Denver church welcomes sodomites


Well-known member
Not to "come as you are" but to STAY as you are.

On Sunday, members of the elder team announced to the congregation that they have decided to allow homosexuals and transgenders to serve in leadership roles. They also released a public video the following day explaining the announcement, as well as the two-year discussion period that led to their conclusion.

“In our journey and conversation, we studied Scripture, prayed together, challenged one another, heard from various viewpoints, and invited our brothers and sisters in the LGBT community to share their stories with us,” the elders state in the four-minute message.

They note that following the process, although leadership still held to a disagreement with homosexual behavior, they “felt called to transcend our viewpoints and seek unity.”


Not to "come as you are" but to STAY as you are.

That doesn't help the sinner much (Mt 18:17, 1 Co 5:11). :idunno:

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14]
heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).


Nicer than God
The Bible's Criminal Code


Well-known member
Give it time. They will increasingly become the majority of professing Christians across all denominations.


Well-known member
Men can and do fall away (1 Co 9:27)

You are a liar or a troll and Adrian Rogers would rebuke your twisting the Word if he were here to do it.

That prize was something Paul was striving for as the goal of a faithful apostolic ministry. Salvation was not the prize. Salvation is never a prize that one strives to earn -- else it's a wage earned by work with God is indebted to pay. Paul's salvation was not in jeopardy, only the prize was. Nor was the salvation of those in Corinth who, despite gross and unrepentant carnality, were saved. Such is the way of Gospel of grace, which you refuse in favor of your own self-righteous works.


New member
My direct question to the leadership team of DCC would be:

Is the practicing of homosexual acts sinful?

I wonder what they would say. The video doesn't say.

If they have the wrong answer to that question, I expect 50% of their congregation will scatter.



Well-known member
My direct question to the leadership team of DCC would be:

Is the practicing of homosexual acts sinful?

I wonder what they would say. The video doesn't say.

If they have the wrong answer to that question, I expect 50% of their congregation will scatter.


Disagree on one small point. Anyone who would be offended and leave over them having the biblically wrong answer very likely already isn't attending that church. The leadership is reflecting the congregation.


New member
Disagree on one small point. Anyone who would be offended and leave over them having the biblically wrong answer very likely already isn't attending that church. The leadership is reflecting the congregation.

Well, maybe, maybe not.

People leave one congregation for another all of the time over differences with the leadership.

I guess time will tell.