Early Warning Signs of Adult Onset Calvinism


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Super Moderator
From http://theblazingcenter.com/2015/10/early-warning-signs-of-adult-onset-calvinism.html

Approximately 1 out of every 4 Christians will encounter adult onset Calvinism (commonly known as AOC) during their life, either personally or in someone close to them. It can be a scary thing to encounter, especially if you’re not familiar with the symptoms. The person you once knew and loved is suddenly a completely different person.

Don’t panic.

It gets better.

To help you navigate the treacherous waters of AOC, I’ve listed the possible symptoms you may encounter.

A sudden urge to correct everything and everyone all the time about every possible thing.
A growing conviction that every worship song you’ve ever sung is heretical and should be excised from the church catalog, including the Nicene Creed, Doxology, and most of the Psalms.
A strange and inexplicable ability to listen to 300 John Piper sermons in a single day.
A burning passion to convert everyone, especially your extremely godly parents WHO TAUGHT YOU THE BIBLE, to Calvinism.
A growing level of arrogance that is directly inverse to the number of blog posts you write about humility.
Constant cravings for cigars and microbrews, even though they make you incredibly sick.
Deep suspicion of anything that might cause the slightest bit of emotion in church, especially those awful worship songs noted above.
Deep-seated cynicism toward anyone who doesn’t take a hard stance on an issue, including but not limited to: free will, Calvinism, sports, coffee, the Trinity, capitalism, child schooling, and dating.
Being so smug you begin to panic that you won’t be able to adequately manifest all the smugness.
An unshakeable conviction that Tim Keller is too theologically soft.
The ability to bring every conversation full circle to Romans 9.
Frustration that guys like Piper and Sproul don’t draw more lines in the sand.
Inevitably arriving at the conclusion that John Calvin was not that strong of a Calvinist. At least, not as strong as you are.

Growing a beard, but not in a hipster way! This beard is WAY DIFFERENT from hipster beards, because it tapers to a point somewhere between the nipples, just like Calvin’s beard did.

If you or someone you know begins experiencing these symptoms, go to a pastor IMMEDIATELY. It won’t make the slightest bit of difference, because you were predestined to be a Calvinist, but still, you should probably see a pastor.

But don’t worry. After 5-6 years, these symptoms will subside and you or your loved one will return to being a mostly normal person.

Until then…sorry.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
This would be funny if there were anything to actually laugh at. The same thing could be directed at fundamentalists of any stripe with all of the sick stuff that plenty espouse on here with regularity.


Tried to look up adult onset calvinism cause I never heard of it. All I can say to the adults is that the age of accountability is a false doctrine. Regeneration has nothing to do with adults being at a certian point of life. Adult onset must be another arminian fad.
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Robert Pate

Well-known member
The only cure for this condition is the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the doctrine of justification by faith apart from the works of the law.


New member
Hall of Fame
This would be funny if there were anything to actually laugh at. The same thing could be directed at fundamentalists of any stripe with all of the sick stuff that plenty espouse on here with regularity.

When you talk to yourself but can't laugh at yourself you get...this.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
This would be funny if there were anything to actually laugh at. The same thing could be directed at fundamentalists of any stripe with all of the sick stuff that plenty espouse on here with regularity.

Perhaps you'd feel more comfortable on an Atheist/Agnostic forum?
Fundamentalism seems so irritating to you? Which makes one wonder,
why you're here?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Tried to look up adult onset calvinism cause I never heard of it. All I can say to the adults is that the age of accountability is a false doctrine. Regeneration has nothing to do with adults being at a certian point of life. Adult onset must be another arminuan fad.

What does "arminuan" mean? It sounds like a Hawaiian word?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Perhaps you'd feel more comfortable on an Atheist/Agnostic forum?

He'd prefer to make TOL into one.

And what's with the pejorative use of "fundamentalist"? What is wrong with holding fast to the basic truths of reality?