Dear Israel! Obey enemy-love of Christ or destroy self and others.


Dear Israel! Obey enemy-love of Christ or destroy self and others.
When Christ called you to love your enemies especially Romans you didn’t obey. So when they besieged, your infighting killed more Jews than them, as pride-hate practicing kin become enemies often. Then Israel was destroyed. Now, if you don’t obey that precept of Christ, you will be destroyed by your kin Ishmaelite Muslims and others on earth. That hate will destroy your soul too by hate-disintegration in the spiritual world.

Spiritual love is God, the central unity and unifier, creating and maintaining everything by bonding from atom to universe, from material particles. He creates spiritual world the ultimate, by creating souls from spiritual particles and paradises by them each as big as stars compared to earth. There our souls were created from spiritual atoms (Indian philosophy) by the intimate spiritual love-union of two souls of a love-united paradise as here our physical bodies are created in earth. But we having lost that love due to Fall, create like animals in compulsive bondage of sex here in earth. So we feel shame in sex and cover it and body. But when repentance purified one regains spiritual love he/she create spiritual children again being united with Christ as saints do, even here.
So don’t prioritize this carnal body and its accessories as these are lowly.

Culture of pride-hate destroys bonding love within self and with others. Then soul-parts break apart, as we see even here in stark mad people. That is eternal death, where the soul-parts suffer isolation pain eternally.

I an Indian convert from very ancient and proud Brahmin priestly class to Christ 55 years ago worshipping murderer gods was saved from them by obeying enemy-love injunction of Christ. Then I forsook destructive hate of Muslims and began to love and serve them, who drove us out of our homeland by pillage and murder, to be healed by love-integration. Hatred against them had almost destroyed my sanity and soul. Pride-hate can give instant energy like wine but disintegrates later. When we fell from our soul originating Heaven for following pride devil, we spoilt each other as Eve spoilt Adam. All the spoilt humanity including the Muslims are our product. So it is natural that we suffer from pride-spoilt them and others.

Weapons can’t save but destroy others and the weapon wielder too by inciting pride, hate, anger disintegrating all. So Christ said sword will turn against the holder. Our Indian sages also tell that “What you do to others will return to you.”
You may scoff “Christians are the greatest fighters and weapon makers”. Actually those people audaciously calling themselves Christ are ‘worse than Judas Iscariot’. I call myself that. Judas bore with then pauper Christ for 3 years while I wouldn’t 3 days! Don’t judge Christ by these violence worshipping apostate ‘Christians’ and their apostate churches. They have tainted the idea of Christ and his absolute love Heavenly Father by their war inspiring old testament and worse than devil hell-sending god of spurious Revelation, when they made the bible. This they made when they worshipped pride-Devil by collaborating with his protégées roman kings’ warfare to gain religious empire.
Here you may frown as old testament is derived from your scripture, very dear to you. But my Brahmin scripture Vedas was dear to me too. But when in the light of Christ I saw its pride, communalism and brutality I gave it up, though it was very difficult. So difficult was giving up my violent and proud worship seeking gods 55 years ago. Christ said “whoever loves anything above me can’t obey me (absolute love)”. So also you will have to leave your war ordering proud Jehovah to follow absolute love Heavenly Father. He doesn’t seek worship flattery, but that we become like Him as children become like parents. So I am becoming rearing orphans and destitute for 50 years.

Even if nonviolent me is killed by enemy or in all-out war I shall not die in soul disintegrating hate but in saving love. I shall go to love-heaven. You might say that Muslims shall destroy us if we follow Christ’s love-enemy motto, as you had wrongly said in Christ’s time that Romans will destroy us if we follow Christ. But weapons can give you a very low type of short hellish existence spreading hate-hell around. It will promote disintegrating hate and hell for all. Body death is nothing or even beneficial if we die with love. Saints would rather die with love and achieve Love-Heaven to spread love-heaven around as Christ is doing.

