Drudge Blows 2 Headlines in 2 Days

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Drudge Blows 2 Headlines in 2 Days

This is the show from Friday December 4th, 2009.

Sarah Palin learned from George W. Bush that if you tell Christians you're prolife and you fill the courts with proabortion judges, the Christians will give you money, buy your book and vote for you because they want to be lied to because they're desperate to be on the winning side and they don't remember that Jesus Christ is on the winning side and all those who kill the innocent and try to mock Him are on the losing side. The Christians don't remember that. So they sell out the Lord for a seat at the table. And the table is described in the Hebrew scriptures. God describes this table. It's set for kings but it's dripping with vomit. And that is the table that Sarah Palin desperately wants to sit at. And that's the table that Jay Sekulow wants to sit at. And that's the table that James Dobson wants to sit at.


* Drudge Blows Two Headlines in Two Days: Matt Drudge captions a photo of a cadet reading a "Kill Bin Laden" book as, "Cadet read... book at Obama speech" implying this was during Obama's speech. The Reuters caption for the photo however states, "Cadet reads a book... as he waits with other cadets for U.S. President Barack Obama to deliver an address." And his, "Feds authorize first use of federal funding for human embryonic stem cells..." headline was flatly wrong, as George W. Bush funded embryonic stem cell research on 21 "lines" of dismembered children, and even the Washington Post headline that Drudge linked to says: U.S. set to fund more stem cell study. At the time, the pro-life industry quipped that Bush had "split the baby," with a reference to wise Solomon's returning of an infant unharmed to its mother, whereas Bush actually did split the baby, or, all 21 of them, and delivered them to scientists whose experiments may have tormented these tiny children for months.

* SUNDAY NIGHT COLORADO PERSONHOOD DINNER! Walter Hoye and Cal Zastrow will be in Colorado for this dinner! Please come if you possibly can! The sponsor of the California Personhood Amendment, Pastor Walter Hoye, is coming to Colorado, as is the co-founder of Personhood USA, to speak at the Dec. 6th dinner (at the fabulous Cinzetti's Italian Restaurant) to support Colorado's 2010 Personhood signature drive! It's $75 per adult so please come to hear two of Bob Enyart's heroes, Walter Hoye and Cal Zastrow, and to support Guabe Garcia Jones and Leslie Hanks, the hard-working co-sponsors of the amendment, in their effort to raise much needed funds to pay for more blank petitions, mailings, and everything needed to activate another 300 petition circulators!

* Join American RTL at the Palin Event: Tuesday morning or evening, it's your choice! In Colorado Springs, Dec. 8th any time between 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., come get in line to buy Sarah Palin's book and get a wristband for admittance to get Sarah's signature. And Tuesday evening anytime between 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. come out to see Sarah and get a signature! We'll ask Sarah to view ProlifeProfiles.com/Palin! So if you have time in the morning, or in the evening, or both, please let us know at office@AmericanRTL.org so we can plan for your participation!

* Help Personhood Efforts Get Signatures: If you live in Colorado, could you help circulate the Personhood Colorado & CRTL 2010 petition? We need your help! If you live in any other state, can you help to advance personhood via the 2010 ballot or in one of three different ways?

Today's Resource: Consider doing your Christmas Shopping at the KGOV Store! Give the most entertaining, and uplifting, and educational gifts available! Your friends and family will not only be eternally grateful, but you will help Bob Enyart Live stay on the air and the Internet and continue to reach more people! So please call 1-888-8Enyart (836-9278) for help in selecting just the right gift for someone or just click on our KGOV Store!


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so what are you going to do when the Supreme Court rules personhood unconstitutional?


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so what are you going to do when the Supreme Court rules personhood unconstitutional?
We're going to do the same thing the entire country is doing today in response to the Supreme Court's Dred Scott decision that they have never overturned.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
"Sarah Palin learned from George W. Bush that if you tell Christians you're prolife and you fill the courts with proabortion judges, the Christians will give you money, buy your book and vote for you because they want to be lied to because they're desperate to be on the winning side and they don't remember that Jesus Christ is on the winning side and all those who kill the innocent and try to mock Him are on the losing side."

so why are you talking about Palin who does not have an office and Bush who is no longer in office.

do you understand who is in office and what he is doing?

do you know what you are doing?


Staff member
Super Moderator
so why are you talking about Palin who does not have an office and Bush who is no longer in office.

do you understand who is in office and what he is doing?

do you know what you are doing?
A person doesn't have to hold office to have influence. We're teaching Christians to value the lives of the unborn more than they value the letter "R." Tell me chrysostom, at the judgment seat of Christ what will you say to Him when He asks you why you voted for known proaborts?
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