Delmar's POD 11-1-07

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Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Can you tell me specifically who from TOL has said that?

If you can please provide a link.

If you can't... please apologize and retract your statement. Thanks! :up:

Here are your options....

A. Provide a link to a TOL admin or moderator stating that they are a "paulinist".
B. Not provide a link (because no such content exists) and then apologize for such a misrepresentation.
C. Not provide a link (because no such content exists) offer no apology and be banned from TOL.

The choice is yours.

:first: When you are in charge, act like you are in charge!


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Click on the little arrow by my name in the quote that Delmar quoted.

I can't believe that not everyone has discovered that little arrow. When the quote feature is used properly it makes following who said what ever so easy!


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
No biggy... I don't think you were around when we upgraded and added that new feature.

It is certainly the best new feature I have discovered! Thank you so much Knight, for continuing to make this the best web forum on the planet!


New member
I knew before reading it that it was a reply to Thela's wackiness. Thela lives in her own world refuting bogus "MAD" positions of her invention, rather than what Mid-Acts folks actually believe.


Merely Christian
It is certainly the best new feature I have discovered! Thank you so much Knight, for continuing to make this the best web forum on the planet!

Great pick! Well said Knight :)

I agree with your quote Delmar, thanks Knight! ...Now if only we had little arrows that went the other way too :D
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