[Director of the Manhattan Declaration Refers to Us as Ignorant, Angry Rabble Rousers Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries] "Two of our subscribers recently wrote to Eric Teetsel, the Executive Director of the Manhattan Declaration (MD) asking for their names be removed as signatories to this unity accord with Catholics. He responded with these slanderous words for those of us who oppose the MD. "I am aware there are a number of ignorant, angry rabble rousers who regularly lie about us to serve their small, twisted propagandas. Some are filled with hate for those who don't comply with their own specific version of Christianity. These fools harm and hinder the Gospel, and are in for a rude awakening upon meeting The Lord. I hope you steer clear of them. Others are simply misinformed, or uninformed. Though theirs is the lesser evil, it is still unacceptable and harmful to the cause of Christ. I hope you will push back, and educate them as to the true nature of the Manhattan Declaration. It's too important to become lost in a lie." Read the whole letter here." Pro-Gospel.org