What's on the agenda for you next; Murder or perhaps, Extortion
and Kidnapping? Maybe (according to you) we should just have
total, all out Anarchy?
I'm neg repping you for not having a clue what "anarchy" means. Here's a hint: Murder, extortion, and kidnapping would all be illegal. However, these things are completely legal in the US right now, so long as government officials do them.
Ever read Murray Rothbard? Lew Rockwell? Walter Block? Thomas Woods? Larken Rose? Judge Napolitano?
"anarchy" would criminalize more murder, extortion, and kidnapping than are currently illegal.
And of course, prostitution is not comparable to any of these, because unlike the above activities, it is (at least in theory) a consensual interaction between two parties.
That correlation doesn't stand up to reason.
A) Rapists are criminals, they don't care to break the law to fulfill their sexual urges. Why would they be interested in legal prostitutes? They can do it illegally.
I guess it comes down to, does the rapist rape because he wants sexual satisfaction, or because he wants control? Everything I've read suggests its the latter, but it probably varies.
B) Rapists target specific victims that fit a criteria, even if it's a random victim and it's the idea of forcing a victim that is arousing to them. Why would a business transaction with a legal brothel change that?
See above.
C) Information from the CDC shows that STDs have dropped dramitically from the 80s into that time frame across the country. The cause of that is not legal prostitution in part of RI, but rather mass media campaigns that raise awareness about STDs and how they are contracted. Plus, it's been far easier to get condoms over the last decade as well, right?
I think on some degree, the laws regarding prostitution should be changed. If nothing else, prostitutes who come forward to police about their abusive pimps should not be punished for their past and so forth. Whatever it takes to rescue women from that, if they want to be rescued. This a false correlation, however. The are many other factors that cause a decline in STDs and rapes.
Ignoring the situation where pimps force women into things (which should of course be a crime), why in the world is prostitution a crime at all? It is a consensual business transaction. Its one I don't happen to approve of, but its not my decision to make.
Thats idiot thinking, a good number of prostitutes ARE rape victims themselves being forced into the job hence being raped because of being forced to say yes.
But not all.
Meaning your wanting more prostitution means you want more human trafficking and forced silenced rape victims makes you part of a much larger problem and not a solution.
Solution, stop visiting prostitutes and there wont be a market.
I agree with your solution (I certainly don't visit them, lol) but I don't think anyone wants more prostitution. Speaking for myself, however, I do want less people being locked up for victimless crimes.