ebenz's pick 4-12-03

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Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Here it is.

Originally posted by Em7add11

Having an opinion is not the same thing as being right. If by taking your opinions that means we have to accept that it's correct by the virtue of being your opinion then you're in for a shock. Your opinions don't shape reality.

This struck me as odd:

You're tired of Ad Hominem attacks and follow it right up with a personal attack of your own? Not the best way to make your case.

You'd rather go on without any sort of challenge to your personal opinions for the reason of.....what? Nobody else gets that luxury, neither do you. Bottom line, personal opinions are worthless without facts. If someone calls you Anti-American without proof, demand some. Or does that fall under the heading of "If you don't like my opinions, that's tough!"?

If the accusers are as weak-witted and dull as you make them sound then put your money where your mouth is. Prove them wrong.

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