Distinguishing Terrorism from Crime and War


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Distinguishing Terrorism from Crime and War

This is the show from Monday April 22nd, 2013


* What is Terrorism? Terrorism is crime committed by an individual or group to influence public policy. Other perfectly good words exist to describe heinous acts, like murder, arson, unjust war, mass murder, war crimes, etc. Terrorism is not work place violence, unjust domestic or foreign war waged by nations, revenge against a school, or a family murder-suicide, regardless of the weapons used or the number of victims. Such criminal and unjust behavior terrorizes people, but is not terrorism.

* Obama is Trying, but He Just Doesn't Get It: Finding the courage to use the "t" word, regarding the Boston Marathon bombing Barack Obama said, "Anytime bombs are used to target innocent civilians, it is an act of terror." That's wrong, and on a matter of national security which requires the utmost of clarity, it serves to confuse the nation's understanding. The bomber who terrorized Illinois churches wasn't a terrorist but a criminal. On the other hand, five-year-old Danielle Shefi was killed in her parents' bedroom in Israel by a terrorist using only a gun (NPR, who's science host once sued Bob Enyart, identified the little girl as an "Israeli settler"). Terrorism doesn't require the targeting of many people, nor any type of systematic behavior, nor the use of weapons of mass destruction, but only the commission of a crime (including threats) to influence public policy. Google's automated definition is accurate. While clarity may save lives, those who define terrorism, though, like Merriam Webster, in a way that includes rapists and omits the public policy factor, cause confusion.

* Boston Strangler vs. Boston Bombers, Terrorists vs. Criminals: The Boston Strangler was a criminal, the Boston bombers were terrorists. Terrorists include Osama bin Laden, Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh, and the Tsarnaevs. Criminals include the Columbine murderers, Ted Bundy, and John Wayne Gacy.


Today's Resource
: Have you seen the Government Department at our KGOV Store? We are featuring Bruce Shortt's vitally-important book, The Harsh Truth about Public Schools. And also, check out the classic God's Criminal Justice System seminar, God and the Death Penalty, Live from Las Vegas, and Bob on Drugs DVDs, and our powerhouse Focus on the Strategy resources!

Flashback #1: In a related story, Court TV interviews Bob Enyart regarding Scott Peterson's death sentence.

http://kgov.com/bel/20081205Flashback #2: Now that O.J. got burned: Now that Simpson is imprisoned, remember that the Bob Enyart Live audience helped burn O.J.'s sports memorabilia ten years ago after purchasing his Hall of Fame Award and most famous jerseys at auction. The online home of BEL, KGOV.com, was launched with the media coverage for burning (with an eager OKAY from the county's fire marshal and chief justice) O.J.'s memorabilia on the steps of the L.A. courthouse the next day at high noon. One of our quotes from that press conference still widely circulates today as at The Quote Garden with quotes about justice from:
- Earl Warren, Learned Hand, Fredrick Bastiat, Aristotle, Justinian I, J. Edgar Hoover
- Robert Frost "A jury consists of twelve persons chosen to decide who has the better lawyer"
- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. "This is a court of law, young man, not a court of justice"
- J. Edgar Hoover "Justice is incidental to law and order"
- Lenny Bruce "In the Halls of Justice the only justice is in the halls"
- African Proverb "Corn can't expect justice from a court composed of chickens"
- Welsh Proverb "The houses of lawyers are roofed with the skins of litigants"
- Ambrose Bierce "Lawsuit: A machine which you go into as a pig and come out of as a sausage"
- Bob Enyart "It's no longer a justice system, now it's just a system"
- H.L. Mencken, Edmund Burke,Henry David Thoreau, Mae West, Bertrand Russell, Marcus Aurelius
- Charles Evans Hughes "The United States is the greatest law factory the world has ever known"
- Tacitus "the more corrupt the republic, the more numerous the laws"
- Law-tzu "The greater the number of laws... the more thieves and robbers there will be"
- Frank Zappa "The United States is a nation of laws: badly written and randomly enforced"
- Lord Halifax "If the laws could speak for themselves, they would complain of the lawyers in the first place"
- William Shakespeare "The jury, passing on the prisoner's life, may in the sworn twelve have a thief or two guiltier than him they try"
- Will Rogers "We don't give our criminals much punishment, but we sure give 'em plenty of publicity"
- Jonathan Swift "Laws are like cobwebs, which may catch small flies, but let wasps and hornets break through"
- Edmund Burke "It is not what a lawyer tells me I may do; but what humanity, reason, and justice tell me I ought to do"
- The ACLU's evolutionist Clarence Darrow "There is no such thing as justice."

Flashback #3: Bill Clinton Raped Juanita Broaddrick: As also documented at ShadowGov.com, Bill Clinton's rape of Juanita Broaddrick was an event that "in fact took place" wrote the Wall Street Journal. Hear also Bob Enyart's worldwide exclusive interview with Juanita Broaddrick and Bob's interview with nurse Norma Rogers, her friend who found Broaddrick wounded and in tears shortly after the assault.


Well-known member
The 1936 edition of Websters defines Terrorism as "A system of government by terror; intimidation."

Terrorist is defined as "One who governs by terror, or one who inspires fear in others."


Well-known member
I know this is brought due to the Boston events, but we don't even have a motive yet. How can this be labeled "terrorism" if the motive is not known according to the President and the FBI?


There are some mass murderers that I consider terrorists, mainly due to the impact they had on the local society...


New member
Hall of Fame
I know this is brought due to the Boston events, but we don't even have a motive yet. How can this be labeled "terrorism" if the motive is not known according to the President and the FBI?

From what I understand it's the type of weapon used and also seems to be based on the consequences of the attack.


Well-known member
From what I understand it's the type of weapon used and also seems to be based on the consequences of the attack.

I got exactly what Resurrected said from the news: Once they were found out to be apparently Muslims, then that word became synomous with them (the brothers)

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
It looks like there is likely to as political motive to this, however I would also suggest these guys don't seem together enough to have made effective political statement or use of there act.

So by the definition used above they may wish to be terrorists but only end up being murderers.

I know this is brought due to the Boston events, but we don't even have a motive yet. How can this be labeled "terrorism" if the motive is not known according to the President and the FBI?