Dr. Johnston: I will not refer for abortion

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Dr. Johnston: I will not refer for abortion

Thursday January 20th, 2005. This is show #14.

PERTINENT QUOTE OF THE SHOW:(From Dr. Patrick Johnston)
One of the things I'm trying to do in the medical community - and I've succeeded in my county here - is I'm trying to reinvigorate the pro-life plank in the hypocratic oath. The original hypocratic oath forbade physicians from killing their patients. ...What I'm trying to do is basically what Hypocratese did in ancient Greece. He basically drew a line in the sand and said I'm going to start a new type of doctor who won't kill their patients. And doctors either became hypocratic physicians or, in time, they lost business because patients voted with their dollars. So I'm trying to restigmatize child killing in the medical community. I've got 8 doctors now who've publicly said I will not refer for abortions and that I believe life begins at conception. And now I'll be meeting with pastors and meeting with community leaders educating the community on who these physicians are so they can be preferred by patients. We're going to make that an issue in the medical community.


Merely Christian
The hypocratic oath is taken by all physicians, isn't it?

There has been a huge bruhaha over just some wanting to opt out of certain medical prescriptions and procedures.

I certainly hope Dr. Johnston succeeds in his endeavor :)


Proverbs 4:11-13
Great show:up: Can't wait to hear the Dr. at the March for Life.:bannana:


New member
I was excited to hear that Doc Johnston was going to be on the show. I had the pleasure of enjoying a bible study at his home when I was visiting in Ohio last year. He really has his head on straight and a heart for God.


I have attended over a dozen Colorado, rallies for life. Dr. Johnston was the best speaker that I have heard. He was much more like a Baptist preacher than he is a medical doctor. His message was LOUD, and clear, and uncompromising.
The letting loose of about 100 doves to symbolize God's spirit and love for us was wonderful.
I always appreciate Jo Scott and the pink and blue balloons that they let loose, to represent the 76 babies that were saved at death's door, the Planned Parenthood abortuary, this past year!
Finally I was amazed and excited, [since I am now a former Baptist turned Messianic}, to see that a yood, hey, vav, hey, banner led the March for life this year!!! Praise Yah!
Between Doctor Johnston, the doves, the balloons, and the banner, it was for me, the most blessed Rally for life ever.
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