Does your religion matter?


Does God care how we worship Him? Does He allow mankind to bring their traditions and superstitions into a relationship with Him? Do your beliefs agree with the entire Bible?

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woodeneye said in post #1:

Does God care how we worship Him?

Yes. For:

John 4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

woodeneye said in post #1:

Does He allow mankind to bring their traditions and superstitions into a relationship with Him?

There are incorrect traditions from fallible men (Colossians 2:8; 1 Peter 1:18) which contradict God's Word (Mark 7:13). And there are correct traditions from God's Word (2 Thessalonians 2:15, 2 Thessalonians 3:6; 2 Timothy 3:16, John 17:17, John 8:31b). There are also man-made traditions which, even though they do not contradict God's Word, they go beyond it (cf. 1 Corinthians 4:6b), and so they are not binding on Christians, who can choose for themselves whether or not they will follow such traditions (cf. Romans 14:5-6).

woodeneye said in post #1:

Do your beliefs agree with the entire Bible?

They need to (2 Timothy 3:16), and the only way to make sure is to read every word of the Bible (Matthew 4:4).

That is, the best way to study the Bible, as a whole, is simply to read every word of it (Matthew 4:4), over and over again. It ends up explaining itself once what it teaches has become engrained in your memory, and you see the connections between verses regarding something in one place in the Bible and other verses regarding that same thing in other places in the Bible. It is by comparing and combining related verses in different places in the Bible that we arrive at correct doctrine (Isaiah 28:9-10; 1 Corinthians 2:13).

It is also a good practice to always start and end each Bible-reading session with a prayer for understanding and remembrance of the whole Bible.

One great way to read the whole Bible, over and over, is to think of it as seven volumes:

1. Genesis to Deuteronomy
2. Joshua to Esther
3. Job to Song of Solomon
4. Isaiah to Malachi
5. Matthew to Acts
6. Romans to Philemon
7. Hebrews to Revelation

You can read a chapter in each volume every day. This will keep you current in every part of the Bible. After a while, there will not be any part that you have not read recently enough to remember what it teaches. When you reach the end of a volume, simply start again at the first chapter of that volume. In this way, you will be cycling through smaller volumes like #6 and #7 much more often than larger volumes like #2, but the smaller volumes are so much more dense with doctrine that it is profitable to read them over and over more often.

Also, you can listen to recordings of people reading the Bible out loud whenever you need to keep your eyes on something else while you listen (such as keeping your eyes on the road while you are driving, or on a cutting board while you are preparing food, or on your clippers while you are trimming a hedge). In this way, you can listen to the Bible throughout the day, whenever you do not need to be thinking about something else (such as at your workplace or school). Also, you can listen to the Bible even while you are going to sleep, so that it will become part of even your subconscious mind.




Does God care how we worship Him? Does He allow mankind to bring their traditions and superstitions into a relationship with Him? Do your beliefs agree with the entire Bible?

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I've obviously asked some very difficult questions here. Worshipping God should be very simple. Jesus showed us how. Go on, put your beliefs out there and find out if they're in agreement with the Bible.

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Does God care how we worship Him? Does He allow mankind to bring their traditions and superstitions into a relationship with Him? Do your beliefs agree with the entire Bible?

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Christianity is about Jesus' teachings. So we ought to strive to follow all His teachings. And that is worshiping.

this is my take.