So I beseech you, my neighbor, to heed his love-injunction of 2nd commandment. Muslims are most suffering people, being captive to most cruel hell-sending Allah derived from catholic created spurious Revelation god. They can be healed and won by love only. Neither fighting can’t win any of them, nor save you. But love can save a few. If you fight you will be destroyed with them. Moreover you may start atomic world war to send humanity to hate-hell of soul-disintegration.
Don’t say love is futile. Love is the omnipotent God. Our Gandhi won independence from British by his tactics implementing Christ’s principles and is saving India and other peoples from violence still now.


New member
Dear Israel! Obey enemy-love of Christ or destroy self and others.
When Christ called you to love your enemies especially Romans you didn’t obey. So when they besieged, your infighting killed more Jews than them, as pride-hate practicing kin become enemies often. Then Israel was destroyed. Now, if you don’t obey that precept of Christ, you will be destroyed by your kin Ishmaelite Muslims and others on earth. That hate will destroy your soul too by hate-disintegration in the spiritual world.

Spiritual love is God, the central unity and unifier, creating and maintaining everything by bonding from atom to universe, from material particles. He creates spiritual world the ultimate, by creating souls from spiritual particles and paradises by them each as big as stars compared to earth. There our souls were created from spiritual atoms (Indian philosophy) by the intimate spiritual love-union of two souls of a love-united paradise as here our physical bodies are created in earth. But we having lost that love due to Fall, create like animals in compulsive bondage of sex here in earth. So we feel shame in sex and cover it and body. But when repentance purified one regains spiritual love he/she create spiritual children again being united with Christ as saints do, even here.
So don’t prioritize this carnal body and its accessories as these are lowly.

Culture of pride-hate destroys bonding love within self and with others. Then soul-parts break apart, as we see even here in stark mad people. That is eternal death, where the soul-parts suffer isolation pain eternally.

I an Indian convert from very ancient and proud Brahmin priestly class to Christ 55 years ago worshipping murderer gods was saved from them by obeying enemy-love injunction of Christ. Then I forsook destructive hate of Muslims and began to love and serve them, who drove us out of our homeland by pillage and murder, to be healed by love-integration. Hatred against them had almost destroyed my sanity and soul. Pride-hate can give instant energy like wine but disintegrates later. When we fell from our soul originating Heaven for following pride devil, we spoilt each other as Eve spoilt Adam. All the spoilt humanity including the Muslims are our product. So it is natural that we suffer from pride-spoilt them and others.

Weapons can’t save but destroy others and the weapon wielder too by inciting pride, hate, anger disintegrating all. So Christ said sword will turn against the holder. Our Indian sages also tell that “What you do to others will return to you.”
You may scoff “Christians are the greatest fighters and weapon makers”. Actually those people audaciously calling themselves Christ are ‘worse than Judas Iscariot’. I call myself that. Judas bore with then pauper Christ for 3 years while I wouldn’t 3 days! Don’t judge Christ by these violence worshipping apostate ‘Christians’ and their apostate churches. They have tainted the idea of Christ and his absolute love Heavenly Father by their war inspiring old testament and worse than devil hell-sending god of spurious Revelation, when they made the bible. This they made when they worshipped pride-Devil by collaborating with his protégées roman kings’ warfare to gain religious empire.
Here you may frown as old testament is derived from your scripture, very dear to you. But my Brahmin scripture Vedas was dear to me too. But when in the light of Christ I saw its pride, communalism and brutality I gave it up, though it was very difficult. So difficult was giving up my violent and proud worship seeking gods 55 years ago. Christ said “whoever loves anything above me can’t obey me (absolute love)”. So also you will have to leave your war ordering proud Jehovah to follow absolute love Heavenly Father. He doesn’t seek worship flattery, but that we become like Him as children become like parents. So I am becoming rearing orphans and destitute for 50 years.

