ebenz's pick 7-12-03

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Proverbs 31:10
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Here for context.

Originally posted by geralduk
I would like to present a few questions that are very pertinent to this subject and would run counter to the general idea not only of the body of Christ but to the BRIDE as well.

1) WHAT is the "PRIZE" if a ssoem think we have already 'won' it?
For you only wi the prize if you "run the race and finish it.

Is not CHRIST the prize?

2) How then if we 'have ' Christ do we then WIN Him?

3) WHAT was Paul seeking to "APREHEND that for which he was aprehended FOR"?

4) What is the "HIGH calling" to which we are ALL called?

5) WHAT is LOST"......as through fire" by some Christians?

6)The man in the church of corinth who did those things that "not even the gentiles did" who by the prayer of Paul was given over to SATAN THAT THOUGH HIS BODY PERISH his SOUL MIGHT BE SAVED.

7) if the CARNAL mind is"at emnity with God nor can they recive the things of God how then can those who were COUNTED rightous but were "YET CARNAL"be WALKING with God at that time ? BUT MUST THEREFORE BE WALKING AFTER THE FLESH and not after the Spirit.

Now soem think that the being BORNagain maes us FIT to be in the BRIDE.
No it doesnt it just makes us QUALIFIED to enter the RACE!
nOT IN COIMPETITION WITH EACH OTHER but to aprehend that foir which we werew aprhended for.

Were the children of Isreal READY to enter the promsied land as son as they were SAVED out of Egypt?
No but had to be SANCTAFIED AND learn to WALK by FAITH and not by sight and to under stanbd that "MAN SHALL NOT LIVE BY BREAD ALONE BUT BY EVERY wORD THAT PROCEEDETH FROM THE MOUTH OF GOD"
But how MANY who came OUT from Egypt actualy entered into that which was PROMISED?

and WHY did they FAIL and were not READY?
They had not taken in that which God had ALREADY DONE.
It is written that it was because of thier UNBELIEF.
bur diod they believe NOTHING?
For there were TWO reports GIVEN TO THEM.
By the FLESH first which was NEGATTIVE and went by SIGHT .
By FAITH last which though not ignoring what was seen by the naked eyes and reasoning YET did not FORGET God in the matter and what He had already done in thier midst and so gave the TRUE report.
They CHOSE to believe what the FLESH told them and so WALKED OR acted ACCORDINGLY.
and thus REFUSED to enter in.
When after they had been reproved and they had repented they tried to go over but where as the door HAD beenopened unto them it was now CLOSED to ALL .
and It was not opened again till 40 years later and to another generation and God being FAITHFULL who promised having always a WITNESS KEPT the 2 who were also faithfull to Him and they enetered into it as well.
Did then the children of ISREAL become no longer the children of God?
Of course not.
Did "he lEave them or fosake them"in the wilderness?
IN fact gave them 2000000 MIRACLES every day for 40 years yet they were still OUT OF THE WILL OF GOD!
They SUFEERED the LOSS of the PROMISE yet they were SAVED.
The DELIVERENCE from the BONDAGE of Egypt was ALL of Gods doing according to the Word of God.
The ENTRANCE into the promise was CONDITIONAL on thier WALK.

I am NOT talking about the WORKS of the LAW.
No WORK of thiers SAVED them from BONDAGE but thier CONFORMITY to the will of God AFTERwards determined the 'prize'

It could be argued that Christ WON our hearts by HIS love to us and the TOTAL commitment to our good.
is it then unreassonable to say that a BRIDE has to WIN the heart of her husband?
Would a groom marry a bride who did not love him ashe loved her?
If then He gave his ALL to WIN us is it then likely that we will give LESS to win Him who is THE prize.
The chilkdren of ISREAL were "APREHENDED" for a [PURPOSE and that was to INHERIT the promise.
Likewise then ALL true BORNagain children of God are CALLED to be a PART of the BRIDE of Christ but WHO WILL ANSWER?
amd WHO will WILLINGLY CONFORM to that image that God would WORK in us and which si well pleasing in His sight.
But that which is pleasing in His must become well pleasing in US!
For if we are not WILLING to be so conformedthen how can God so work that which He wills?
Now if any say that I deny the scriptures that says "it si God that worketh within and will perfect that which he started.
I do not.
But DO say that though it is not our ABILATIES that will do it but it IS our AVALAIABILATY which will depend on how God works in us.
The children of ISREAL WHo were SAVED FROM egypt failed to understand the lesson of FAITH. and by the time they get to the river jordan in 40 DAYS still were NOT READY.
Jesus said BE YE also ready.
The 5 foolish virgins THOUGHT they were but were not.
They THOUGHT AND IN THIER EYES "had need of nothing" but in Gods were POOR WRETCHED AND BLIND.

So wether you like or accept this thinking or not.

You SHOULD consider the questions.
and if you have any spirtual understanding will encourage you to go higher in God or consider your ways before Him.
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