Dem Senator: I'm Embarrassed By My Party's Selfish Partisanship

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Dem Senator: I'm Embarrassed By My Party's Selfish Partisanship

Democrats are taking a beating because House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) derailed a bipartisan Wuhan coronavirus relief plan. Members of both parties worked through the weekend to come to an agreement and, at the last minute, Pelosi decided it would be better for the House to introduce their own coronavirus relief plan. Her reasoning? There weren't enough progressive items in the bill and Democrats saw this as the perfect opportunity to fundamentally transform America into what they think it should be.

Senators who were part of the negotiations and agreed to the bill before Pelosi blew it up decided to follow Pelosi's lead. But not every Democrat is happy with the party's hyper-partisanship, especially as Americans across the country are suffering.

Sen. Doug Jones (D-AL) was the only Democrat to vote in favor of cloture on Monday, which would fast-track the proposed Wuhan coronavirus relief bill. Even though he voted alongside Republicans, Democrats were able to get their way, yet again. The motion failed with a vote of 49-46.

Jones told CNN's Manu Raji he's "embarrassed" by the political games that are taking place.

Embarrassed? That is the least he should be.