Democrat vehicle emission standards - Stupidity on steroids


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Why was it a bad idea to remove Trump and install Biben by hook and crook? Because of out-of-control Marxist democrat stupidity. Dim-bulb democrats think all government officials need to do is regulate emissions to the point that moving vehicles no longer emit gasseous by-products from combustion. That is not science - it is fantasy.

President Biden will unveil sweeping new regulations on cars and trucks on Thursday, returning America over the next five years to the strict standards that the Obama administration had imposed but former President Trump walked back.
The proposed rules drafted by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Transportation would tighten emissions standards to be more in line with aggressive measures established by California in 2019, but which Mr. Trump had blocked.
On mileage rules, automakers also will be required to raise their average miles-per-gallon score of their fleets by 3.7% starting with the model year 2023, which would include cars sold next year. That standard also had been proposed by California