ebenz's pick 7-20-03

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Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Here for context.

Originally posted by Tye Porter
JTB, I am about to tell y'all way too much personal information, and I can already hear all the junk I am gonna take from ***Name Unmentionable***, but I pray that somewhere in my rant, you find something that helps you.
Before I became a Christian, I was a bit, promiscuous. Good word.
Makes for a terribly embarsassing past. The point of that comment, is that I was always in a relationship. I was never alone, at night, nor in life. I was never just "Tye". It was always "Tye and -Her-".
I lived to have somebody. To serve somebody. To be in a relationship, and be love and to love. To pamper and smother.
Now that I am a Christian man, I look back and see that was Not healthy. I had little goddesses above My God. Little Idols. I was not yet a Christian, and my heart was longing for that Love that God fills us with. I filled it with them. I was single once, for a week or so, and I went nuts. Now, that I am a Christian, I am single. Been dateless for four years this October. I live for Jesus.
My life has turned around. I have spent four years, learning about Gods love for me, and my love for Him. Occasionaly, I will meet a beautiful (inside and out) Christian woman, and I feel that urge to immediately jump into love. The immediate "Chemistry" and bond. My old nature, trying to rear it's ugly head.
In the Bible, Paul tells us that if we are single, it is better for us to be this way. We are also single minded, to the Lord. But he also says that if you are going to burn in lust, it is better to be married.
There is no "big lesson" for you, out of all that rambling, only that I used to fall for love's sake, and i hurt a lot of princesses, and today that hurts me. I would hope that you may take a bit of my experience with you, and rest in the Lord, if you are able, for a while. Just rest in His Love, and focus your Love on Him.

Time for me to shut up. I pray some of that made sense to you, JTB.

Rejoice in the Lord, Rejoice Always!

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