Delmar on Animal Rights and Eating Dogs


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Animal Rights: Every animal has the right to be hunted, killed, cooked, and eaten. Defend animal rights!

Ktoyou:".....for some conventional reasons, doggie stew is usually off the menu. Perhaps the idea of eating man’s best friend is offensive to many people, including me. Now cats, well, I think they are critters, yet my general respect for convention would prevent me from partaking in such a dish."

Delmar: "When you consider how many dogs are put to sleep every year because they are not wanted I see no reason for people with such an appetite not to eat them.":dog:

Kmoney: "I don't think I could eat dog,..."

Delmar: "I understand, but that is a cultural bias, not a moral issue. I used to have a pet cow that I really liked. She would follow me around the feed lot and rub her head up against me so I would pet her. She also tasted GREAT!" :cow:


Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Cows do taste great. And that is true, outside the US, in Asia where a plurality of people exist, dog is on the menu. I'll just go to Safeway if its all the same to you. Our outdoor cat has now eaten 2 tree rats in the last two weeks. The girls found 2 more hind legs and a tail in the front yard. For this, he gets a can of wet food.


New member
People spend more time in the service of their dogs than in the service of the Almighty.

"Who changed the truth of Elohim into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen."


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Animal Rights: Every animal has the right to be hunted, killed, cooked, and eaten. Defend animal rights!

Ktoyou:".....for some conventional reasons, doggie stew is usually off the menu. Perhaps the idea of eating man’s best friend is offensive to many people, including me. Now cats, well, I think they are critters, yet my general respect for convention would prevent me from partaking in such a dish."

Delmar: "When you consider how many dogs are put to sleep every year because they are not wanted I see no reason for people with such an appetite not to eat them.":dog:

Kmoney: "I don't think I could eat dog,..."

Delmar: "I understand, but that is a cultural bias, not a moral issue. I used to have a pet cow that I really liked. She would follow me around the feed lot and rub her head up against me so I would pet her. She also tasted GREAT!" :cow:

Fun thread! Mind if I SPAM it on my birthday?