Dobson Endorses Colorado Personhood Amendment!

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Dobson Endorses Colorado Personhood Amendment!

This is the show from Tuesday August 5th, 2008.


* Focus on the Family Special Alert: August 5, 2008 at Focus on the Family's Human life needs to be protected at every stage, beginning at the single-cell stage. Colorado's Personhood Amendment (Amendment 48), which defines life as beginning at fertilization, goes to voters in November. "A founding principle of Focus on the Family - and a driving belief of Dr. Dobson's - is that all human life is sacred and that life begins at the single-cell stage of human development," said Carrie Gordon Earll, senior bioethics analyst at Focus on the Family Action. "Amendment 48 articulates this belief and challenges us to declare the inestimable worth of all members of the human family. "The foundational message of Amendment 48 is clear: All human life has value. Colorado voters should support Amendment 48, and vote for it in November." Kristi Burton, sponsor of the initiative, said: "It's fact that life has been cheapened over time and Amendment 48, by defining an unborn child as a 'person,' can restore the dignity and respect unborn children have lost."

* Power in the Park: sponsored by American Right To Life during the 2008 DNC.

Purpose: expose the democrat-supported genocide of black babies.
Location: at Martin Luther King Jr. Park right across from Planned Parenthood's brand new 52,000 mega-abortion facility in yet another minority neighborhood.

Speakers: Jesse Lee; Amb. Alan Keyes; Clennard Childress (; Flip Benham; plus 12 others

Topics: destruction of the black family through abortion; support for Colorado's Personhood Amendment 48

* Denver Area Workers Needed (Friends & Strangers): Sewers and folders needed! Please read on...

Sponsor a Sheet: Can you sponsor a sheet? For a $100 contribution to help this project succeed, you can be a sponsor and we'll write your name on a sheet (or a Bible verse or something else). You can click to donate to American RTL to help fund the $5,000 Sheets of Shame project or call 1-888-888-ARTL!

Gold S-O-S Sponsor: Can you be a $1,000 Gold Sponsor of the top secret DNC Sheets of Shame project? If so, please call 1-888-888-ARTL (2785) or click to donate to ARTL! And we'll also want to dedicate 10 sheets to you with your message! Be a part of this historic project!

* Stranger? You're Welcome to Work on Saturdays: Much of the work on ARTL's DNC Sheets of Shame project is top secret. But we've reserved Saturdays to welcome new faces! We want to meet you, so new friends please come on out on Saturday August 2nd or 9th, anytime from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and roll up your sleeves and lend a hand to this historic project! For existing friends, we're working seven days a week, three shifts a day! Call to sign up to help...

* Sewers and Untrained Helpers Needed: Phase II. American RTL's DNC Welcoming Committee has collected hundreds of sheets for their top secret Sheets of Shame project! And they're running three daily shifts of volunteers (all ARTL officials work without salary), mornings, afternoons, and evenings, seven days a week! We need folks to sort and fold sheets, to iron, and seamstresses (and we've even had two guys sewing so far). Needed: Can you help ARTL sew these sheets? ARTL has the sewing machines and thread. They need volunteers, both experienced and inexperienced (some folks are assemblers who only move the fabric along). Only known friends can volunteer Sunday through Friday (new friends are welcome on Saturdays, when we'll put away the design plans of the project and just do piece work, and they will gradually become known and trusted by Denver's Right-To-Life community, ready to help with the next such project, and around here, top secret projects come along rather frequently! :) Please call 1-888-888-ARTL or 303 587-3660 to sign up for a morning, afternoon, or evening 3-hour shift in Arvada Colorado.

Today's Resource: BEL Resources can help you and provide urgent financial support to keep Bob on the air reaching more and more people! We need your help today! By subscribing to the Monthly Sermons resource, every month the U.S. Mail will deliver Bob's sermons to your door. Also, you can consider subscribing to the BEL Televised Classics on DVD (to see the educational and often hilarious, and sometimes intense, episodes from Bob's nationally syndicated TV show). And you can subscribe to our monthly Bible Study Albums, or our monthly topical Videos! In fact, you could also sign up to donate monthly to BEL. These resource subscriptions will help you grow spiritually and intellectually! So many have reported that the biblical knowledge they gain from these resources is so practical that it has helped them improve: their marriages and other relationships, parenting and grand-parenting, work relationships, evangelizing, and so many general life skills! And of course, subscribing to one or more of these services will not only help you, at the same time you will be helping KGOV continue to reach more people with our biblically-based worldview!


New member
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Halleujah!

For the Lord God omnipotent reigneth!

Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

For the Lord............ :drum: :upright:

:the_wave: :banana: :sinapisN: :jump:


Staff member
Super Moderator
I wonder what took him so long. Seriously, what was the big controversy he was wrestling with all these months?


New member
I wonder what took him so long. Seriously, what was the big controversy he was wrestling with all these months?

It was probably how to make one simple truth, { A sacred human life, begins at the single cell stage.} to both quiet and satisfy, a "thousand" different voices, and needs, of a giant para-church organization.

Also, it is impossible to serve two masters well, both God and mammon.

I am so glad he has chosen God! May he continue to do so, and thus be prospered by Him. Hallelujah!


Staff member
Super Moderator
Here's my theory:

Dobson had been a part of the wing of the pro-life movement that favors reducing abortion via incremental regulations. So when the alternative personhood wing (that had been highly critical of Dobson) succeeded in getting Amendment 48 on the ballot this year, his hand was forced. Was he going to admit that he was wrong for opposing personhood all these years?

Dobson saw the writing on the wall. As the election is drawing near, the national media is going to conduct interviews and debates. They would assume Dobson would be in favor of Amendment 48. Dobson knew he would be called for interviews. What was he supposed to tell them? That he doesn't support it? That would instantly bring to the public consciousness something the masses are unaware of (and something that Dobson would very much prefer to keep them unaware of) - that there is a split in the pro-life movement with alternative leadership.

If Dobson stayed out of the national debates, then other (much lesser known) competing pro-life leaders (with views critical of Dobson's views) would suddenly be thrust into the national spotlight and perhaps eventually (even quickly) overtake Dobson as America's leader of moral clarity. Dobson couldn't have that. The potential consequences twisted Dobson's arm and he relented. He is supporting Amendment 48 reluctantly.
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