Even if nonviolent me is killed by enemy or in all-out war I shall not die in soul disintegrating hate but in saving love. I shall go to love-heaven. You might say that Muslims shall destroy us if we follow Christ’s love-enemy motto, as you had wrongly said in Christ’s time that Romans will destroy us if we follow Christ. But weapons can give you a very low type of short hellish existence spreading hate-hell around. It will promote disintegrating hate and hell for all. Body death is nothing or even beneficial if we die with love. Saints would rather die with love and achieve Love-Heaven to spread love-heaven around as Christ is doing.

So I beseech you, my neighbor, to heed his love-injunction of 2nd commandment. Muslims are most suffering people, being captive to most cruel hell-sending Allah derived from catholic created spurious Revelation god. They can be healed and won by love only. Neither fighting can’t win any of them, nor save you. But love can save a few. If you fight you will be destroyed with them. Moreover you may start atomic world war to send humanity to hate-hell of soul-disintegration.
Don’t say love is futile. Love is the omnipotent God. Our Gandhi won independence from British by his tactics implementing Christ’s principles and is saving India and other peoples from violence still now.

What in Heaven's name do you think you're doing????-- It's none of your business what another (((( "NATION" )))) does!! The "Saved" are to teach "Souls", not Nations. -- (( That's Arrogance )) pure and ( Simple )!!!

Paul -- 071812


New member
Israel's here for the long haul. Get used to it.

(( Israel )), for ( All ) "accounts", or prophesy of God, was destroyed in ((( AD 70 ))). - There can be ( No Argument ) about that!! - The Whole ( point of Israel and God was the ((( Temple ))); it held the "Ark of the Covenant"!!!!!!!!! - And God wiped it out!!!! - The very place for ( Israel ) to worship their God and He turned them over to Satan, and Satan destroyed them all. -- How can Israel do the Lord's pleasure without that "place"?? - Jesus Now has made (( US )) a Place, and it is not the Temple that Then was, but ( a ) Temple where he can dwell. -- Jesus is (( OUR COVENANT ))!!! - It ain't Israel's!!! - It's Christ's Body, the Church, the House of the Christ / God!!

Paul -- 071812


What in Heaven's name do you think you're doing????-- It's none of your business what another (((( "NATION" )))) does!! The "Saved" are to teach "Souls", not Nations. -- (( That's Arrogance )) pure and ( Simple )!!!

Paul -- 071812
Call to love our neighbor includes groups too. We must carry out our prophetic roles fearlessly. If I don’t, I disobey God and He is sure to desert. It is my and universal experience. For that arrogance Christ was crucified and we are to follow him


I am concerned for the intense hate-culturing citizens of Israel. That is sure to destroy their souls according to Christ’s teachings. I am accountable to God for their souls as they are our neighbors and Christ has given me a feeling of responsibility for them
Israel's here for the long haul. Get used to it.


New member
I am concerned for the intense hate-culturing citizens of Israel. That is sure to destroy their souls according to Christ’s teachings. I am accountable to God for their souls as they are our neighbors and Christ has given me a feeling of responsibility for them

Try to get the extremist hate-filled murderous Muslims to change their minds and change their tactics. That would be a good use of your time. Why aren't you worried about their souls?


New member
Call to love our neighbor includes groups too. We must carry out our prophetic roles fearlessly. If I don’t, I disobey God and He is sure to desert. It is my and universal experience. For that arrogance Christ was crucified and we are to follow him

(( WHO )) are you saying is your ( Neighbor )??????? -- Just any ole Christ Hating, and Cursing Fool???? - That's not what He said, ( read ) the rest of it!! ---- Well, - You can't do that!!!!!

Paul - 071912


Try to get the extremist hate-filled murderous Muslims to change their minds and change their tactics. That would be a good use of your time. Why aren't you worried about their souls?

I am doing that living precariously among muslims in Islampur town for 30 years. But I must not be limited to that. Islam originated from Hebrew religion. I must go to their roots for any effort to cure.


