Dont label me as a liberal they sneer


New member

Lets see about that. Read the full article above and try to name a few things that you agree with the author on.

The unelected bureaucrats are continuing to promote Obama’s policies, and the unelected courts are destroying our Constitution beyond what previous generations of Americans could have ever feared in their worst nightmares. Blue states are allowed to violate the Constitution with impunity while red states have been denuded of their right to self-govern in accordance with the Constitution and federal law.

The courts are ravaging this country and contorting the very foundation of its existence as a sovereign and free nation. The Bastards on the BenchTM are bastardizing the First and 14th Amendments to mean the exact opposite of their intent.

Sharia-adherent Islamists in Somalia and Iraq have been granted an affirmative religious liberty right to immigrate, yet Americans have no right to run their own business and property in accordance with their Christian or Jewish beliefs, deeply rooted in our founding.

Our founding monuments are uprooted by the courts under the guise of not establishing a state religion, yet the courts are coercing individuals to service the sexual identity movement against their conscience — the very essence of what the Establishment Clause sought to prevent.


The Bastards on the Bench™

Isn't it odd that a country, which is historically and predominantly Protestant, has it's entire supreme court full of Catholics and Jews?

Before that one evangelist Trump put in there, that was the case- and otherwise is the case.
The article really hits home- there has been a decapitation strike on America's founding for a while now. They want to erase Protestant, conservative America.