Do Atheist Really Exists?

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New member
It is very hard for me to believe anyone could not believe we have a creator.
I just think they are all lying, and if they are not lying don't they have a surprise coming!!
Any thoughts out there.
I am a newbie, I am sure this subject has been talked to death.
But I would like to know what everyone is thinking.


Atheists definitely exist. I saw one in the woods when I was camping. I tried to get close but she scampered off.


New member
sigh... seriously?

Look, for one thing, saying "zomg, how can you not think that you were created" is quite a few big leaps and bounds away from "...and the creator is clearly Yahweh of the Bible, who sent his son to earth as a blood sacrifice for our sins that were set in place when our ancestors Adam and Eve ate a fruit that they were told not to eat and if people don't acknowledge or accept that blood sacrifice, they go to a place of eternal torment." etc. So you can disbelieve that anyone could not see there is a Creator, but you're also going to be incredulous or at least just as pitying of poor non-believers who believe in other different Creators. It's just not as simple as believing you have a Creator, any Creator.

For another, when I walk outside, I look around and think "Yeah... I can see how people thought the earth was flat. It does look that way. I guess a bit of inspection reveals that wrong, but intuitively it seems like common sense". Now, I'm not saying Christians or theists haven't inspected things enough to see there isn't a Creator - obviously they have - but it doesn't necessarily follow that intuition will be correct and that some people, upon inspection, will decide a creator is not necessary for their existence. The Appeal to Incredulity doesn't really cut it.

Maybe there is a creator. Maybe it's a deist god. I'm pretty sure it's not biblegod, or korangod or even Vishnu. I count deists as atheists, because theirs is not a theistic god, therefore they are without-theism - a-theist. So I'm not an atheist because I think I know there is absolutely no god nor creator. I'm an atheist because I have seen no evidence to make the truth claim that there is a god and to define that god in a theistic fashion.
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Well-known member
Yes, they exist - just as thorns can wind up in the flesh... just as tares can be in a wheat field... just as yeast can permeate dough...

Yes, they do believe in their own god-less theology ... and they waste their time, without realizing it, by coming to boards like this instead of going to sites where everyone thinks like them. That, however, would not satisfy them, because they come to TOL and other sites like this to make fun of God and Christians ... because they find it a form of entertainment ... and this mocking type of activity feeds their feelings of superiority.

There may have been one or so over the years, who have found that God exists by coming to Christians sites ... because of the persistence of hopeful Christians ... but most of them just don't care to know the creator.

Please, if there are Christians out there with testimonies of how atheists came to know God and Christ on TOL... share them... so I can change my opinion.



New member
No, I don't exist.

I just think they are all lying, and if they are not lying don't they have a surprise coming!!
Do you have any evidence to support your statement?


Yes, they do believe in their own god-less theology ... and they waste their time, without realizing it, by coming to boards like this instead of going to sites where everyone thinks like them. That, however, would not satisfy them, because they come to TOL and other sites like this to make fun of God and Christians ... because they find it a form of entertainment ... and this mocking type of activity feeds their feelings of superiority.


Would you be surprised if spider told you she is also a member of a few atheist boards? And at these boards, posters who claim to be Christian -- come to ridicule, critisize and verbally abuse atheists? Would you be surprised to hear that at the atheist boards there is endless debate about whether to treat theists respectfully or return the abuse?

Does spider strike you as someone who is out to sass Christians? I see her as a very calm and repectful lass who likes to debate and express her view point.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Tell us Troublemaker, how did you get from thinking there was a Creator to wearing a Christian tag?


Well-known member
Would you be surprised if spider told you she is also a member of a few atheist boards? And at these boards, posters who claim to be Christian -- come to ridicule, critisize and verbally abuse atheists? Would you be surprised to hear that at the atheist boards there is endless debate about whether to treat theists respectfully or return the abuse?

Does spider strike you as someone who is out to sass Christians? I see her as a very calm and repectful lass who likes to debate and express her view point.

Then I'd guess that those people probably are not Christians anyway. I personally would never dream of visiting an atheist board to harass any of them. I do not yet know spider ... I hope she is as kind as you say.

I will admit that, lately, the moderators at TOL have done a great job encouraging more respectful behavior here. I just can't help but remember all those years of running across atheists, who persistently mocked Christians and interfered with Christians trying to explore their faith with each other.


New member
True Christians don't ridicule, criticise and verbally abuse atheists? Are you sure? They seemed pretty genuine to me. Some calmed down, some started okay but became frustrated later, and I'm certainly not going to pretend that it's only Christians that do it. Every forum of any ilk is going to get its trolls and trouble-makers (not referring to you troublemaker but to trouble-makers in general) and just generally hostile people. What you believe in won't always change how you are with confrontation.


Hall of Fame
It is very hard for me to believe anyone could not believe we have a creator.

Are you stating you never had a moments doubt as a child about how the world began, and how a creator came into existence?

I just think they are all lying, and if they are not lying don't they have a surprise coming!! Any thoughts out there.

I think that you *have to claim* they are lying because you are not sure of your own beliefs.

I am a newbie, I am sure this subject has been talked to death. But I would like to know what everyone is thinking.

I think it is highly arrogant, dishonest and rude to accuse others of lying about not believing in your deity. That is what I think.


Well-known member
True Christians don't ridicule, criticise and verbally abuse atheists? Are you sure? They seemed pretty genuine to me. Some calmed down, some started okay but became frustrated later, and I'm certainly not going to pretend that it's only Christians that do it. Every forum of any ilk is going to get its trolls and trouble-makers (not referring to you troublemaker but to trouble-makers in general) and just generally hostile people. What you believe in won't always change how you are with confrontation.

My point was that so called Christians, who seek out atheists on their own boards have an agenda other than being a Christian - and may not be Christians anyway.

I was not trying to say that posters on Christian boards, who defend themselves and try to rid themselves of rude interruptions from non-believers, are not Christians.


New member
Will you please prove to me that there is no creator?
Fortunately, the burden of proof does not lie on my shoulders. You are the one who claims that there is some supernatural Creator despite not having physical evidence for its existence.
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