ebenz's pick 5-27-03

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Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Context. It's post #81.

Originally posted by BillyBob
Well, we could put their names in a hat and draw, say, five at a time. In a couple years we could be the United Global States of America.
Bush would be the President of the World! We could all be UGS citizens, but there should be special privileges for original US citizens. We would turn all conquered countries into surfdoms and give each American a nice big yearly dividend. We could erect statues of Bush in every Global State and we could erase any record of the Clintons from the history books. Little pockets of ultra-poverty will pop-up and they will be called 'Hillary-Towns' but no one will know why. Everybody will be forced to speak English, even cashiers at the local mini-market . We could put an end to Islam and the Democrat Party, force the 'palestinians' out of Israel and nuke Hollywood.
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