Durham exposes democrat sins against Roger Stone


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Durham has recently indicted two prominent Hillary Clinton lawyers for lying to the FBI to promote the fake Trump/Russian collusion conspiracy theory invented by Hillary and the democrats. Good for him. Those lawyers would have been arrested years ago if not for corruption at the highest levels of the Department of Justice, which corruption still exists today. Those scumbag democrat lawyers broke the law and were finally indicted, but compare that to the way the FBI raided Roger Stone's house at night with a swarm of agents and arrested him on false allegations of lying to Congress. Democrat partisan hatred of good Americans and American policies is despicable, as is their lawless unjust and illegal persecution of their political enemies.

Here is a democrat attempting to justify the hateful unjust democrat persecution of Stone.

In a previous article, I explained that it was entirely lawful and justified for the FBI to arrest Roger Stone. Though there are several reasons, I focused on one—the fact that Stone threatened to kill a witness. That threat alone supports law enforcement’s request for an arrest warrant, which a federal judge granted. The alternative—a summons that would permit Stone to voluntarily surrender—is not a matter of right, and Stone forfeited that privilege with his words and conduct.

Relatedly, there seems to be some consternation about the number of FBI agents who executed the court-authorized search warrant at Stone’s home. I do not know the precise number of special agents and other FBI personnel present, but Stone claimed there were 29 agents. Though that sounds like a lot, it could be about right—and wholly appropriate.