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Mark 12:30-31 KJV – “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. 31- And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself”. -----

Do any of you know what “DEVOUT” means, or “Devoted”! – A True Atheist is devoted to, or is a DEVOUT ATHEIST. – A True Marxist is “DEVOUT”. – A True Fisherman is a Devout Fisherman. – A True American is Devout, or Devoted to America, and is devoted to the Constitution, and the “CAPITALIST, FREE ENTERPRISE SYSTEM”: a “DEVOUT AMERICAN”. – WHERE ARE THEY!

A CHRISTIAN is a DEVOUT CHRISTIAN. – A Christian cannot be a Devout Christian, and Devoted to anything else. – A Devout Christian is devoted to Jesus Christ and to Him ONLY. A Christian can fish, but cannot be devoted to it, or a Devout fisherman. – There cannot be any Middle of the road, or sitting on the fence, or –“MODERATE” CHRISTIANS. --- What is a “MODERATE”! – A Moderate is one who sits on the fence, or is in the middle of the road, OR IS NOT DEVOTED TO ANYTHING BUT HIMSELF.

Your world is filled with “MODERATE” SO CALLED CHRISTIANS, who are not DEVOUT, or devoted to anything but their own VANITY!

A true Christian cannot sit by and remain silent while some foolish self devoted anti-christian runs his mouth against the Lord’s Doctrines or Words. – FOOLS are always Devoted, and DEVOUT FOOLS. – They cannot be devoted to anything but their devoted foolishness.

COWARDS ARE DEVOUT COWARDS, they know nothing but their cowardice and foolishness of the Truth, and they stick together like the Cowards they are, and LOVE THEIR OWN KIND!! ---- Hello AMR, and STP; how are you today!

Paul – 100311