Devil inherited despot God conception and Christ’s Father God.



Devil, the pride, wanted to omnipotent, omniscient etc. rebelling against the democratic God of heaven. When pride enters a democratic organization despotic rulers rise as we see in human history. A despot wants all power on his own hand. Ultimately that destroys himself and degrades his ruled people. Power destroys and absolute power absolutely.
But a democratic ruler never wants to be omnipotent, omniscient by himself, but by sharing through others. He acts and sees through others. Christ’s father God conception and trinity is such a sharing concept.
Of course omnipotent, omniscient, infallible etc. are unachievable terms as every absolute term is. Presenting one such is presenting an impossible thing. We may refer to them for measuring objects. Bigger and better united an organization is more it comes near those absolutes. But it can’t be achieved fully by an organization let alone a person.
So we have to stick to Christ’s democratic presentation of God as Father and Trinity united perfectly, rejecting the heaven fallen humanity’s despot one god conception inherited from pride-devil.