ebenz's pick 4-18-03

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Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame

Originally posted by JoeTheBaptist
Tommorow marks the tenth aniversary of the end of the Branch Davidian cult stand-off in Waco TX. For all of those who would like to express their condolences for the innocent children and others who were killed in the fire, please respond to this post by just saying "Amen".

I don't know what was going through the mind of David Koresh, but I am sure he wasn't Christ. I don't think he was an evil man, just sick. He claims to have heard the voice of God, but I believe the voice he heard was that of Satan. No matter what the truth really is, needless loss of life was the outcome. I offer a special prayer for the survivors of 4/19/93, and to the families of those who died.

In addition, let's also remember:

Oklahoma City 4/19/95
Columbine H.S. 4/20/99

Remember, always live as if today was your last, it very well could be.

"Lord, thank you for giving me another day."

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