4.Martyrdom of Apostles: Many of the apostles and early Christians were martyred for their belief in the resurrection of Jesus, indicating their genuine conviction.
5.Empty Tomb: Multiple independent sources report the empty tomb of Jesus. The fact that women, whose testimonies were less valued at the time, are cited as the primary witnesses adds to the credibility.
6.Resurrection Appearances: Various accounts describe post-resurrection appearances of Jesus to multiple people, including groups of disciples and skeptics like Paul and James.

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7.Cosmological Argument: The universe had a beginning, implying a cause. The argument posits that this cause is God, who is timeless, spaceless, and immaterial.
8.Moral Argument: Objective moral values and duties exist. The best explanation for this moral order is a moral lawgiver, which Christianity identifies as God.
9.Teleological Argument: The fine-tuning of the universe for life suggests design. This design implies a Designer, which Christianity claims is God.
10.Existential Argument: The human experience of meaning, purpose, and longing for the transcendent aligns with the Christian narrative of a purposeful creation by God.

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11.Fine-Tuning of the Universe: The precise constants and quantities in physics that allow for life suggest intentional calibration, pointing to an intelligent Designer.
12.Origin of Life: The complexity of biological information in DNA and the origin of life challenge naturalistic explanations, suggesting a Creator.
13.Anthropic Principle: The universe appears to be finely tuned for the existence of human life, which aligns with the idea of a purposeful creation by God.

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14.Personal Transformation: Testimonies of countless individuals whose lives have been transformed by faith in Jesus Christ, often involving radical changes in behavior and character.
15.Miracles: Documented cases of miraculous events, including healings and other phenomena, attributed to prayer and the work of the Holy Spirit.
16.Near-Death Experiences: Accounts of near-death experiences often include elements that align with Christian descriptions of the afterlife.

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17.Fulfilled Prophecies: Numerous Old Testament prophecies are believed to be fulfilled in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ (e.g., Isaiah 53, Psalm 22).
18.Messianic Prophecies: Specific predictions about the Messiah, such as being born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2), suffering for sins (Isaiah 53), and being resurrected (Psalm 16:10).

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19.Historical Corroboration: Archaeological findings have corroborated many details in the Bible, such as the existence of specific locations, events, and customs.
20.Discovery of Biblical Sites: Excavations have unearthed sites and artifacts mentioned in the Bible, providing external validation of biblical accounts.

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And my response:


Though, I think the argument could be strengthened even further by modifying a few points:

7) God is eternal, not timeless. And neither time nor space exist ontologically. You cannot create time, because that is itself a sequence, and thus, "time." Both time and space are just measurements, and do not exist outside of a thinking mind. Space is the measurement of the distance between two points, and time is the measurement of the distance between two events. Okay on immaterial, though.

15) Miracles have ceased for the time being. The last miracles were during Paul's ministry, not necessarily by Paul, but they certainly ended by the time Revelation had been written.

16) Anyone who has a near-death experience and claims to have "come back from heaven" is lying, and trying to fleece the flock. "It is appointed unto man ONCE to die, and after this the judgement." And because raising the dead is a miracle, and miracles have ceased, there is no longer anyone coming back from the dead.

Otherwise, this is a fantastic list of evidence for Christianity. I have posted it at the following link:
