Donald Trump Is A Bigger Liberal Than Hillary Clinton


Donald Trump is a conservative with a liberal slant. This is usually the case with conservatives who are primarily within a major city, and in his case, he has done a lot of work with the media which is almost entirely liberal.

This is one of Trump's primary strengths which other conservatives lack- he knows how to maneuver around anything thrown at him, where these republicans tend to just throw themselves up on a cross.

He's unstoppable by conventional means, and this has caused many people to become bitter as their antics fail again and again.


New member
Overall, I don't know if he's more liberal, but he's at least AS liberal. The few and far between center-right positions he has taken have only be taken over the past few years whereas throughout his adult life he was open about his liberal beliefs. Even so, during the campaign and now as President elect, he has not indicated that he is anything close to a conservative, libertarian, center-right, or even a moderate.

He proposes a bigger stimulus plan than Hillary did during the campaign.
Trump supports a universal healthcare system while Clinton's campaign website says that she wants a pubic option. His student loan reform plan is also more progressive than hers. He supports a number of other liberal programs like mandatory paid maternity leave, and more government intervention in the economy.

But now Hillary is out of the picture. Trump's supporters should be challenged to tell us what about him isn't liberal. There isn't much. His recent support of a national concealed carry law is commendable, and there's no excuse why it cannot be passed early in his Presidency. But besides this, I'm having a difficult time thinking of any conservative or libertarian positions he's taken.



I believe Hillary was the "identified symbol" of the "Woman Riding the Beast"

Under her skirt deceptive media, conspiracies, antichrist spirit of evil against Christ, Iran, globalization, corruption, race baiting, SOWING Divisions! Woe!

Her skirt was lifted and we who can see, did see!

Fyi Christians, Hillary and all the SINS of the left, murderous deceitful demons! These are vomit from Jesus' mouth!

Spirit of antichrist. Deceptions! Bitter roots. Every attitude Jesus stands against is found in the left socialist mentality. God hates their views!

If you cant teach it with Jesus words it is antichrist!

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