Do Your Top Issues Make God’s Top Ten?

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Do Your Top Issues Make God’s Top Ten?

This is the show from Monday November 26th, 2007.

The important issues are clear. Jesus boiled down the whole Law to two commands. Love God. And love your neighbor. So if your neighbors want to kill their kids and you sit idly by and you say, "You know what? I'm not called to that ministry. I'm not feeling led." Well, you're feeling led alright but it's the kind that's in your pants. You're feeling lead in your pants.


* What are Your Top Issues: Do your top issues make God's top ten list? Notice that the whole country becomes obsessed with the top issues covered here at BEL at times of greatest import.

* If You are Excited About American RTL: and would like to help us raise $100,000 toward its success, please call 303 463-7789 and ask for their Large Gifts Coordinator, Brian Enyart, and between us, we'll give ARTL the launch it needs to fight to end child killing in America!

* Post-Show Notes: Reminders of recent KGOV reports on Pat Robertson and on Bob's quote on Denver's CBS 4 News.

Denver Public Schools' Plan B: reported Oct 30 by Denver's CBS4 A task force is recommending some school health clinics in Denver Public Schools give out contraceptives [including Plan B] and the district is looking over the recommendations. If adopted, contraceptives could be distributed at any of the six in-school health centers... Groups like Colorado Right to Life strongly oppose the plan saying it sends the wrong message to kids. "A Denver public school is a good place to send your daughter to become sexually active," Bob Enyart with Colorado Right to Life said. "Now the task force wants to make it more efficient. Condoms for the boys, abortion pills for your daughter, get her ready for the next guy to use her; it's called Godless education."

Pat Robertson Aborts Brain: discussed on CNN's Wolf Blitzer Reports on Dec. 16, 2001 China's forced abortion and their outlawing of brothers and sisters. "I don't agree with it," Robertson said, "but at the same time they've got 1.2 billion people, and they don't know what to do. ... I think that right now, they're doing what they have to do. I don't agree with forced abortion, but I don't think the United States needs to interfere with what they're doing internally in this regard." Denver Bible Church pastor Bob Enyart says to Pat Robertson, "Christians should not defend mass murderers. The Chinese need us to bring them liberty and Christianity, not to defend the slaughter of their children. It's bizarre that Pat Robertson says he's against abortion, except where it's forced, then he's for it. Moral relativism has brought the ‘pro-life' Republican movement into a post-Christian era.

Today's Resource: You can enjoy one or two of Bob Enyart's entertaining and insightful videos each month, mailed to you automatically, simply by subscribing to the BEL Monthly Topical Videos service! Also, you can check out the other great BEL subscription services!


New member
If Christians don't want to go picket abortion clinics, nobody's gonna stop them.

Yogi Berra...ism


New member
What .. Todah?

Exactly! What??? That is the correct response to a Yogi Berra saying.

Do you know who he is? there in Taiwan?

If a Christian sees a man dying on a street, and walks away because he did not feel "led" to help him, as a good Samaritan would have, or led to picket an abortion clinic, what can you actually do about it?

I think that is the point that Bob Enyart was making. Christians feel "lead" {the heavy metal} to do nothing.

There is no law against looking the other way, or pretending to. How are you going to stop them, from doing that? That is what Yogi Berra would have meant, and said it, in his crazy style.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Exactly! What??? That is the correct response to a Yogi Berra saying. Do you know who he is? there in Taiwan? If a Christian sees a man dying on a street, and walks away because he did not feel "led" to help him, as a good Samaritan would have, or led to picket an abortion clinic, what can you say? I think that is the point that Bob Enyart was making. There is no law against looking the other way, or pretending to. How are you going to stop them, from doing that? That is what Yogi Berra would have meant, and said it, in his crazy style.
So you're saying that if people do not want to do something right there is no legal recourse to force them to do so?

If you are saying that, why are you saying that?


New member
So you're saying that if people do not want to do something right there is no legal recourse to force them to do so?

If you are saying that, why are you saying that?

....because it is true, in this country. You can not leave the scene of an accident that you were involved in, but you can drive by, or walk by, one without any penalty, if you weren't involved. However most people will stop, if they see a person is hurt, and no one else, has stopped yet.

If it is not your baby being aborted, then just walk on by. It is not the Christians responsibility, to care about them, or for them. That is the reality of good Samaritanism today, regarding babies, about to be aborted.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
....because it is true, in this country. You can not leave the scene of an accident that you were involved in, but you can drive by, or walk by, one without any penalty, if you weren't involved. However most people will stop, if they see a person is hurt, and no one else, has stopped yet.

If it is not your baby being aborted, then just walk on by. It is not the Christians responsibility, to care about them, or for them. That is the reality of good Samaritanism today, regarding babies, about to be aborted.
You're not a christian are you?


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Then why would you say a christian might be justified in ignoring the warning of Christ?
I know he's saying they would be legally justified, according to the law of this land. However, I hope he is not saying that it would be justifiable according to what is right.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
So Todah is saying that if one does not wish to attend am anti-abortion rally then there is no law prohibiting this. I agree with him. But when he say this:
If it is not your baby being aborted, then just walk on by. It is not the Christians responsibility, to care about them, or for them. That is the reality of good Samaritanism today, regarding babies, about to be aborted.
I suspect he is not a christian.
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