Destiny harks—“Devil! Finish your dirty captives and then yourself”



Its echo we hear in Muslim scripture where haughty Allah commands “Azrail! Finish all creation and then yourself.”
In western Indian frontier there is a mountain range called Hindukush , which means Hindu-killer. Many invaders entered and then departed with numerous captives meant for slave-market over that mountain. When they faced the formidable Khyber Pass often in crisis they couldn’t take the captives. They then slaughtered them wholesale may be hundred times numerous than them. It is the rule of all armies, the devil’s organization to rule in his deadly kingdom. In this way millions of Hindus’ were killed there, may be billions were killed in other places. Recently, before suicide Hitler ordered his army to finish the German nation as unfit to live. His soldiers were ordered to kill all inmates of the camps and prisons. But they didn’t care then.
Now destiny has given the verdict to Devil, the spirit of pride-selfishness, to finish his captive Heaven-fallen humanity, whom he has used for burning Heaven and finally himself (Indian puran and Rev12,7-12). So he is readying his formidable array of nuclear bombs while his highest paid henchmen like prosperity preachers, politicians, generals, capitalists, prostitutes of mass media continue degrading humanity. Even if some escape the Atomic hate-blast carnage to die an apparent peaceful death his personality (soul) will die painfully too. We have seen while exorcising that those committing suicide painfully or painlessly suffer much after death. To lessen that, they enter into living persons, making them sick. Eventually, all those rejecting humble Love-God in Heaven to fall to the lure of Devil, the pride spirit, will die by soul-death. This Original Sin of pride is allegorically told in Adam and Eve story. Every primitive tribe has some version of this story.

Why it happened that we all did this sin in Heaven and God let it happen? Let me explain first the terms God and Heaven. Obeying Christ to risk my life among Muslims in celibacy for 50 years with 7year Hindu and Christian theology study and long experience in exorcism, spiritual world and healing, I have realized the truth about it. Actually law of spiritual love is omnipotent God represented by those who follow most.
Every organization, society and civilization is created in self-sacrificing love as love’s nature is binding together. Those are destroyed when pride-selfishness enters into old them, breaking the love-bond apart. Then in fight starts scattering the fragments off.
Paradises are spiritual organizations in the enduring spiritual realm. They are far bigger than earth in soul population as sun is bigger than earth materially. The concept of tiny jail like walled heaven conception is totally false. As stars are in sky so are paradises in Heaven, which is the unity of paradises. So the earth, a small correction center of an enormous paradise’s delinquent souls, is just like a speck of dust in the sky. We may compare UNO with Heaven and states with paradises. The ruler of Heaven is Heavenly Father, the unity of Heavenly parents(Gen1-26). Here also in earth we see that the unity of worldly parents really run the world, not the haughty lords as it outwardly seems. They rear us to be like them so that we can enter their unity. So, Christ said “Heavenly Father seeks that you become like Him”( to be worthy to enter His unity of Heaven, which is the community of saints).
In this connection it must be mentioned how our souls are formed in paradises. Two spiritually intimate parent souls made our infant souls uniting abounding spiritual atoms by spiritual love supervised by heaven, as here our bodies are formed by two parents from material atoms by carnal love supervised by human society. We would have procreated soul-children by pure exquisite spiritual love, if we were not pride-spoiled in paradise. But falling now in animal body we procreate by humiliating compulsive animal sex, carnal children who are also degenerate like us. We feel by spiritual instinct that is shamefully beneath our dignity. So all sane humanity feels shame about sex and hides the sex parts and actions. But soulless animals don’t as they don’t feel sex-shame. It is sure sign of Heaven-fallen soul among humanity.
But glory be to Christ! His disciple purified by the cross can regain spiritual love here. They can bear spiritual children united with Christ by reforming sinners as saints do.
After being formed in self-sacrificing love, some old paradises turn proud-selfish. Democratic rule of humble Heavenly parents there degenerate to proud dictatorship of a despot God seeking power and worship. Then in reaction rebellion starts and infighting breaks it apart to infighting hells (as recently in Yugoslavia, Russia etc. in earth). The population becomes pride-infected, which is mortal original sin. Their souls begin to lose love-integrity resulting in loss of personality. This is soul-death as we see in starkly mad people even here.
But some sane souls resist the infection of pride in paradise by repenting and atoning. They confess the responsibility of that paradise’s degeneration. Their unity is Christ, who is unaffected by original sin. But they are rejected by the degenerating proud paradise as Christ was rejected here. Then united with Heavenly Father they in unity of Christ create new Heaven elsewhere drawing repentant souls under Devil’s spiritual death verdict and outer darkness. Following Christ these repentant souls rise over pride-selfishness Devil. then he can kill their body made of mud, but not their soul by passion-disintegration. They pass from death to spiritual life following Christ to cross.

