Democrat Trump


New member
I recently posted on the "good, bad, ugly" post my wondering if Trump is actually a Democrat (because his and his old man's wealth have long been tied to the infamously politicallly corrupt, mobbed up, Tammany Hall).

Well wonder of wonders...

Trump's Art of the Deal? Not so much

President Trump handed Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer the deal of the century this morning.

One top Republican described the move to me as the legislative equivalent of giving an entire stockpile of weapons to Democrats and inviting them to take the entire Republican Party hostage. Republicans are in a state of shock...


New member
Boy was I on the money on this one...

"To the Trump POLLS, Robin!"

Trump Tears Apart The GOP By Dissing Ryan And McConnell While Complimenting Democrats

Transcript via The White House as provided to PoliticusUSA:

THE PRESIDENT: We had a very good conversation with President Xi of China. It lasted for about 45 minutes. He’s very much in favor of the denuke of North Korea, and we’re talking about different things. We have some things — we’re going to be talking again soon, and we’ll see how that works out.

We had a very good meeting with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. We agreed to a three-month extension on debt ceiling, which they consider to be sacred — very important — always we’ll agree on debt ceiling automatically because of the importance of it.

Also on the CRs and also on Harvey, which now we’re going to be adding something because of what’s going on in Florida — but we had a very good meeting. We essentially came to a deal, and I think the deal will be very good. We had a very, very cordial and professional meeting.

So we have an extension, which will go out to December 15th. That will include the debt ceiling, that will include the CRs, and it will include Harvey — the amount of money to be determined, but it will include — because everyone is in favor obviously of taking care of that situation. So we all very much agree.

Q Mr. President, what do you say to those who say there are mixed signals coming from the White House over DACA?

THE PRESIDENT: No mixed signal at all. Congress, I really believe, wants to take care of this situation. I really believe it — even very conservative members of Congress. I’ve seen it firsthand. If they don’t, we’re going to see what we’re going to do.

But I will tell you, I really believe Congress wants to take care of it. We discussed that also today, and Chuck and Nancy would like to see something happen, and so do I. And I said if we can get something to happen, we’re going to sign it and we’re going to make a lot of happy people...

Why the turn around?

To the Trump POLLS, Boy Wonder!

"Oh my!" - Aunt Harriet.

Mocking You

New member
Lifelong Democrat Trump makes deal with lifelong Democrats Pelosi and Schumer. No negotiations, just laid down and accepted the terms.

Trumpies reaction? "It was Ryan and McConnell's fault. They're RINOs."

patrick jane

Lifelong Democrat Trump makes deal with lifelong Democrats Pelosi and Schumer. No negotiations, just laid down and accepted the terms.

Trumpies reaction? "It was Ryan and McConnell's fault. They're RINOs."
Mocking You crawls out of the woodwork to bash Trump. How cute. I think Trump needs to do more of this, there's a handful of Republicans that will not support Trump, making the entire Republican party ineffective and irrelevant

Mocking You

New member
Mocking You crawls out of the woodwork to bash Trump. How cute. I think Trump needs to do more of this, there's a handful of Republicans that will not support Trump, making the entire Republican party ineffective and irrelevant

I bash when it is warranted and I praise when it is deserved. I was thrilled when Trump rescinded DACA. But then 8 hours later he tweeted he wanted it to be legalized. So he really is in favor of DACA. So he's breaking a campaign promise.

Of course Trumpies will believe that Trump wants to do away with DACA, no matter what he does or says.


New member
To the Trump POLLS, Boy Wonder!

He seemed super upbeat," one person familiar with the calls said.

Another person familiar with the calls said Trump told Pelosi her coverage was even better than his. “The press has been incredible,” Trump said...

And just like that, the very news networks Batman's old nemesis: The Trumpster, has so maligned being "fake news" he is nowing singing the praises of to high heaven.

What a character, lol - gotta give him that much.

The Trump Presidency reminds me of that old Chinese curse - "May you live in interesting times."

We certainly have that...



Mocking You crawls out of the woodwork to bash Trump. How cute. I think Trump needs to do more of this, there's a handful of Republicans that will not support Trump, making the entire Republican party ineffective and irrelevant


With the possible exception of Vladimir, the whole world has been placed on "Donald J's" enemies list at one time or another!

With so many enemies, Trump is now forced to "recycle" some of them to serve as "friends!"
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