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Did God initiate a Big Bang?


Well-known member
I think God did have a BIG BANG! But my thoughts are not about the Big, out of the blue, Bang which atheists and agnostics think brought forth creation with life and intellect. Actually, I think the The BIG BANG I have in mind is just spectacular and the truth of it happening permeates through scripture.

  1. God is an invisible Spirit ... he moved upon the waters of life in the deep dark. Since God is LIFE this totally makes sense regarding the state of of affairs happening in Gen. 1
  2. Not far into Gen.1 we read about God bringing forth LIGHT. Now, I suggest going from an invisible realm of some sort of deep darkness into a visible realm of having LITERAL LIGHT would create a HUGE BANG!
  3. Now, there was something special about THAT LIGHT. There are mentions of how The LORD God dwells within that unapproachable LIGHT and people saw evidence of that being true. King Neb. saw Him dwelling within a fiery furnace. Moses saw him within a bus that seemed on fire but was not consumed. Plus Moses witnessed all the powerful glory of God pass before him, but was only able to safely see the back parts of HIS form as The LORD retreated from him. One day our Savior is going to introduce the saints/his followers to the ONE who has eternally lived as an immortal within unapproachable fire.
  4. John the Baptist taught this truth and John the author of the book of John shared his teaching in John 1. Jesus was THAT LIGHT come in the form of flesh ... the world [mankind] beheld him but did not recognize the possibility of his being The LORD God for he did not look like the super-natural glory of God who Moses knew face to face.
  5. Now,the true BIG BANG was when the invisible God bought forth THAT LIGHT and created an image for himself which could dwell within that realm and then gave humanity eyeballs for beholding it and his form.
Sorry this is off topic ... but sometimes I just have to say something about what I find in scripture.