ECT Ephesians on the 2nd goat


Well-known member
The letter to Ephesians is the widest circulated Christian document of the apostolic era. In 1:1, most early manuscripts left the destination blank. The courier simply took them to all groups in the whole region. It is the broadest based statement of what the church believed toward the end of the 1st generation.

You will notice that there is nothing about the 2nd goat. The 2nd goat is the now (this week) the totally indispensable doctrine of 2P2P (two peoples, two programs, forever, in the Bible) which is a fraud, but very popular and controlling. As you can see from the name, many things happen in doubles, and of course, this is true about the goat(s). when John proclaimed 'Look! The lamb of God...' he forgot to specify, and in 1900 or so, God raised up 2P2P, so that this 1900 year mistake could finally be clarified. What a deliverance! For this and many other reasons, we all need 2P2P to understand the Bible, because it is just a mess otherwise.

Anyway, one goat was to take away sins. But 2P2P, for all its intellectual might, has taken about a week to announce what the other one does. This may be due to that fact that some of them did not even know I Cor 5 was there--about Christ our passover lamb being sacrificed. Others found out it was actually 2 goats and a bull in the symbolism, and they are cooking on that.

That is, whenever, 2P2P sees or finds things like this, they are kind of sheepish (no pen intended) and withdrawn, and they try to find ANOTHER meaning for sacrifice than the normal one. So hopefully sometime this week, this 2nd goat, and its glorious, final, 1900-year-late, completion of the one gospel will finally be able to be announced--RIGHT HERE ON THE INTERNET IN FULL HEARING OF 4 OTHERS AND THE ENTERTAINING JOHN W!!!

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Last I checked, Paul explicitly tells me I was outside the covenants of promise. To be specific, my heathen western Europe ancestors which were pagan were lost. Until they were put under Constantine, and then you could argue King James set them free by translating the Bible. Some would argue Martin Luther. But unlike godrulz, I don't speak or read Greek.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
11 Therefore remember that you, once Gentiles in the flesh—who are called Uncircumcision by what is called the Circumcision made in the flesh by hands— 12 that at that time you were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. 13 But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.


2 I will make you a great nation; I will bless you And make your name great; And you shall be a blessing.

3 I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”

The people who build Stonehenge did not bless Israel.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
You will notice that there is nothing about the 2nd goat.

Of course not. That proves you wrong. Gentiles that blessed Israel were apart of the promises. Paul says I was a stranger to the promises.

He showed Peter in Acts 10 I was made whole without Genesis 12.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member

The two goats has nothing do with your so-called 2P2P.

It is me trying to show you that John did not know the Lord was going to die when he declared him the Lamb of God. I am trying to shake you out of your religious traditions and get you to believe your Bible.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Since IP is ignorant of things OT:

1. Passover
2. Unleavened Bread
3. First Fruits
4. Pentecost

5. Trumpets
6. Day of Atonement
7. Tabernacles

Why, IP, are the passover and day of atonement MONTHS APART?

Can you explain this to us uneducated country bumpkins?

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame

The two goats has nothing do with your so-called 2P2P.

It is me trying to show you that John did not know the Lord was going to die when he declared him the Lamb of God. I am trying to shake you out of your religious traditions and get you to believe your Bible.

If he wants a Bible study, this link will do.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
final, 1900-year-late, completion of the one gospel will finally be able to be announced--RIGHT HERE ON THE INTERNET IN FULL HEARING OF 4 OTHERS AND THE ENTERTAINING JOHN W!!!
1.Is that "the one gospel" the one your saint Judas preached-Luke 9:6 KJV?

2. No scripture asserts that there is just one piece of good news in the book. You had to have a book/clueless one, such as yourself, teach you that. The LORD God never did.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
They just get in the way of sound scholarship.