But the majority unrepentant humanity die some time after body death by soul death, not at the time of illusive so called end times’ big book judgment . Jews were influenced by Persians to believe in untenable bodily resurrection of souls and then judgment at end times. The end times mean total end of creation. Such people ludicrously thought that then stars will fall on earth as figs!! No! Such will never happen! The creation may end long long after human species become extinct. We better know by exorcism, spiritual world experience and rebirth phenomenon that a few unrepentant passion-captive souls die by repeated incarnations in short time. Incarnation or rebirth is also repeated escalating death of personality ending in final soul death. But for majority no rebirth happens. Personality (soul) remains as long as something there is to hold on to. As long as body exists personality holds on to that. Then after short bursts of action like dying embers, soul disintegrates finally like ash having no love-bond to hold on to. But those who don’t hold on to any evil or illusive god but cling to Heavenly Father through living Christ will survive centering them. There is no big book for judgment as action of love on soul is automatic and instantaneous. We may not see the outward symptoms of this automatic judgment for some time. But then it happens inwardly by increasing or decreasing internal integrity. After a little time, the resulting strength or weakness becomes apparent to spiritually blind us. So a bloody king may seem to die grandly but sages will see his hell within. Similarly a pauper convict may seem to die wretchedly but sages will see heavenly death.

Those, who follow Christ and humble Heavenly Father to accept the cross with love, no less, will live abundantly even here and hereafter too. Believing Christ they will obey him to exercise love in love-works. This exercise will purify and increase love to integrate them more and more. They will be so strongly integrated within and with Christ that no suffering, even cruelest death can break them apart. That is salvation. Faith brings obedience. Obedience promotes love-works increasing love. Then love-(God) saves by integrating soul parts(1Cor13).
The Heaven-fallen humanity is pride-Devil’s spoiled captive. He is the figurative suicidal fickle unity of proud-selfish souls. He can do anything with them, but not with real Christ-followers. Their spoiled nature will be corrected by love-cross to escape soul death following Christ, our rescuer sent by Heavenly Father.


New member

Its echo we hear in Muslim scripture where haughty Allah commands “Azrail! Finish all creation and then yourself.”
In western Indian frontier there is a mountain range called Hindukush , which means Hindu-killer. Many invaders entered and then departed with numerous captives meant for slave-market over that mountain. When they faced the formidable Khyber Pass often in crisis they couldn’t take the captives. They then slaughtered them wholesale may be hundred times numerous than them. It is the rule of all armies, the devil’s organization to rule in his deadly kingdom. In this way millions of Hindus’ were killed there, may be billions were killed in other places. Recently, before suicide Hitler ordered his army to finish the German nation as unfit to live. His soldiers were ordered to kill all inmates of the camps and prisons. But they didn’t care then.
Now destiny has given the verdict to Devil, the spirit of pride-selfishness, to finish his captive Heaven-fallen humanity, whom he has used for burning Heaven and finally himself (Indian puran and Rev12,7-12). So he is readying his formidable array of nuclear bombs while his highest paid henchmen like prosperity preachers, politicians, generals, capitalists, prostitutes of mass media continue degrading humanity. Even if some escape the Atomic hate-blast carnage to die an apparent peaceful death his personality (soul) will die painfully too. We have seen while exorcising that those committing suicide painfully or painlessly suffer much after death. To lessen that, they enter into living persons, making them sick. Eventually, all those rejecting humble Love-God in Heaven to fall to the lure of Devil, the pride spirit, will die by soul-death. This Original Sin of pride is allegorically told in Adam and Eve story. Every primitive tribe has some version of this story.