(( WHO )) are you saying is your ( Neighbor )??????? -- Just any ole Christ Hating, and Cursing Fool???? - That's not what He said, ( read ) the rest of it!! ---- Well, - You can't do that!!!!!

Paul - 071912

Christ loved his enemies so we should too. Should I not love you too as you declared yourself as enemy in your signature?


New member
Christ loved his enemies so we should too. Should I not love you too as you declared yourself as enemy in your signature?

You'd best check how those words are used before you go much further, -- and you've already gone TOO far!! - If you're right, then God created Hell for his (( loved ones )). --- There's nothing in the Scriptures that teaches to love the ( Enemies of Christ ). However, (( You do )), and you could never ((( Repent ))) of such foolish blindness!!!!!! -- Great teaching of the Truth!!!!!

Paul -- 071912


You'd best check how those words are used before you go much further, -- and you've already gone TOO far!! - If you're right, then God created Hell for his (( loved ones )). --- There's nothing in the Scriptures that teaches to love the ( Enemies of Christ ). However, (( You do )), and you could never ((( Repent ))) of such foolish blindness!!!!!! -- Great teaching of the Truth!!!!!

Paul -- 071912
We all are enemies of Christ. Are you better than boastful Peter who betrayed Jesus? I call myself worse than Judas having no audacity to boast as christian. Still I have to love others, all enemies of Jesus


New member
We all are enemies of Christ. Are you better than boastful Peter who betrayed Jesus? I call myself worse than Judas having no audacity to boast as christian. Still I have to love others, all enemies of Jesus

That's you, the enemies of Christ are (( My Enemies )), so that makes you my enemy also!!!!!! - Thus, you're still dead!!!!

Paul -- 080512


That's you, the enemies of Christ are (( My Enemies )), so that makes you my enemy also!!!!!! - Thus, you're still dead!!!!

Paul -- 080512
Certainly we are enemies to each other and Christ .So still dead I am trying to correct it by following Christ in my efforts to love the enemy. I hope that by that efforts my heart will change and Holy Spirit will make me alive in Christ-like love. Christ certainly helps those who try.



New member
Certainly we are enemies to each other and Christ .So still dead I am trying to correct it by following Christ in my efforts to love the enemy. I hope that by that efforts my heart will change and Holy Spirit will make me alive in Christ-like love. Christ certainly helps those who try.

It's Christ who says how to do that!! - We don't follow our own foolish minds, or some other fool who does things his own way!!!
You've heard of the "Lord's Way", I suppose!! -- It's all in the Word of God; - not in some cursed ( "Creed book" ) written by a bunch of self-appointed gods!!! --- That whole thing of "creed books" is dissgusting!!

Paul -- 091512
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Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Call to love our neighbor includes groups too. We must carry out our prophetic roles fearlessly. If I don’t, I disobey God and He is sure to desert. It is my and universal experience. For that arrogance Christ was crucified and we are to follow him

When you repented you ought to have repented of Islam. Have you been water baptised? It is a testimony to the world and to God that the old man is dead and buried and that you are risen up with Christ to walk in newness of life.

Your posts reveal that you have an awful lot of that dead old man clinging to you. Salvation is of the Jews...Jesus said so.

OK not Islam but something

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Sadhu Sundar Singh is 100 per cent better role model than that rascally Ghandi or that rascally Martin Luther King for that matter.


New member
When you repented you ought to have repented of Islam. Have you been water baptised? It is a testimony to the world and to God that the old man is dead and buried and that you are risen up with Christ to walk in newness of life.

Your posts reveal that you have an awful lot of that dead old man clinging to you. Salvation is of the Jews...Jesus said so.

OK not Islam but something

Totton, - do you know what Baptism is according to God?? - I'm not referring to the modern definition of it, but God's definition? It's not what any of you think it is.

Paul -- 091512


New member
Pardon me for the interruption...........but "who is your neighbor"?
It is clearly revealed in the scripture who your neighbor really as to avoid any confusion does anyone care to post it?