I have books in my library that refute you in detail that you cannot refute. They do a better job than I would in a few posts…...Google may also help

He is not worth reading in light of the sound scholarship that exists ..Sound NT scholarship recognizes.... Whole books have been written on it… The vast majority of godly Christians have not heard of MAD. The best of conservative, biblical, evangelical scholarship rejects it if they have heard of it…. Exact reference again? Did you check other versions or a commentary?... Buy a good commentary for the various opinions on… Hermeneutical books point out that… Even in your traditional view, scholars do not express your issues…I am not an expert on MAD and do not consider it a prominent enough view to gain much academic attention…Sound NT scholarship comes to different conclusions…Who was the prominent author (s) who held to it in your movement?.. I think you will be hard pressed to find commentators who would agree with you…As the Bible Knowledge Commentary points out,… it is not even on the radar of credible NT scholars….

john w

New member
Hall of Fame

I have books in my library that refute you in detail that you cannot refute. They do a better job than I would in a few posts…...Google may also help

He is not worth reading in light of the sound scholarship that exists ..Sound NT scholarship recognizes.... Whole books have been written on it… The vast majority of godly Christians have not heard of MAD. The best of conservative, biblical, evangelical scholarship rejects it if they have heard of it…. Exact reference again? Did you check other versions or a commentary?... Buy a good commentary for the various opinions on… Hermeneutical books point out that… Even in your traditional view, scholars do not express your issues…I am not an expert on MAD and do not consider it a prominent enough view to gain much academic attention…Sound NT scholarship comes to different conclusions…Who was the prominent author (s) who held to it in your movement?.. I think you will be hard pressed to find commentators who would agree with you…As the Bible Knowledge Commentary points out,… it is not even on the radar of credible NT scholars….

You are a nutball amateur on the wildwest of the internet.

Please do not rob a theological term of its meaning,as semantics also does not change the fundamental nature of the issue.You are woefully ignorant of the English word study rooted in sound exegesis.A sound exegesis understanding will allow you to exegete properly,in its proper context, from a biblical, balanced perspective, w/o straw men, wooden literalisms, and isms, etc. I disagree with theological synergism vs monergism, and your myopic assumptions, and you underestimate the Johannine themes, in context, and display an ignorance of Pauline/Johannine theology and historical chronology. I suspect further research will show why MAD is not a credible belief among NT scholars (Moe, Larry, Curly, Curly Joe, Shemp,, etc. are not in the same league as famous NT scholars or the many unknowns in conservative seminaries).Cults redefine terms (semantical barrier). A proper translation with sound exegesis will not lead to your wrong views.

What was the question again?What thread is this?

Lazy afternoon

The letter to Ephesians is the widest circulated Christian document of the apostolic era. In 1:1, most early manuscripts left the destination blank. The courier simply took them to all groups in the whole region. It is the broadest based statement of what the church believed toward the end of the 1st generation.

You will notice that there is nothing about the 2nd goat. The 2nd goat is the now (this week) the totally indispensable doctrine of 2P2P (two peoples, two programs, forever, in the Bible) which is a fraud, but very popular and controlling. As you can see from the name, many things happen in doubles, and of course, this is true about the goat(s). when John proclaimed 'Look! The lamb of God...' he forgot to specify, and in 1900 or so, God raised up 2P2P, so that this 1900 year mistake could finally be clarified. What a deliverance! For this and many other reasons, we all need 2P2P to understand the Bible, because it is just a mess otherwise.

Anyway, one goat was to take away sins. But 2P2P, for all its intellectual might, has taken about a week to announce what the other one does. This may be due to that fact that some of them did not even know I Cor 5 was there--about Christ our passover lamb being sacrificed. Others found out it was actually 2 goats and a bull in the symbolism, and they are cooking on that.

That is, whenever, 2P2P sees or finds things like this, they are kind of sheepish (no pen intended) and withdrawn, and they try to find ANOTHER meaning for sacrifice than the normal one. So hopefully sometime this week, this 2nd goat, and its glorious, final, 1900-year-late, completion of the one gospel will finally be able to be announced--RIGHT HERE ON THE INTERNET IN FULL HEARING OF 4 OTHERS AND THE ENTERTAINING JOHN W!!!

The sins remained on the second goat and it went into the wilderness, so it has no reference to Christ.

The OT temple services are full of the need for sacrifices, and the OT saints all knew the necessity of one life slain on behalf of another.

Jesus was first nursed in burial cloths.



Well-known member
The sins remained on the second goat and it went into the wilderness, so it has no reference to Christ.

The OT temple services are full of the need for sacrifices, and the OT saints all knew the necessity of one life slain on behalf of another.

Jesus was first nursed in burial cloths.


Two pictures of the same thing; it takes two animals to compose a picture of Christ.