Why it happened that we all did this sin in Heaven and God let it happen? Let me explain first the terms God and Heaven. Obeying Christ to risk my life among Muslims in celibacy for 50 years with 7year Hindu and Christian theology study and long experience in exorcism, spiritual world and healing, I have realized the truth about it. Actually law of spiritual love is omnipotent God represented by those who follow most.
Every organization, society and civilization is created in self-sacrificing love as love’s nature is binding together. Those are destroyed when pride-selfishness enters into old them, breaking the love-bond apart. Then in fight starts scattering the fragments off.
Paradises are spiritual organizations in the enduring spiritual realm. They are far bigger than earth in soul population as sun is bigger than earth materially. The concept of tiny jail like walled heaven conception is totally false. As stars are in sky so are paradises in Heaven, which is the unity of paradises. So the earth, a small correction center of an enormous paradise’s delinquent souls, is just like a speck of dust in the sky. We may compare UNO with Heaven and states with paradises. The ruler of Heaven is Heavenly Father, the unity of Heavenly parents(Gen1-26). Here also in earth we see that the unity of worldly parents really run the world, not the haughty lords as it outwardly seems. They rear us to be like them so that we can enter their unity. So, Christ said “Heavenly Father seeks that you become like Him”( to be worthy to enter His unity of Heaven, which is the community of saints).
In this connection it must be mentioned how our souls are formed in paradises. Two spiritually intimate parent souls made our infant souls uniting abounding spiritual atoms by spiritual love supervised by heaven, as here our bodies are formed by two parents from material atoms by carnal love supervised by human society. We would have procreated soul-children by pure exquisite spiritual love, if we were not pride-spoiled in paradise. But falling now in animal body we procreate by humiliating compulsive animal sex, carnal children who are also degenerate like us. We feel by spiritual instinct that is shamefully beneath our dignity. So all sane humanity feels shame about sex and hides the sex parts and actions. But soulless animals don’t as they don’t feel sex-shame. It is sure sign of Heaven-fallen soul among humanity.
But glory be to Christ! His disciple purified by the cross can regain spiritual love here. They can bear spiritual children united with Christ by reforming sinners as saints do.
After being formed in self-sacrificing love, some old paradises turn proud-selfish. Democratic rule of humble Heavenly parents there degenerate to proud dictatorship of a despot God seeking power and worship. Then in reaction rebellion starts and infighting breaks it apart to infighting hells (as recently in Yugoslavia, Russia etc. in earth). The population becomes pride-infected, which is mortal original sin. Their souls begin to lose love-integrity resulting in loss of personality. This is soul-death as we see in starkly mad people even here.
But some sane souls resist the infection of pride in paradise by repenting and atoning. They confess the responsibility of that paradise’s degeneration. Their unity is Christ, who is unaffected by original sin. But they are rejected by the degenerating proud paradise as Christ was rejected here. Then united with Heavenly Father they in unity of Christ create new Heaven elsewhere drawing repentant souls under Devil’s spiritual death verdict and outer darkness. Following Christ these repentant souls rise over pride-selfishness Devil. then he can kill their body made of mud, but not their soul by passion-disintegration. They pass from death to spiritual life following Christ to cross.

