Doer Of The Word


That's just uncalled for.

I already quoted multiple scriptures pertaining to the ignorant.
The ignorant don't claim to know GOD in the first place.

I'll leave it alone.

It isn't worth strife or the loss of a respected friend.


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I said
You haven't shown me one thing that says the ignorant are innocent. And there is no friendship on earth that is worth coming between me and the truth. I only have one real friend and that is all I need.

[Jhn 15:14
14 "You are My friends if you do whatever I command you.


New member
I said
You haven't shown me one thing that says the ignorant are innocent. And there is no friendship on earth that is worth coming between me and the truth. I only have one real friend and that is all I need.

[Jhn 15:14
14 "You are My friends if you do whatever I command you.
You showed the verse to yourself.

I would never ask Tonto senior go against the truth for any.

I just meant I was dropping it as opposed to arguing with you whom I do respect.


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You showed the verse to yourself.

I would never ask Tonto senior go against the truth for any.

I just meant I was dropping it as opposed to arguing with you whom I do respect.


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I said
I never look at it as arguing. I look at it as trading talents. I take your opinions serious, whether I agree with them or not.

You said you knew Jacob, and I was hoping to find out from you why he went after me the way he did.
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You showed the verse to yourself.

I would never ask Tonto senior go against the truth for any.

I just meant I was dropping it as opposed to arguing with you whom I do respect.


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I said
You never did answer my question. Only muslims pull that multiple replies, on multiple threads thing. Trying to get a Christian to stumble in their words. So they might accuse him of something. So can you tell me who Jacob used it on me?


New member
I said
You never did answer my question. Only muslims pull that multiple replies, on multiple threads thing. Trying to get a Christian to stumble in their words. So they might accuse him of something. So can you tell me who Jacob used it on me?
He seeks the truth, not to make others stumble.

You feeling as if attacked may be a sign of a guilty conscience for some reason.
But really that is just assumption. I do not know why.

I do know we are to give without want, and we aren't be long suffering, loving and kind. None will ever learn anything otherwise.

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He seeks the truth, not to make others stumble.

You feeling as if attacked may be a sign of a guilty conscience for some reason.
But really that is just assumption. I do not know why.

I do know we are to give without want, and we aren't be long suffering, loving and kind. None will ever learn anything otherwise.

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I said
lol Like I said this kind of tricks have happen before. And it is always because of bitter envy. There is no logical reason for multiple replies on multiple threads all at the same time. And just say something stupid for a reply. You have never seen a Christian do that. I just thought maybe you could give me another reason is why I asked.
The Pharisees tried the same thing with Jesus.

[Mat 12:10
10 And behold, there was a man who had a withered hand. And they asked Him, saying, "Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?"--that they might accuse Him.
[Mar 3:2
2 So they watched Him closely, whether He would heal him on the Sabbath, so that they might accuse Him.
[Luk 11:54
54 lying in wait for Him, and seeking to catch Him in something He might say, that they might accuse Him.