Doctor performed female genital mutilation in Michigan clinic, federal authorities ..


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Doctor performed female genital mutilation in Michigan clinic, federal authorities charge

A Michigan doctor was charged Thursday with performing female genital mutilation on minors in the first such case that falls under a U.S. law treating the practice as a felony offense, according to the Department of Justice.

Dr. Jumana Nagarwala of Northville, Mich., allegedly performed female genital mutilation on girls at a medical office in Livonia, Mich. According to the complaint, some of the victims, who were between the ages of 6 and 8, allegedly crossed state lines to have Nagarwala perform the procedure.

“According to the complaint, despite her oath to care for her patients, Dr. Nagarwala is alleged to have performed horrifying acts of brutality on the most vulnerable victims,” Acting Assistant Attorney General Kenneth Blanco said. “The Department of Justice is committed to stopping female genital mutilation in this country, and will use the full power of the law to ensure that no girls suffer such physical and emotional abuse.”

The procedure is prevalent in some majority Muslim countries and is sometimes called “cleansing” by its practitioners. It involves the partial or total removal of the external female genitalia, often performed without anesthesia. It is designed to ensure females remain virgins until marriage.

According to the Department of Justice, this is believed to be the first case brought under 18 U.S.C. 116, which criminalizes female genital mutilation, stating that anyone who knowingly circumcises, excises or infibulates the whole or any part of the female labia or clitoris of a person who is under the age of 18 “shall be fined or imprisoned not more than 5 years – or both.”

“Female genital mutilation constitutes a particularly brutal form of violence against women and girls — it is also a serious federal felony in the United States,” Acting U.S. Attorney Daniel Lemisch said. “The practice has no place in modern society and those who perform FGM on minors will be held accountable under federal law.”

According to a 2013 census by the Population Reference Bureau, approximately 500,000 women and girls in the United States have undergone the procedure or are at risk of the procedure.

In 2015, the issue of female genital mutilation received a wave of attention after Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt made a personal pledge of $100,000 to stop the brutal practice, after meeting Ayaan Hirsi Ali, an internationally known women’s rights advocate who suffered the barbaric practice at the age of 5.

“The allegations against the defendant in this investigation are made even more deplorable, given the defendant’s position as a trusted medical professional in the community,” Special Agent in Charge Steve Francis said. “My sincere hope is that these charges will give support to those who have allegedly suffered both physically and emotionally.”

Nagarwala was arrested and is expected to appear in Detroit federal court Thursday.

Of course they wont try to practice sharia law there liberals say, of course states don't need to define that sharia law is not allowed in the US, of course they will assimilate into American culture, they say... Of course Islam cares more for women and is more tolerant than Christianity, they say...

They lie.

So lets see how many liberals defend this.


New member
Doctor performed female genital mutilation in Michigan clinic, federal authorities charge

Of course they wont try to practice sharia law there liberals say, of course states don't need to define that sharia law is not allowed in the US, of course they will assimilate into American culture, they say... Of course Islam cares more for women and is more tolerant than Christianity, they say...

They lie.

So lets see how many liberals defend this.

The doctor is a horrible person and needs to go to jail.

as for Sharia law just look at the backwards thinking they want to enact into law:
Government based on religious doctrine
Women have fewer rights than men
Homosexuality is outlawed
Rejecting science in favor of religious doctrine
Religion indoctrination in the schools
Oppose sex education
Abortions illegal
Females must dress modestly
Oppose contraceptives

Oh wait....That's the Republican party platform... My bad.


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Hall of Fame
The doctor is a horrible person and needs to go to jail.

as for Sharia law just look at the backwards thinking they want to enact into law:
Government based on religious doctrine
Women have fewer rights than men
Homosexuality is outlawed
Rejecting science in favor of religious doctrine
Religion indoctrination in the schools
Oppose sex education
Abortions illegal
Females must dress modestly
Oppose contraceptives

Oh wait....That's the Republican party platform... My bad.

Nice, defending islam by comparing it to Christianity when they arent even remotely the same i see!

If i were you, (being that you are a fag) i would be way more worried about Islam, than Christianity, at least in this life.


New member
Hall of Fame
Government based on religious doctrine
- since God made everything, that would be the wisest course of action.

Women have fewer rights than men
- Im a woman, you arent, i know this one better than you and no, i don't have fewer rights. I am beautifully and wonderfully made and i have a unique being and purpose and can do things men cant, and vise versa.

Women as slaves and doormats and mere sex objects is worldly ideas. Islam would have me killed if i expressed a thought in my head, a good christian man would love me as Christ loves the church, enough to die for it, instead of murdering me or throwing acid on me, or raping me and then blaming me for it and stoning me to death. Oh and making me wear a burka and walk 10 feet behind him and if my eyes accidently glance other than his feet, i get beaten real good when i get home or honor killed.
Only a moron claims (disingenuously) that Islam and Christianity are alike.

Homosexuality is outlawed
No it isnt. You can be as faggy as you like in your own bedroom, God allows you to choose sin over Him, in this life, in Islam, you would be dead - there are no gays in Islam according to their leaders, since they kill them. I would rather you get saved and live. (Like God does)

Rejecting science in favor of religious doctrine
I hate to break it to you, but in evolution that you buy, all fags would not exist - they would have been selected out since they cannot bear children together. I would also be willing to bet Ive had more science courses in my life than you have. I support both sides being taught, you dont because you know which one makes the most sense already.

Romans 1:19 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them.20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

Religion indoctrination in the schools
Praying and wearing an i love Jesus shirt and inviting others to join a club isnt indoctrination, your trying to force them not to, is. In Islam, you would convert or die.

Oppose sex education
All for sex education, save it for marriage to avoid lots of heartache. Killing an unwanted baby, isnt education, its barbarianism. Like evolution teaching, teaches how to be a mere animal.

Abortions illegal
Dont have sex if you aren't ready for a baby, or give it up for adoption.

Females must dress modestly
Must? No one i know intends to kill me or rape me because i might wear a swimsuit to the beach. They would in Islam.

Oppose contraceptives
You mean oppose paying for them for others. If you want to play, you need to pay yourself. Wait, i thought you wanted us OUT of your bedroom, and that's being out isnt it?

Oh wait....That's the Republican party platform... My bad.
I'm not republican, you know that, right?