But the majority unrepentant humanity die some time after body death by soul death, not at the time of illusive so called end times’ big book judgment . Jews were influenced by Persians to believe in untenable bodily resurrection of souls and then judgment at end times. The end times mean total end of creation. Such people ludicrously thought that then stars will fall on earth as figs!! No! Such will never happen! The creation may end long long after human species become extinct. We better know by exorcism, spiritual world experience and rebirth phenomenon that a few unrepentant passion-captive souls die by repeated incarnations in short time. Incarnation or rebirth is also repeated escalating death of personality ending in final soul death. But for majority no rebirth happens. Personality (soul) remains as long as something there is to hold on to. As long as body exists personality holds on to that. Then after short bursts of action like dying embers, soul disintegrates finally like ash having no love-bond to hold on to. But those who don’t hold on to any evil or illusive god but cling to Heavenly Father through living Christ will survive centering them. There is no big book for judgment as action of love on soul is automatic and instantaneous. We may not see the outward symptoms of this automatic judgment for some time. But then it happens inwardly by increasing or decreasing internal integrity. After a little time, the resulting strength or weakness becomes apparent to spiritually blind us. So a bloody king may seem to die grandly but sages will see his hell within. Similarly a pauper convict may seem to die wretchedly but sages will see heavenly death.

Those, who follow Christ and humble Heavenly Father to accept the cross with love, no less, will live abundantly even here and hereafter too. Believing Christ they will obey him to exercise love in love-works. This exercise will purify and increase love to integrate them more and more. They will be so strongly integrated within and with Christ that no suffering, even cruelest death can break them apart. That is salvation. Faith brings obedience. Obedience promotes love-works increasing love. Then love-(God) saves by integrating soul parts(1Cor13).
The Heaven-fallen humanity is pride-Devil’s spoiled captive. He is the figurative suicidal fickle unity of proud-selfish souls. He can do anything with them, but not with real Christ-followers. Their spoiled nature will be corrected by love-cross to escape soul death following Christ, our rescuer sent by Heavenly Father.
Dear stephengoswami,

Your posts are unreadable.
This might be the most important message since Paul's Gospel, but I can't read it.
I can't tell if you're a Christian or lost, a genius or a fool, because I can't read it.
Maybe you don't want it to be easily read, but I'll assume that it's unintentional.

The law assumes that "you're doing it wrong" unintentionally.
It then restricts your liberty, even if you're "doing wrong" for a purpose -- you can no longer make the choice to "do it wrong" on purpose, because the law assumes the only reason you'd want to "do it wrong" would be unintentional.

This is why the law is useful for the young, because they "do it wrong" unintentionally, because they don't know any better. But for the old, the mature, the law restricts options.

Un-bold everything.
Un-italicize everything.
Be selective with Bold and Italics.

More line-feeds -- hit 'Enter' more.

The high-level message here -- the spirit of the law -- is, it's unreadable, so whatever you can do for that will be great.

Unless, you're intentionally making it unreadable. In which case, :carryon:

Kindest regards,


New member
Dear stephengoswami,

Your posts are unreadable.
This might be the most important message since Paul's Gospel, but I can't read it.
I can't tell if you're a Christian or lost, a genius or a fool, because I can't read it.
Maybe you don't want it to be easily read, but I'll assume that it's unintentional.

The law assumes that "you're doing it wrong" unintentionally.
It then restricts your liberty, even if you're "doing wrong" for a purpose -- you can no longer make the choice to "do it wrong" on purpose, because the law assumes the only reason you'd want to "do it wrong" would be unintentional.

This is why the law is useful for the young, because they "do it wrong" unintentionally, because they don't know any better. But for the old, the mature, the law restricts options.

Un-bold everything.
Un-italicize everything.
Be selective with Bold and Italics.

More line-feeds -- hit 'Enter' more.

The high-level message here -- the spirit of the law -- is, it's unreadable, so whatever you can do for that will be great.

Unless, you're intentionally making it unreadable. In which case, :carryon:

Kindest regards,

It’s not that anything is unreadable. It’s that if it agrees with what God gave us to read that is also unreadable for the Fool or the Lost. -- If one cannot read the Scriptures and have Faith in exactly what it’s saying, it is unreadable to him. However, if one reads the Scriptures, and understands and has Faith in what is given to us to understand, and have Faith in, then that is readable to the Christian, and not to the FOOL!! – The fool, or the Faithless, can never understand TRUTH, for TRUTH is always Spiritual. (( God and Christ are TRUTH, and they are SPIRIT )) – 1 Corinthians 2:14 KJV – “The NATURAL MAN RECEIVETH NOT the things of the SPIRIT of God: for they are foolishness unto him: NEITHER CAN HE KNOW THEM, - because THEY ARE SPIRITUALLY DISCERNED”. ------//---- Is that not saying that the Truth / the Word of God, or the Scriptures are unreadable to the Fool!! – That’s what the Tongues of Angels are, - the Truth that is taught in the Spirit of the Word, not the Letter itself.

