Democrat Marxist fascist persecution of political enemies


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Democrats do not care that their approval rating is the lowest under Biden in the history of the country. That's what they get for stealing an election for incompetent buffoons who don't have a clue how to make America safe and prosperous. But approval ratings be damned, democrats cannot help themselves in their obsession with finding some way to silence Trump and his massive number of supporters.

House democrats dismissed Trump's civil rights, due process, and congressional laws and procedures in order to unjustly impeach him once they gained a slim majority in Congress. But that did not satisfy their thirst for blood. The democrats continue their unjust false allegations and witchhunts against republicans who expressed disapproval of voter fraud, especially on Jan. 6. Their tactics remain the same, as always, and can be taken right out of the communist playbook by which North Korean dictators go after their enemies.

No republican is on the Jan 6 'investigation' committee, just like no republican approved the unjust democrat impeachment of Trump, and no republican was hired by Mueller as he searched high and low for evidence of some crime with which to charge Trump. No republican witnesses are being called in the Jan 6 witchhunt just as no republican witnesses were allowed the freedom to testify during the kangaroo democrat impeachment proceedings.

And so forth.