Paul – 042912


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
Yes I can read this if I go through the bad formatting and punctuation slowly. It is a heap of horsefeathers. I am going to make some comments on points made in the post. I won't quote it in its entirety.

Now destiny has given the verdict to Devil, the spirit of pride-selfishness, to finish his captive Heaven-fallen humanity, whom he has used for burning Heaven and finally himself (Indian puran and Rev12,7-12).
The Devil burns heaven? You shouldn't be using the label 'Christian' if you believe this. This is nowhere in the Bible. The devil is a fallen angel cast down to the earth. He has no power over God or Heaven.
This Original Sin of pride is allegorically told in Adam and Eve story. Every primitive tribe has some version of this story.
'Allegorically' That little word tells me that you don't take God or the bible seriously.
. Obeying Christ to risk my life among Muslims in celibacy for 50 years with 7year Hindu and Christian theology study and long experience in exorcism, spiritual world and healing, I have realized the truth about it. Actually law of spiritual love is omnipotent God represented by those who follow most.
Matthew 7:15-17 -
“Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit.

Your theology gives you away. You are not Christian. Let take a look at some more of your bad fruit in your post.

Paradises are spiritual organizations in the enduring spiritual realm. They are far bigger than earth in soul population as sun is bigger than earth materially.
The concept of tiny jail like walled heaven conception is totally false.
Here you go denying the scriptural version of Heaven as described in Revelation in the highlighted portion. The Holy city isn't tiny. You condemn yourself taking away from Scripture and adding your own ideas.

Revelation 22:18-19 -
I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to that person the plagues described in this scroll. And if anyone takes words away from this scroll of prophecy, God will take away from that person any share in the tree of life and in the Holy City, which are described in this scroll.

Two spiritually intimate parent souls made our infant souls uniting abounding spiritual atoms by spiritual love supervised by heaven, as here our bodies are formed by two parents from material atoms by carnal love supervised by human society.
This resembles Hinduism and Mormonism in some respects. It bears no resemblance to Christianity.
But the majority unrepentant humanity die some time after body death by soul death, not at the time of illusive so called end times’ big book judgment . Jews were influenced by Persians to believe in untenable bodily resurrection of souls and then judgment at end times. The end times mean total end of creation. Such people ludicrously thought that then stars will fall on earth as figs!!
here you go rejecting the scripture and inserting your own theology. A dangerous position!
. We better know by exorcism, spiritual world experience and rebirth phenomenon that a few unrepentant passion-captive souls die by repeated incarnations in short time. Incarnation or rebirth is also repeated escalating death of personality ending in final soul death.
So it slips out in the open. You've swallowed Hindu theology...
..There is no big book for judgment as action of love on soul is automatic and instantaneous.
Again here you are rejecting scripture in favor of your own mish mash theology.
Obedience promotes love-works increasing love. Then love-(God) saves by integrating soul parts(1Cor13).
Integrating soul parts--more eastern mystic psycho babble.
Your theology amounts to nothing more than mud. It is worthless. Perhaps it is fortunate that your post in unreadable to most. It is a complete waste of time. I am not the better for having read it.


Thank u for ur response. Healing herbs are always bitter. So Christ was crucified and sages executed. but the healing effect proved them later.
Revelation says that Satan made war in heaven. That is burning!
I have no audacity to call myself Christian which sounds Christ-like to nonchristians. Rather i call myself worse than Judas.
I dont believe that Catholic made bible as infallible. They also didn't believe that as they rejected main Apostles' gospels by their reason. So by my reason I use bible selectively. Must be as more of bible's verses support violence, war and communalissm than universal love and forgiveness.